
Join our Advisor team and we promote you for FREE!

Follow us ➤ AnyShanghai 2020-08-28

What is AnyShanghai Advisor?

AnyShanghai Advisor is a service operated by AnyShanghai to provide professional suggestions and solutions to Shanghai expat communities.

Benefits of becoming an Advisor

For the community:

  • Expats can receive professional answers and insights from industry experts.

  • Help increase engagement in AnyShanghai WeChat groups and online communities.

For Advisors:

  • Be featured on AnyHelper major WeChat platforms every day and weekly on AnyShanghai (“Advisor of the Week” series)

  • Be referred to our customers in AnyHelper Q&A system.

  • 20% off discount on AnyHelper services (visas, company registration, job searching, etc.)

Who are the Advisors? (swipe left)

How can I join?

If you are professional and knowledgeable in certain fields, you are welcomed to join the AnyShanghai Advisor team!

Long press the code to apply.

Any questions?

Connect with AnyShanghai community advisor Anna via the code (long press).

AnyShanghai Advisors

AnyShanghai Advisors provide professional suggestions and solutions to the expat communities in Shanghai. If you have questions related to their expertise, feel free to contact them.

Can't extract the code? Click to enlarge the name card and long press on the code.

And more (Swipe LEFT)

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