
​圆满中秋 | 星际微光七年完成100个咨询项目

星际微光团队 星际微光 2024-04-15


Interstellar Firefly has achieved 100 projects of investment consulting, strategic consulting, market research, technology assessment and technology transformation services  in the past 7 years from 2016 to 2023, including the following areas. Many appreciations for the support from many clients, colleagues, and friends.


🌟Pharmaceutical industry(药品领域) 

🌟Medical Device(医疗器械)

🌟Health Products(保健品)


🌟Healthcare Service(医疗保健) 

🌟Medical Cosmetology(医美)

🌟Food Market and Food Safety(食品市场和食品安全)

🌟Corporate Due Diligence(企业尽调)

🌟Macro market(宏观市场)

We are based in Beijing, China and serve globally.

We have deeply dived into China market for years.










Food Market /Food Safety


Medical Device

医疗服务Healthcare Service


Corp. Due Diligence


Health Products


Medical Cosmetology



药品领域 Pharmaceutical Industry

1. 运动止痛外敷用药

Market Research on Topical Painkiller for Sports

2. 健脾凝胶

Online Research on the Gel for Improving Spleen Function U&A and Brand Quantitative Investigation

3. 骨质疏松用药

Market Research on TCM for Osteoporosis

4. 重组凝血因子用药

Market Research and Target Screening of Global Recombinant Human Coagulation Factor for M&A

5. 止痛贴膏药品

Traditional Pain Relieving Paste Clinical Statistics Analysis

6. 止血类药物

Global Clinical Research and Analysis of Hemostatic Drugs

7. 银屑病和灰指甲用药

Market Assessment on Clinical Practice and Medical Treatment for Psoriasis and Onychomycosis

8. 妇科外涂用药

 Research on Clinical Practice of Ethnic Medicine with Gynecology Product

9. 神经营养类药物

Global Clinical Research and Analysis of Neurotrophic Drugs

10. 眼药水

Investment Research on Specific Eyedrop and Market Analysis

11. 基于微球技术的药品

M&A and Market Research of Technology of Microsphere based Drugs

12. 妇产科保胎用药

Investment Research on Obstetrics and Gynecology Medicine

13. 抗过敏药物

Investment Research on Antiallergic Drugs

14. 中重度特应性皮炎用药

Investment Research on Medication for Moderate to Severe Atopic Dermatitis

15. 过敏性鼻炎用药

Investment Research on Medication for Allergic Rhinitis

16. 原发性胆汁性胆管炎/肝硬化用药

Investment Research on Medication for Primary Biliary Cholangitis / Cirrhosis

17. 降胆固醇用药

Investment Research on Cholesterol Lowering Drugs

18. 阿尔茨海默病用药

Investment Research on Medication for Alzheimer's Disease

19. 帕金森病用药

Investment Research on Medication for Parkinson's Disease

20. 胆囊胆固醇结石、胆汁淤积性肝病、胆汁反流性胃炎用药

Investment Research on Drugs for Cholesterol Gallstone, Cholestatic Liver Disease and Bile Reflux Gastritis

21. 儿童及青少年多动症用药

Investment Research on Medication for ADHD in Children and Adolescents

22. 成人及儿童癫痫治疗用药

Investment Research on Treatment of Epilepsy in Adults and Children

23. 胃酸过多导致烧心及反酸短期治疗用药

Investment Research on Short Term Treatment of Heartburn and Acid Regurgitation Caused by Excessive Gastric Acid

24. 联合化疗止吐药

Investment Research on Antiemetics Combined with Chemotherapy

25. 止痛用药

Investment Research on Analgesics

26. 疼痛管理用药

Investment Research on Pain Management Medication

27. 解热镇痛用药1

Investment Research on Antipyretic and Analgesic Drugs 1

28. 糖尿病用药_糖尿病性神经病变

Investment Research on Diabetes Medication_Diabetic neuropathy

29. 口服抗凝药

Investment Research on Oral Anticoagulants

30. 胃食管反流病、胃溃疡、消化道出血、幽门螺杆菌相关性胃溃疡用药

Investment Research on Medication for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, Gastric Ulcer, Gastrointestinal Bleeding and Helicobacter Pylori Related Gastric Ulcer

31. 降糖、减肥用药

Investment Research on Hypoglycemic and Weight Reducing Drugs

32. 流感用药1

Investment Research on Influenza Medication_Oral Dry Suspensions

33. 流感用药2

Investment Research on Influenza Medication_Capsule

34. 慢性支气管炎用药

Investment Research on Medication for Chronic Bronchitis

35. 原发性高血压用药

Investment Research on Medication for Essential Hypertension

36. 祛痰用药

Investment Research on Expectorant Drugs

37. 失眠用药

Investment Research on Medication for Insomnia

38. 早泄用药

Investment Research on Medication for Premature Ejaculation

39. 糖尿病用药_GLP-1

Investment Research on Diabetes Medication_GLP-1

40. 糖尿病用药3_α-葡萄糖苷酶抑制剂

Investment Research on Diabetes Medication_α - Glucosidase Inhibitors

41. 抗炎镇痛用药

Investment Research on Antipyretic and Analgesic Drugs_Anti Inflammatory and Analgesic Drugs

42. 抗癫痫药

Investment Research on Antiepileptic

43. 糖尿病神经病变用药

Global Clinical Practice Research on Diabetes Medication_Diabetic Neuropathy

44. 胃癌用药

Investment Assessment on Gastric Cancer Medication

45. 膀胱癌用药

Investment Assessment on Bladder Cancer Medication

46. 糖尿病肾病用药

Investment Assessment on Diabetic Nephropathy Medication

47. 口服GLP-1促分泌剂

Investment Assessment on Oral GLP-1 Secretagogue

48. 长效II型糖尿病药物

Investment Assessment on Long-acting Drugs for Type 2 Diabetes

49. 干眼症用药

Investment Assessment on Xerophthalmia Medication

50. 人工泪液

Market Research on Artificial Tears

51. 新型创面抗菌药

Market Research on Novel Antibacterial Agents for Wound

52. 骨质疏松西药

Market Research on the Novel Medicine for Osteoporosis

53. 戒烟药

Investment Assessment on Smoking Cessation Drugs

54. 生物药

Global Biopharma Assessment and Deal Sourcing for Leading Biopharma Company

55. 帕金森创新药

Market Assessment of Parkinson Market and New R&.D Opportunities of Innovative Medication

56. 创新型疫苗

New R&D Opportunities Assessment for Innovative Vaccines for AMR, MenB, Gonorheea,DTaP Gonorheea,DTaP

医疗器械 Medical Device

57. 睡眠障碍

Market Research on Sleeping Disorders

58. 血型鉴定

Market Research on Blood Testing

59. 医护用品

Market Research on Medical Supplies

60. 临床分子诊断

Market Research on Clinical IVD

61. 新型透析液

Market Research on Novel Peritoneal Dialysis Solution

62. 痔疮手术设备 

Investment Research on Surgery Device for Hemorrhoids

63. 透析全流程管理

Market Research on Whole Process Management of Peritoneal Dialysis

64. 血凝检验设备‍‍‍‍

Market Research on Medical Equipment for Hemostasis 

65. 血气检验设备

Market Research on Medical Equipment for BGA 

66. 自免检验设备

Market Research on Medical Equipment for Autoimmunity 

67. 手术机器人

Due Diligence of Surgical Robots Market

68. 肝胆外科手术器械和设备

Market Research of the Clinical Practice of Hepatobiliary Surgery Devices

69. 神经外科手术器械和设备

Market Research of the Clinical Practice of Neurosurgery Devices

70. 普外科手术器械和设备

Market Research of the Clinical Practice of General Surgery Devices

71. 骨外科手术器械和设备

Market Research of the Clinical Practice of Orthopedics Surgery Devices

72. CBCT(锥形束CT)

Technology Transfer Assessment_CBCT Potential Market and Valuation

73. 口腔种植牙耗材、器械、设备技术前瞻和市场预测

Dental Market &. Technology Assessment for Potential Investment Opportunities

74. 口腔隐形正畸耗材、器械、设备技术前瞻和市场预测

Dental Market &. Technology Assessment for Potential Investment Opportunities

75. 口腔3D打印耗材、器械、设备技术前瞻和市场预测

Dental Market &. Technology Assessment for Potential Investment Opportunities

76. 口腔椅旁数字化器械、设备技术前瞻和市场预测

Dental Market &. Technology Assessment for Potential Investment Opportunities

77. 人工智能医疗项目评估

Technology and Market Assessment of AI+healthcare

78. 移动医疗可穿戴设备项目评估‍‍‍‍

Technology and Market Assessment of Wearable Healthcare Device

保健品 Health Products

79. 补锌

Market Research on Zinc Supplements

80. 抗衰老保健品

Market Research on Anti-aging Healthcare Products

生物技术 Biotechnology

81. 基因编辑领域

Due Diligence of Gene Editing Market

82. 干细胞用于骨关节炎领域

Investment Due Diligence on Stem Cell Treatment for Arthritis Population

医疗服务 Healthcare Service

83. CRO服务

M&A Service for CRO, AI, Big Data Corporations

84. CME机构

Market Research of Continuing Medical Education

85. 民营医院市场

Market Investigation on Private Hospital Sector

86.  高端医院市场

Market Investigation on High-end Hospital Sector

87.  日本麻醉教育领域

Exploring the Potential of Virtual Reality Technology in Anesthesia Education in Japan

88.  日本人寿保险市场

Current Status and Future Development Trends of Japan's Life Insurance Market

医美 Medical Cosmetology

89. 医美

Research on Clinical Practice of Medical Cosmetics

食品市场/食品安全 Food Market/Food Safety

90. 婴儿配方奶粉

Online Investigation for Infant formula, Infant Supplements, Infant Healthcare Products

91. 工业微生物和食品安全

Market Research on Industrial Microbiology Testing Technology

92. 工业微生物和食品安全

Market Research on the Testing Technology of Food Safety

93. 食品安全检测

Research and Analysis on New Media Communication for Food Safety and Relevant Biotechnology

企业尽调 Corporate Due Diligence

94. 创投基金

Background Investigation on Investors

95. 创业企业

Due Diligence on Start-ups

96. 中小企业 

Due Diligence on Corporate

其他领域 Others

97. 英国文化市场

Market Research on British Cultural Market and Potential in China

98. 粤港澳大湾区创业者生态调研

Study on the Ecosystem of GBA Start-ups

99. 粤港澳企业家出海东盟调研

Study on the Ecosystem of GBA Enterprises for Asean Market

100. 疫情后粤港澳企业家出海东盟深访和战略分析

How GBA Enterprises Prepare for the Post-Covid Expansion to ASEAN

与 时 俱 进, 砥 砺 前 行 !

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星际微光(北京)咨询顾问有限公司 版权所有


