

Love English 2 2022-12-23









Amazing China《美丽中国》全集


《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集
演说者:Federico Pistono
I must say, this is my first time in Taiwan,Actually, my first in Asia.I'm really excited.and, um, thank you.I've only been here for two days, but谢谢你们的邀请,我很荣幸来到这里。
Before I speak I’ve got something important to say.This is ted, so they told me to be very brief and to the point, concise.so I promise I'll as brief as possible no matter how long it takes.开始之前我得先讲件重要的事,他们说因为是TED。必须简洁有力,所以不管讲多长 我一定都会非常简洁有力的。
I come from a conference that was held in Doha, Qatar。At the international education resources network summit one of the most important conference in the world about education.And I've done in a couple of other times.我刚从卡塔尔的多哈会议回来,关于国际教育资源网络的会议,是全球关于教育最重要的会议之一,我之前已经参加过很多次了。
So,right.successful running around the world everything was laid out for me,not.and I come from a small village in the north of Italy.from a lower middle class family,actually to be perfectly honest, to European standard ,pretty poor family,and if I look back in my past I realize that very few would bet on me.所以说,像这样。踏遍世界各地,我好像一开始就得天独厚,但其实不是这样。我来自北意大利的小村庄,我的家庭是属于中下阶层。其实以欧洲的标准来说是蛮穷的家庭。回首过去的我,看起来将来似乎不太会成功。
I was, you know, one of the losers,I was kind of a nerd.And proud of it, it was fun.still am. so um.But i mean, the school environment was really tough.you have to fight your way out.When I say fight, I don't mean in the metaphorical term.I mean, literally, fight.我以前是所谓的loser,算是个书呆子。而且当时我很以此为傲,现在仍是。我要说的是当时的学校环境很糟,糟到你必须去打斗。我说打斗不是比喻,是真的要「打」。
And as you can tell,it is me right there,the tough looking one。that. yeah,I was clearly the strongest and the biggest of the whole bunch.no problem for me there你可以看到这张照片,我在这里,看起来最凶猛的那个。恩。我是那群最强壮最大只的一位,没问题的。
when I was 14 I had to decide the high school to attend,And my teacher, he said to my mom。Ms...I'm sorry but your son is not one of the smart kids,not the one. He's, you know, kind of stupid,he was asking weird questions.You should just send him to work.我十四岁那年,得决定去哪所高中。那时我的老师告诉我妈妈。很抱歉,你儿子不是个聪明的孩子。他有点驽钝。他老是问些奇怪的问题。你该让他直接去工作。
You know, don't bother send him to school,Certainly don't send him to Ginnasio, the toughest school in the country.I mean, ever。So my parents have been obviously the awesome parents they are。They didn't listen the piles of nonsense不要让他继续读书了,尤其不需要送他去升学高中。那些是全国竞争最激烈的学校。不过显然我爸妈是很棒的家长。他们根本不听那些胡诌的话。
And they send me precisely to the school that they said I'll never be able to make it.And two years later I was given a chance。I won a full scholarship for a very prestigious school.In the north of Italy, closely to Slovenia, it's called United World College他们就把我送去那所其他人认为我绝对无法去的学校,两年后我得到个机会。一间非常有名的大学给了我一笔全额奖学金。学校是在意大利北部,叫做联合世界书院。
Its mission was to make education a force to unite people,nations and cultures for peace and a sustainable future.Just like my previous school. same thing.Yeah I was kind of like that.But this is my turning point.学校的愿景是让教育成为整合人民、国家、文化的力量,以迈向和平和永续的未来。这愿景跟我之前的学校一样,差不多是这样啦。但这是我人生的转折点
In that school I had amazing teachers. They were the best.Because more than just teachers,they were mentors.They were guides, and they were friends.They told us that we could be everything we wanted,We could do anything in our lives.在那所学校,我有最棒的老师。不止是知识传授者,他们还是心灵导师。他们引导了我,也是我的好朋友。老师们说我们可以变成任何想成为的人,我们可以完成任何想做的事情。
If we believe we can do it,if we had a plan and if we acted on it right and making peace on earth was not a hippie dream It could have been a reality.So that gave me the vision and the strength to take on many challenges that have gone through my life.只要我们相信做得到,只要我们有计划,只要我们去实践。即使世界和平也不是嬉皮梦。它可以实践。这拓展我的视野,也赐给我力量去接受人生中的各种挑战。
It brought me where I am today.If I'd listened to my teacher back in my previous school,I am probably sweeping the floor of the school by now.But how many kids didn't have this opportunity?It's nice to say the success story of one guy。How many people are stuck in the small town with uninspired teachers, violent classmates,and no hope on the horizon。让我得以成为现在的我。如果我听从我前一所学校老师的话,我现在大概在替学校扫地。但有多少孩子没有这种机会?讲一个成功者的故事当然很好。但有多少人被局限在小村庄,只有无法鼓励他们的老师和暴力的同学,眼前毫无希望。
In the past of couples of years I traveled extensively in many countries,many continents,schools, universities,fortune 500 companies。And I can tell you that my story actually is not my story。It's maybe your story, or maybe your story,It's story of thousands of people that I spoke to individually过去几年我到了很多国家,跨洲拜访了很多学校、大学,全球500强的公司。我告诉你,其实刚刚说的不是我的故事,它可能是你的故事,是上千位听我演讲的人的故事。
They came up to me and said,I have the same thing,Thank you。这些听众跑过来跟我说,我也有同样的遭遇,谢谢你。
And theses are just the ones I spoke to in person而这些只是来听过我演讲的人
It's probably millions of people全球可能有几百万人
or hundred of millions people. Who knows?甚至几千万人 都有同样的遭遇
This is a tragedy, right?这是场悲剧
Why is this happening?那为什么这会发生?
And many people ask the question很多人问 面对充满不确定性的未来
Are we preparing children for the uncertain future that lies ahead?我们替孩子准备好了吗?
But before we can answer this question,不过回答这个问题前
I think we first must address two very important issues.首先有两个非常重要的议题要探讨
The first is do we even know what we are looking for?第一是 我们真的知道我们要什么吗?
What's the purpose.教育的目的
What is education for?应该是什么?
Because if we don't agree what education is for因为如果我们对教育的目的没有共识
then we can never say we're doing a good or a poor job那我们就不能说 目前的教育方式是对是错
I am going to tell you what education was for.让我来告诉你教育原本的目的是什么
Education was created for making factory workers教育原本是为了培养工厂的劳工
See at the end of 18th century. industrialization has the problem工业在十八世纪末面临一个问题
They really had a hard time convincing people to leave the open fields and come to work at a factory他们找不到人愿意到工厂上班
with dark rooms,10~12 hour a day, 10 ~12 hours a day,工厂里都是乌漆妈黑的房间
repeating the same monotonous还要每天重复10到12小时乏味的工作
mindless task over and over, obeying every order不需思考 只需一直做一直做
without ever questioning anything and never complain about it.听从命令 不能抱怨或质疑
I mean you can see why they had trouble finding volunteers.你就知道为什么工厂找不到人了
I'm sure you have seen the historical reenactment by Mr.Chaplin透过卓别林的影片 大家能了解工业革命时期的困状
So they created something called public educations所以公立教育才成立
and placed you at where you are strictly separated by a year公立教育用年龄把人区分
where you have to follow orders在那里必须遵守命令
never question authority and do just what you're told.绝不可以挑战权威 叫你做一就做一
sit down and shut up until you're told otherwise坐下与闭嘴 除非叫你做别的
just obey orders.完全服从命令
we spent the first three years of our lives我们在生命中的头三年学习走路 讲话
learning how to walk and talk, kind of useful skills I would say或者说所谓「有用」的技能
and for the rest we're told sit down and shut up.之后我们只能坐下与闭嘴
and yeah that sounds like a great idea这听起来实在是个很好的主意
I'm gonna do that.我很乐意这样做
just follow as exactly as instructed, never question authority只需要遵守指示 绝不挑战权威
I remember in the elementary school我记得小学的时候
one day the teacher told us有一次老师跟我们说
now children,whatever I ask孩子们 现在不管我问什么
I want all you to answer at once你们都要一起讲答案
understood? ok懂了吗?好
So how much is six times four?6乘以4等于多少
and we all said, at once!然后我们就回答:答案!
See for the purpose that we set out for two hundred years ago如果我们追求的是两百多年前的教育目标
the education system is doing fine.那现在的教育体系算是很好了
In fact, it's working perfectly没错 目前的方式很适合
creating obedient workers创造乖顺的劳工
The trouble is但问题是
This approach is no longer useful这种方式已经不适用了
It was never humane to begin with这一开始就不人性化
but it was economically advantageous.只是为了帮助当时的经济
And now, it's neither.可是现在 连经济都帮不了
So are we preparing children for the uncertain future that lies ahead?所以目前的教育体系 能教导孩子如何面对未来吗?
The second problem is this:第二个议题是
no matter the supposed expert would like to tell you无论那些所谓的「专家」告诉你什么
Believe me,我相信有很多
there are many of them,但事实上
nobody really knows what the future is going to look like five years from now没有人知道五年后会变成怎样
and let alone ten or twenty years which is when a child who's now in kindergarten更别说十年二十年
will graduate and will have to find a job.在幼儿园的孩子 二十年后会毕业找工作
What about the rest?What about the hundreds of millions of people更别提上亿正在工作的人
who are working today and who could be out of a job未来五年十年 甚至二十年 可能失业
because they are displaced by robotics and artificial intelligence five, ten or twenty years from now因为他们会遭机器人和人工智能取代
I hear that some guy wrote a book about that我听过有人写了一本书
about robots will stealing your job.叫机器人会来偷走你的工作
you can read for free at the PirateBay你可以在海盗湾(档案分享网站)上免费看到
It's illegal. It's creative commons open knowledge.去海盗湾下载是违法的 不过这本书有共创(CC)授权条款
So we only know one thing for certain总而言之 我们只确定一件事
that the only constant is change.只有「改变」是永恒不变的
After all, Entropy is not what used to be毕竟熵的意义和以前也不一样
Change will always come改变总会到来
and most likely at an increasing pace而且极可能会越来越快
With this in mind知道这个观念后
I think we must do three things.我认为我们必须做三件事
The first we must prepare to accept change in stead of fighting it首先 我们必须接受改变 而不是抗拒它
I've been afraid of changes many times我以前很常畏惧改变
I didn't want to change school, I didn't want to change jobs我不想换学校和工作
Let me tell you告诉你
whenever I was afraid to do something当我害怕做某件事时
I didn't want to change我都不想改变
Those are by far the most depressing moments of my life然而那些时候却是我人生中最低潮的时刻
Being afraid is not nice害怕改变并不好
It's paralyzing它使人无法向前
Because when you are afraid, you're afraid to fail因为你害怕 就意味着你害怕失败
You're afraid that yeah, I would not make it to that school你害怕没进那所学校
I would not win the scholarship害怕不能得到奖学金
I would not be able to change up and find something else.害怕我不能够找到更好的方案
You know. They were right. I was stupid他们是对的 我不够聪明
I couldn't learn. I couldn't learn lalalalaal我学不会 我学不会 等等等等等等
It's a downward spiral.就像无底洞一样
We live in a society that stigmatizes mistakes.我们这个社会把错误污名化
We've been living in where failure is not an option我们认为失败不能是个选项
And that we should play safe因此我们总是寻求安全的路
Study something that will get you a safe job读热门科系 才能找到工作
Work for a big company, look for stability进大企业工作以寻求稳定
But you see, in the future of great uncertainty但是我们都知道 未来充满不确定性
Stability is the illusion of the unimaginative.稳定根本是假象
lifelong. I think we must move away from the idea that teaching is for adults, and learning is for kids.第二点是终身学习 我们打破「成年人就是教导,小孩就是学习」思维
Learning is a lifelong experience.学习该是终身
And anybody can be a mentor,而且任何人都能是心灵导师
a teacher, or a friend to someone else.是传授知识的老师、朋友
Or a guide.或者是指导者
In our strictly individualistic society,在这个极度个人主义的社会
our personal success is imperative个人的成就成了必要
So we have standardized tests所以我们有标准化的考试
we try to get the best grades我们试图考最高分
at the best school进最好的学校
so we can get to the best university才可以考取到最好的大学
and then we can get to best job and outcompete everyone else and be successful.争取到最好的工作 并打败他人取得成功
But in a collaborative society但在一个合作的社会
your accomplishments. An accomplished individual is one that contribute the most成功的人应该是贡献最多的人
both of their personal development as well as that of their fellow human beings.包括个人成就和对群体的成就
When I was at school I remember that我记得我在学校的时候
the way I learned best was not when the teacher was talking最好的学习方式 并不是老师在说教的时候
was when one of my classmates would come up to me and say而是我同学过来问我说
hey how? this is how you do it ?你是怎么做到的?
Like in five minutes we would solve something that in 2 hours of lesson that nobody understood我们在五分钟内 解决了两个小时的课堂上没人懂的问题
and I thought why can't we just get to that我想我们为何不像这样
Those 5 minutes of peer learning用五分钟 透过同侪间的学习方式学习
and when I was teaching someone else当我在教别人时
I was really testing my ability of understanding and reciprocating that我也在考验我的理解程度以及表达能力
And also it was much more fun and engaging而且教人真的很好玩
It was rewarding to be able to teach to someone教别人的时候你可以看见
you can see in their eyes like there've been going like tho sfor 2 hours他们为了这个问题搞了两个钟头
and you teach them in two minutes你两分钟就把他们教会
and their eyes go like他们的眼睛会像这样
yeah! I get it哇!我懂了!
It's fun, right?很好玩不是吗?
And we need time to experiment我们必须花时间去实验
to make mistakes, to teach yourself, to teach others去犯错、教别人、也教自己
maybe with interesting problems也许可以透过很有趣的问题
not, here's the vacuum. Imagine this idealized而不是 这是真空环境 假设...
no no no, real life problems不不不 一定要真实的课题
Problems that have many solutions问题可能有很多解决之道
maybe no optimal solutions也许没有最理想的解法
maybe no one know what the answer is或者说一定根本没人知道答案
maybe there are no answers. Who knows?甚至根本没有答案 谁知道呢?
Fun and challenging problems当你试着探索
and the process of discovery just like they were saying有趣且具挑战的问题
"starve them, not stuff them."就像之前的讲者说的
The speaker before me.「让他们渴望知识 而不是塞知识给他们」
It's exactly right非常有道理
Discovery. Learning is a process that happens when you're interested and engaged.好的学习过程 是会让人很快乐以及非常投入的
Not when you're receiving一直接收讯息并不代表学习
This way, you foster an innate curiosity透过好的学习方式 会激起
that is inside all of us.内心与生俱来的好奇心
And finally I think we must develop a stronger culture of grit最后 我认为我们必须培养一个有毅力的文化
Grit means passion. It means perseverance. It means never giving up.毅力的意思是热忱、持续力、永不放弃
The determination这种决心
So many people see my success story很多人看了我成功的故事
and they wonder what's different about me他们好奇我有什么不一样
Am I special?我很特别吗?
Do I come from a rich family?我家很有钱吗?
Am I some sort of genius? Nonsense, my teacher said that I was too stupid too learn我是天才吗?当然不是!我的老师说我笨到无法学习
So what's different?那到底哪里不一样?
It's very simple很简单
I had somebody who believe in me有人相信我
And I never gave up而且我从不放弃
That's it就这样
Studies has shown that intelligence, talent研究显示智力、才华和社会地位
and social status have very little correlation with your long term success in life跟你长期的成功没有太大的关联
So if you can find the person如果你能够找到
If you can find somebody who believes in you相信你的人
Somebody who can look at you in the eye这位可直视你的眼睛
and tell you that you're not stupid告诉你你不笨
you're not crazy你并不疯狂
go for it去做吧
THAT changes everything那会改变所有一切
My drive has always been to fix stuff.我很喜欢修理东西
and whenever I saw something I want to be there to fix it, or make it better我看到任何东西都想修理它 让他变好一点
or finding it get more optimal resolutions.或者帮它找到比较理想的办法
whenever I saw a toy or a desk and bicycle无论是玩具、书桌或脚踏车
or the school or politics in Italy.无论是意大利的学校还是政治
I want to fix everything无论是什么
didn't matter what it was我都想修理
couldn't help it没办法
and when I was twelve I saw this thing, this computer我十二岁的时候我看到计算机
which I could program myself发现可以写程序
and it will do stuff for me来帮我做事
and I was like holy cow我那时觉得天呀!
this is amazing这太神奇了
Seriously, I didn't have any money我根本没钱
I didn't have any resources, I don't have any budget没有资源或预算
But suddenly, I could solve humongous problems但突然间这么庞杂的问题
that used to required thousands of people以前需要很多人去解决
just by myself竟然我自己就可以搞定
the only thing I needed was而我只需要的只是决心
determination, passion, interest, and patience. lots of patience.热忱、兴趣、以及许多许多的耐心
but then接着
when I found a community of activists, of hackers, of makers我看到社会运动的份子 甚至黑客
people who challenge me, people who inspire me他们挑战我、激励我
everything got so much better, so much faster, so much quicker所有的东西都变得更好、更快
and so much more interesting and engaging.而且更有趣
It increased my range, in orders of magnitude拓展我的视野
and we need to foster our creativity.我们需要激发的创造力
I think that has a lot to do with mentorship而我认为这与心灵导师有很大的关系
with guidance协助指引
First I had my parents who believed in me一开始我有父母相信我
And then, my school, the college接下来是学校和大学
and then countless other people to which以及许多人
I owe everything我欠这些人
everything that I am now我现在拥有的一切
there are many people here on the stage你可以看见
you can see them好多人在这舞台上
not crazy, I don't really see them我还没疯 当然这些人不是真的在我身旁
but you know what I mean不过你懂我的意思
I am standing on their shoulders我站在这些巨人的肩膀上
If it hadn't been for them, I would not be here now若非他们 我今天不会站在这
talking to you和你们讲话
and technology is now making this process easier, more skills available than ever.而科技让资源变得比以前更容易取得
Because your mentor doesn't have to be in the same village, doesn't have to be in the same town你的心灵导师不必和你来自同一个城镇
or even the same country不必来自同一个国家
doesn't even have to speak the same language甚至不需要说同一种语言
we can't forget that only 6% of the world speak English natively别忘了世界上以英语为母语的人只有6%
and 73% of the world doesn't understand any English还有73%的人一点英文都不懂
But now technology is taking down all these barriers.今日的科技打破了这些藩篱
For the first time in human history这是人类史上第一次
we have the technological tools to bring about a revolution in education可以利用科技革命教育
But it won't come by itself但革命不会自己发生
We need people too革命需要人来推动
and also we need the right mindset也需要对的心态
So that's my project, esplori这是我的计划 叫Esplori
Imagine if the sum of human knowledge were available to everyone, on earth,想想如果任何人 无论他在哪、说哪种语言
anywhere on earth, to everyone in any language on video都可以取得所有的知识
and imagine you could be a farmer in India想象你是印度的农夫
or a hacker in Taiwan或是台湾的计算机鬼才
or a solar engineer in Ecuador或是厄瓜多的太阳能工程师
Imagine if you can teach your skill to anybody想想你可以把你的技能 传授给世上任何人
regardless where they are, or what language they speak无论他们在哪 说什么话
or how rich they are甚至有没有钱
wouldn't it be great?不是很棒吗?
But better yet, what if you can be a guide若是你能够成为一个指引
what if you could be a mentor一位心灵导师
to someone who hasn't figured out yet what they want to do帮助那些尚未清楚他们要什么的人
whenever I travel, I see thousands and thousands of young people每次到世界各地 我都会碰动好多好多年轻人
kids who tell me that I don't know what to do甚至小孩 跟我说他不知道要做什么
but I need to decide my university and my parents are telling me this and my job and blalalalala但现在得决定大学该去哪 该从是什么 我爸妈又要我做什么什么
They don't have the time to think, to experiment他们没时间去思考 去尝试
They don't have any guidance他们没有人引导他们
What if we could use technology to make that happen easily如果我们能透过科技 更容易引导他们
Imagine a strong community of dedicated individuals一群愿意奉献的人
who want to help each other互相帮助
who are solving challenging and fun problems解决具挑战性却有趣的问题
everything that I have talked about until now in this 13 minutes刚刚这十三分钟内讲的话
Everything that I've learned in my life我过去所学的
everything that I am我现在的一切
is right here in this project都在这个计划里
so this is it所以该这么说
It's my mission, my passion.这是我的任务、热忱
It's my drive.我的动力
It's what keeps me awake at night at 3 a.m and happy to do it这是让我凌晨三点还醒着做 但非常快乐的东西
and with your help借着各位的帮助
I think we can make it.我们可以成功
So that's my part所以呢
and since this is a conference about education既然这是关于教育的演讲
here's your homework在此给大家一个回家作业
If you can inspire somebody如果你可以激励一个人
to follow their passion促使他跟着他的热忱走
If you can give them a chance,and make them feel special.I can tell you. In fact, I can guarantee you,from personal experience,You will have saved a life.So off you go,save a life如果你有机会,让他明白自己是非凡的人.我以我亲身经历,向你保证.你可以拯救他的人生.所以各位去吧!去拯救他的人生!


“Love English 2”一周年了!
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