

Love English 2 2022-12-23




《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集


Here is a natural spectacle.

Here is a wonderland.

Here will be the focus of the world.

Under the guidance of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and China NGO Network for International Exchanges, China Council for Brand Development, 2018 Silk Road Business Summit is jointly orgnized by China Chamber of International Commerce, Zhangjiajie Municipal Goverment, China Association for Friendship, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Hunan Sub-Council and Silk Road Chamber of Inernationa Commerce and supported by many international associations and institutions.

An International event, a cultural feast, a business gathering, here comes 2018 Silk Road Business Summit in Zhangjiajie City.

The summit is themed with a New Era of Openness, A new platform for Development and A New Hunan Province.

Topic of the panels include Joining Hands to Build a Community with a shared Future for the Common Development of Global Business in Peace and Coopration. Safeguard the Multilateral Trade System, Building an Open World Economy. Facilitating the Blet and Road Internatinal Economy and Trade Cooperation in the New Era and Promoting the Cultural Exchanges, Inernational Tourism and building a Beautifu New World.

The Summit is composed of keynote speaches. Agreement singing and award pressenting and six parallel forums.

The summit aims to build a multilateral trade platform drive the establishment of international standards, promote the Belt and Road international branding and explore new modes of cultural exchanges.

The release of 2018 Sikl Road Business Summit Zhangjiajie Consensus and Zhangjiajie Consensue-Acupuncture and Moxibution of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Hunan Health.

SRCIC sets its sail from HongKong Victoria Harbor.

SRCIC drives for Pragmatic Cooperation from the starting point of the ancient Sikl Road-Xi’an.

SRCIC starts its new journey from the world wonderland-Zhangjiajie.

The summit will once win the world attention and influence the international industrial and commercial communities.

It’s to become the focus of global media, with the paticipation and promotion from state politicans government officials, business leaders and other distinguished guests from international communities.

We dreams on the Sikl Road.

We work on the Sikl Road.

We celebrate on the Silk Road.

Let’s wish a great success to 2018 Silk Road Business Summit in Zhangjiajie City. 



《伊索寓言》—(Aesop's Fables)全30集
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Bigger Starts Here 浙江大学124年校庆宣传片

