

Frank Love English 2 2022-12-23

How much time do you spend negotiating with weakness? Doing the little debate in your head, you probably need another day off.  Negative,  you felling don't matter. That's the deal. You may  fell like doing something,  maybe you don't feel like doing something,  don't matter. And instead of not doing it, just go ahead and go through the motions, go through the motions, get it done. 



negotiate [nɪˈɡoʊʃieɪt]  v.谈判;磋商;协商;商定;达成(协议);通过,越过(险要路段)

negotiation 的回构词,

neg -否认 + oti 闲暇 + ate动词后缀 ——休闲——谈判

与otiose [ˈoʊʃioʊs] (adj.多余的;无用的)是同源词

The government will not negotiate with terrorists.



debate [dɪˈbeɪt]  n.(在公共集会上或议会里就某问题进行的、常以表决结束的)辩论;(各自发表不同意见的)争论,辩论,讨论   v.(尤指正式)讨论,辩论;仔细考虑;思考;盘算

de 加强 + bat 击打 + e——加强打击——辩论词源同beat,batter

a debate on abortion


Get out there and go what you're supposed to do, don't negotiate with weakness, kill it. Weather you fell like it or not, things aren't always gonna go your way, you actually have to make them go your way. Things are going to get harder, things are going to get tougher, it's the way life works.


What you need to do is you need to get harder and you need to get tougher, get your mind right. You get aggressive and you attack and go get some.


We bitch about everything in life, but we do nothing about it, very few people do anything about it.

 I'm fat, I'm out of shape…'


What are you doing about it? You gotta,  take action in your life,  find a solution to your fucking problems. Don't be the problem, take action. For every action there's an opposite reaction, if all you do is bitch, nothing is going to happen in your life. Take action, take control. life is always giving you a test, trying give you a way out , trying to give you an excuse not to show up. But guess what?  you gotta have the mentality to show up every fucking day of your life.



③tougher [ˈtʌfər] adv.强硬地;顽强地   adj.艰苦的;艰难的;棘手的;严厉的;强硬的;无情的;坚强的;健壮的;能吃苦耐劳的;坚韧不拔的tough[tʌf]的比较级

The government warned that police would take tougher measures to contain the trouble


④mentality [menˈtæləti]  n.心态;思想状况;思想方法

mental 心里的 + ity 名词后缀 —— 心里状态

mental  [ˈmentl]  adj.思想的;精神的;思考的;智力的;精神病治疗的;精神健康的;疯狂;发疯

ment 头脑,智力 + al形容词后缀——智力的;精神的 

心里健康就是mental health, 精神病 mental illness,心里年龄mental age

He has a complete mental block when it comes to physics.


No matter what life throws at you, it's a responsibility to show up to the colosseum of life and prepare for battle. I don't care what you're going through, it's your responsibility to find you new 100%. Take it upon yourself to do that, to be someone who's successful in anything in life, you've got to make the decision to move, Instead of us bitching and whining. Let's make a ripple in society by being different. 


We are not the going to be the people who cry, we are not going to be the people who make excuses. We are going to be the people to go out and make excuses no fucking and get our shit down. 


Jump into action, make that call, sent that email, read that 15 pages of that book, have that meeting, work on the design. That's what successful people do. We are people who go out and fucking execute. We are people who let our success and let our progress do the fucking talking for us. Commit to doing the fucking work that it's going to take to get you in you ideal situation.


⑤ripple [ˈrɪpl]  n.波纹;细浪;涟漪;(外观或运动)如波纹的东西;起伏的声音  v.(使)如波浪般起伏;扩散;涌起

可能来自rip, 撕开,撕裂,le 表示反复,引申词义波浪,涟漪。


⑥commit [kəˈmɪt]  v.做出(错或非法的事);犯(罪或错等);自杀;承诺,保证(做某事、遵守协议或遵从安排等)把……交托给

com 共同 + mit 送 —— 共同派送—— 委托, 词根mit =miss=mess

commitment [kəˈmɪtmənt]  n.承诺;许诺;允诺承担;保证;(对工作或某活动)献身,奉献,投入;已承诺(或同意)的事;不得不做的事。



