

复旦新学术 语言与全球治理 2022-12-06



1. A transfer approach

to Spanish language education policy

Joaquin Garrido

Catedrático de Universidad, Spain


The transfer turn of language education policy in Spain is developing new resources for the transfer to the classroom teaching practice of both grammar and pragmatics in Spain. The new journal “ReGroc” approaches grammatical theory from the viewpoint of the grammar skills first-language speakers need to develop in the classroom, with Bosque and Gallego’s seminal paper “Grammar in secondary education” setting the stage in 2018. The traditionally lively field of Spanish as an additional language is also being updated by the practice-oriented research than offers new inroads to activity development for classroom teachers, such as the 2021 collection on “Strategies to communicate” edited by Sara Robles. Both fields of Spanish language teaching are so profiting from a transfer turn, where advances in theoretical topics of grammar and discourse are developed from the viewpoint of practice of the Spanish language teaching community.

华金·加里多(Joaquin Garrido),西班牙籍,教授供职于西班牙康普顿斯大学,曾任美国新墨西哥州阿尔伯克基市塞万提斯学院负责人及西班牙佩拉尤国际大学副校长,于多所欧美大学讲学,兼任美国新墨西哥大学客座教授及访问学者,还曾在中央民族大学、上海外国语大学、复旦大学及北京外国语大学等国内院校讲学。目前,加里多教授担任西班牙康普顿斯大学“话语与媒体”研究团队负责人及SSCI期刊《语言学在交际中的应用》(Circulo de Linguistica Aplicada a la Comunicación)主编,出版多部专著,内容涉及逻辑与语言学、西班牙语、文体与文本等。

2. Investigating boredom

in L2 learning and teaching: 

An overview of current issues

Mirosław Pawlak

Adam Mickiewicz University, Kalisz, Poland

State University of Applied Sciences, Konin, Poland


Although the role of individual differences in second and foreign language (L2) learning and teaching has long been recognized and considerable empirical evidence has been accumulated in this respect (cf. Dörnyei & MacIntyre, 2015; Pawlak, 2020), the field has continued to evolve, some constructs have been reconceptualized and new concepts have caught the attention of specialists. An important facet of individual variation is constituted by negative and positive emotions that are bound to impact both the process and product of L2 learning. One such negative emotion is boredom, which can be described as a complex, multifaceted and multidimensional construct (Ally, 2008; Pawlak et al., 2020), and which is by and large a newcomer to SLA research. While the number of studies investigating boredom is on the rise (e.g., Derakhshan  et al., 2021; Kruk, 2020; Li, 2021; Pawlak et al., 2020), there is still much that remains to be uncovered about this aversive emotion and the ways in which it affects L2 learning both inside and outside the classroom. The talk provides an overview of current research on boredom in learning an additional language, evaluates the instruments that have been used for this purpose and charts the directions of future empirical investigations in this area.

米罗斯瓦夫·帕夫拉克(Mirosław Pawlak),波兰人文学科教授,波兹南密茨凯维奇大学教育学和艺术系和科宁国立高等职业学校语言学系教授。他的研究兴趣包括外语课程中的互动过程、学习和教学口语技巧、沟通策略、学生自主和学习策略、语法学习策略、发音学习策略、个体差异,特别是语言学习外语的动机、沟通准备和学习者的信念、外语语音教学、学习和教学语言形式、语言错误的纠正和语言知识的评估。多家国际期刊编委和学术会议的组织者。SSCI期刊《二语教学研究》(Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching)主编。

3. Science in translation: 

The role of translation 

in shaping scholarly thinking

and writing

Krisztina KÁROLY

Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary


The translation of scientific/academic texts has received less attention in research than other fields of non-literary translation despite the fact that translation has played a significant role in the evolution of scientific thinking and in shaping academic writing conventions. This talk first highlights the relationship between science and translation, and offers some disciplinary perspectives of translating academic discourse. The second part of the talk reviews the most important outcomes of the theoretical and empirical study of science/academic translation relating to various language pairs, genres and disciplines. Special emphasis is laid on the translation of texts produced in academic communication in education systems for academic purposes on the one hand, and on those produced in scholarly communication within the international research community for research purposes on the other. The talk concludes by enumerating the implications of the findings of research for translation and translator training.

克里斯蒂娜·卡罗利(Károly Krisztina),匈牙利籍,罗兰大学英语和美国研究学院英语语言教育学系主任;罗兰大学语言教育学和英语应用语言学博士项目主任。SSCI期刊《跨语言文化》(Across Languages and Cultures)的联合主编。匈牙利科学院语言学委员会成员和应用语言学工作委员会主席。

4. Language teacher agency for professional development

Xuesong (Andy) Gao  

University of New South Wales, Australia  


Jian Tao 

Shanghai University

of Finance and Economics, China


This talk is based on our joint publication with the related title at Cambridge Elements Series. In the talk, we present the notion of language teacher agency as a key construct for us to understand language teachers’ professional practice and development. We will answer the ‘what’ question, offering major conceptualisations of agency and explaining how they shape the way that language teacher agency can be approached. Then we continue with the ‘why’ question and elaborate on the different reasons that language teacher agency matters at multiple levels of a given context. We also discuss how it intersects with such concepts as teacher identity, emotion, belief and knowledge. We conclude the talk with suggestions on how to promote teacher agency through making changes to contexts and/or actors.    

高雪松,澳大利亚新南威尔士大学教育学院副教授,博士生导师,国际青年应用语言学者联盟理事长,国际应用语言学权威期刊《系统》(System,SSCI一区刊物)联合主编之一、SSCI期刊《语言中的应用语言学国际评论》(International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching)主编,SSCI期刊《亚太教育者》(The Asia-pacific Education Researcher)资深副主编,SAGE OPEN期刊教育专栏负责人。

陶坚,上海财经大学外国语学院副教授,国际应用语言学权威期刊《系统》(System,SSCI一区刊物)编委。研究方向为外语教师发展及教育政策,在Teaching and Teacher Education,Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development,English for Specific Purposes等SSCI期刊以及《现代外语》《外语与外语教学》等CSSCI期刊发表论文20余篇。

5. 多语种教师发展的宏观因素


郑咏滟 鹿秀川



研究主要分为两个阶段。第一阶段使用了Q方法,发现中国高校西班牙语教师中存在三种类型的教学信念,分别是“综合能力培养型”、“西语产出聚焦型”和“社会互动强调型”。结果显示,中国的西班牙语教师不再固化在以教师中心为主要教学信念的传统维度上,相反,他们的教学信念在教师中心往学生中心过渡的连续体上移动发展,逐渐向学生中心信念倾斜。研究第二阶段基于Bronfenbrenner(1979)的生态学理论,通过对参与者的访谈,结果显示四个层面的因素:高等教育背景和跨文化经历(micro level),学校政策、课程设置方案及学生反馈和意愿(meso level),社会经济环境(exo level)和文化及传统哲学意识(macro level),不同层级的因素也会产生交互作用,影响教师的教学信念。本研究揭示了在多语教育崛起的当今中国,高校西班牙语教师与英语教师所展示出的不同的信念及其影响因素,可以加深我们对中国环境下多语种教育的认识和理解,同时对多语种教师的职业发展也可提供借鉴。

郑咏滟应用语言学博士,复旦大学外文学院教授、博导,现任外文    学院副院长。中美富布赖特高级研究学者(2016-2017),入选复旦大学“卓越2025”人才培育计划,复旦大学外文学院多语研究创新团队带头人。获得上海市第十四届哲学社会科学优秀成果学术学科类(论文类)一等奖。研究兴趣:第二语言习得、复杂动态系统理论、双语及多语发展。主持包括国家社科基金、教育部人文社科项目、上海市哲学社科项目等多项省部级以上项目。近年来出版学术专著(编著)三本,发表中英文学术论文60余篇。担任国际SSCI著名期刊《系统》 (System)副主编,SSCI著名期刊《语言文化课程》(Language, Culture and Curriculum)候任主编,国际20余本期刊的审稿人。主讲课程《论文写作》获评首批国家级线上线下混合式一流课程,课程教材《英语学术论文写作:初学者实践指南》2021年由复旦大学出版社出版。


6. 工具人还是能动者:



沈骑 康铭浩 



沈骑:同济大学外国语学院教授、博士生导师、博士后合作导师,同济大学语言规划与全球治理研究中心主任,上海市“曙光学者”,国际青年应用语言学者联盟副理事长兼秘书长,长三角语言治理研究联盟副理事长兼秘书长,主要从事语言政策与规划、教育语言学与社会语言学研究,《教育语言学》 (Educational Linguistics(De Gruyter))执行主编,SSCI期刊《语言政策》(Language Policy (Q1) )、《多语及多文化发展杂志》(Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development (Q1))及《当代外语研究》《语言战略研究》等CSSCI期刊编委,主编SSCI期刊中国专刊2期,在国内外SSCI,A&HCI及CSSCI等重要期刊发表论文120余篇,在科睿唯安WOS“社会科学”领域发表ESI高被引论文1篇(前1%),多篇论文被《中国社会科学文摘》《高校文科学报学术文摘》《人大复印资料·语言文字学》转载。




  • 外语教师教育

  • 外语教师专业认同

  • 外语教师职业规划

  • 外语教师发展政策与实践及其评价

  • 外语教师科研能力与科研投入

  • 外语教师教学能力

  • 外语教师发展的影响因素

  • 外语教师职业倦怠
















审核:沈 骑


