
中国范儿 74 腊八节:过了腊八就是年

Love English 2 2022-12-23










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山东临沂的小朋友在辨认制作腊八粥的食材。新华社发(张春雷 摄)

Laba porridge sweetens run-up to Chinese New Year


Stewingamixture ofa widerange of grainlike rice, millet andsorghum with red beans, kidney beans, red dates, peanuts, lotus seedsand other dried fruits for a while, one can make a bowl of steamy, savory Laba porridge. In the traditional Chinese lunar calendar, the eighth day of December, orla yue, is calledLaba, also known as the Laba Rice Porridge Festival.It’s a tradition to drink a bowl of warm Laba porridge on this day, feeling the warmth all over the body as well astasting thefestiveflavor of the upcomingChinese New Year. 


从炎帝黄帝开始,中国人就在一岁之末、新旧交替之际,用猎获的肉类祭祀祖先神明,这样的祭祀称为“猎祭”。而在古汉语中“猎”可通假为“腊”, 因而最后一个月也被称为腊月。“猎祭”的习俗后来与佛教的“法宝节”相融合,最终在中国的南北朝时期固定在了腊月的初八,形成了中国传统的腊八节。人们在一天祭祀门神、户神、宅神、灶神、井神等,以欢庆丰收和驱疫禳灾。
Starting from the times ofemperors of Yan andHuang, Chinese would use the hunted meat assacrifices topay tribute to their ancestors and gods at the end of one year,a practice known as “hunting sacrifices”. In ancient Chinese, the word“hunting”can be used in similar ways with another word“La”, thusthelastmonth of a year being called“la yue”.This tradition later was integrated withcelebrations of the daySakyamuni became the Buddha thousands years ago, whichwasdecided to be the eighth day of la yue each year during the Northern and Southern Dynasties.The Laba Rice Porridge Festival then came into being.People would offer sacrifices to gods of door,house, kitchen and others to celebrate harvestanddrive away plagues and disasters.


China has a vast territory and abundant resources, resulting in a variety ofuniqueseasonal foods enjoyed on the festival in different regions.

Besides the most common Laba porridge, locals in the east China’s Anhui Province will eat Laba tofu; people in west China’sQinghai will cook the freshly crushed wheat kernels with beef and mutton to make a specialrice dish; in thecentral Shaanxi area famous for its love for noodles,peopleeatLaba noodles instead ofporridge. While these foods have marked regional features,thereis somethingsame:allare made from themost simple and common localingredients, which also allows people across the country to taste the harvest in abowlafter one year’s hardwork. 
黄山市西递镇叶村手艺人制作的“腊八豆腐”新华社发(施亚磊 摄)


In addition to the variety of food made from grain, some unique foods are popular in many places. For example, in north China, people willmarinate fresh garlic cloves in vinegar to make Laba garlic, while in some areas, people even eat ice on this day.



The eighth day of the twelfth lunar month coincides with the coldestperiod in winter in northChina.The arrival of Laba also indicates that the Spring Festival is just around the corner. For many Chinese, Laba marks the start ofthefestivephase of the Spring Festival.Finish a bowl of warm Laba porridge and look outside, one might find the streets and alleyways seem to alsowarm up in festivity. One popular folkchildrenrhyme starts with“kids, kids, holdyour mouth waterasthe Spring Festival willarrive soon after theLaba”. It’s fair to say that Laba is the prelude to the ChineseNew Year, asafterLaba, people will kill the pigs for the Spring Festival, do new year shopping, marinate the bacon, and prepare for celebrations of a happy and auspicious Chinese NewYear.



“Love English 2”一周年了!

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