
Wait, never what?我眼里的NEVEREST

小北 Neverest Climbing Gym 2022-11-14


Guru Bei shares his wisdom on Neverest:
“Give me a goddamn break.”

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Six good-for-nothings sitting together on a same mat and staring at other climbing savvy gods would never imagine one day they would open up their own bouldering gym. God knows how many rounds of drink they had before they came up with this genius idea. I’m all about peace and love, and I’m not trying to throw dirt on these young fellows, but come on, let’s be real for a second.



Of them all, I know Brad the best. Simply cuz he spent a lot of time in the climbing gyms, during which he pretty much stares at his food delivery app. When being asked if he wants to climb, he usually says “my finger hurts”, or “I twisted my hip”, or “I’m too old for that.” However, if you ask him out for beers or clubbing, he never refuses.


Ashley? Yea, words on the street is when you can’t see her in Shanghai, she’s probably climbing out in the wild, doing some 9C crazy stuff. Yea right, she chatted her time away, even if no one is really listening to her. People say the last ones walking out of a gym are the ones working the hardest. False. They’re the ones talking the hardest, and it’s Ashley.


I don’t really know the rest of the dumb dumb crew, but anyone in their right mind would see this gym plan as suspicious as a Class A Pyramid Scheme. Do you know what it takes to open a bouldering gym? You have to find a place for it, get all kinds of licenses, deal with construction workers, go through rounds of designing, ordering holds from companies, installing mats, setting the routes, Blah blah blah. All these are work, and it’s almost too much work. I mean if it’s Alex Honnold and his homies, certainly, they should most definitely own a climbing gym. But these guys? Dream on.

剩下的傻傻团队我就不太认识了。不过能被这两个大佬拉到这个比P2P好不了多少的项目里,你就知道他们都是撞过猪的人。开一个抱石馆有多少事?多到死的事。先要找个合适的位置,然后各种打点不同的证件,接下来是几轮岩馆设计,还得和施工队斗智斗勇,再从不同的公司买攀岩点,安装垫子,找人定线,等等等等。人都是要死的,干嘛非要开岩馆?实际上啊,像Alex Hannold这种人开岩馆,那我不会多说半句,毕竟这是天经地义的。但是这几个虾兵蟹将?洗洗睡吧。

Nas once said “I never sleep, cuz sleep is the cousin of death.” But for these dr-gym-mers, they are pretty much still sleep walking. One of them invested tuition money of a master program into the gym, and she was talked into this masterplan while drinking beer on a street curb at 3 in the morning. Most of people who are awake at 3 am are probably having non-protected sex. One of them, a professional photographer, leaves his camera gears out in his apartment eating dust, while he spends hours powdering his hands with bags of chalk, or swiping tinder or whatever. Another one, after spending years on his architect degree and license, and working up from an intern boy to a senior architect, chose to design climbing walls instead of building great metropolitan cities for the Belt and Road Initiative. Allen Ginsburg saw the best minds of his generation destroyed by madness, and I see the best of my generation destroyed by white powder and rocks. No, stupid. Not crack rocks, it’s climbing rocks. [sweat] [sweat]. But you get what I’m saying.

Nas在他的歌里说:“我从不睡觉,因为睡眠就是死亡的二表哥。”但是这几个人明显还在梦游当中。其中一个人半夜3点坐在马路牙子上喝啤酒时,一拍肚子,把自己的研究生学费贡献到了岩馆里。正常人3点都在忙着生孩子,这个人3点钟一下子把孩子学费都花完了。还有一个职业摄影师,把自己相机器材天天留在家里吃灰,自己则啪啪地往手上拍灰(粉)。还有一个好不容易从建筑系学成毕业,考了各种证,从一个在办公室端茶送水的实习生熬成了一名资深建筑师。当一带一路正需要他的贡献时,他却背叛了这项伟大事业,参与到了墙壁设计中来。诗人艾伦·金斯贝格曾在诗里写过,“我见证我一代的精灵 陷于疯狂而垮掉”。今天,我也看到了和我一代的精灵们迷失于石头和粉末中。(抱石的镁粉,别多想)

But hey, like the hell you guys care about all that nonsense. I say it cuz they are my stupid friends (stupid enough to buy the only moon shaped hold in the world from a bunch of Russian comrades), and I do look out for people with a low IQ. But you are just looking for a new place to climb. But guess what, these guys actually got their stuff together, and their new climbing gym is opening soon! So maybe give them a chance, I mean they don’t accomplish much anyways, and come check out their new gym Neverest. (what a dumb name…)




试营业时间 | Soft Opening Hour12:00-23:00 周一至周五(疫情期间营业提前至22:00结束) 10:00-22:00 周六、周日12:00-23:00 Monday-Friday (Close at 22:00 during the pandemic)10:00-22:00 Saturday, Sunday
联系我们 | Contact UsTel: 136 3642 9392 or 150 2686 5027Email: neverestclimbing@hotmail.comInstagram: @neverest_climbing_gym
地址 | Address: 上海市普陀区中潭路65号2层(轨道交通3号线4号线中潭路站、13号线江宁路站)- 2nd Floor, 65 Rd. Zhongtan, Shanghai (MTR Line 3 & 4 Zhongtan Road Station, MTR Line 13 Jiangning Road Station)

