
纽约市长回应女儿参加抗议被捕:她如此关心这个世界 我为她骄傲

Kenneth Love English 2 2022-12-23

As has been reported, my daughter Chiara was arrested at a protest.I want you first to know that many many parents can appreciate this. She is 25 years old and did not inform Chirlane and I of inention to get arrested. I knew she had participated a few nights ago, but in a peaceful manners. And when I found out she had been arrested finally reached her with Chirlane. We asked her to recount the whole story. Look, I love my daughter deeply, I honor her. She is such a good human being, she only wants to do good in the world. She wants to see a better and peaceful world, she believes a lot of change is needed. I am proud of her that she cares so much and she was willing to go out there and do something about it. She recounted the story in details to me, she was acting peacefully, she believes that everything she did was in the spirit of peaceful, respectful protest. And the bottom line is that I will let her speak of herself in any way that she wants to. But I admire that, she was out there trying to change something that she thought was unjust and doing it in peaceful manner.


①protest  美 [ˈproʊtest , prəˈtest]  n.抗议;抗议书(或行动);反对    v.(公开)反对;抗议;坚决地表示;申辩

pro 在前 + test 测试;证据 → 在前面论证 → 坚决声明 → 引申为表示抗议

其同源词有 attest, testament等。

The announcement raised a storm of protest .


participate [pɑːrˈtɪsɪpeɪt]  v.参加;参与

part 部分 + cip 承担,抓住 + ate 动词后缀 → 承担一部分 → 成为其中一部分 → 参加,参与

We encourage students to participate fully in the running of the college.


③recount [rɪˈkaʊnt , ˈriːkaʊnt , ˌriːˈkaʊnt]  v.讲述,叙述(亲身经历)  v.重数;重新清点(选票)  n. 重新计算

re 再 + count 计算 → 再次计算 → 重新叙述

They recounted what had happened during those years.


④bottom line [ˌbɑːtəm ˈlaɪn]  n.要旨;基本论点;底线;最终赢利(或亏损);损益表底线;可接受的最低价格;底价

The bottom line is that we have to make a decision today.


She says £95,000 is her bottom line.



