
中国范儿 99 三伏:高温来袭 养生防暑

Love English 2 2022-12-23










Amazing China《美丽中国》全集


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三伏:高温来袭 养生防暑
Sanfu: Beating the Heat during China’s Dog Days


One might pay little attention to the ice in their freezer today, but centuries ago, the brittle transparent cubes made for much sought-after gifts in sultry Chinese summers. During the golden age of Tang and Song dynasties, emperors gifted ice to favored court officials to help them fend off the heat. In Qing dynasty, the reward was extended to all government officials. 


The summer temperatures here can be daunting, especially during sanfu, referred to a period which includes the hottest days of the year -- chufu, zhongfu and mofu. Together, they are known as China’s dog days of summer. The term sanfu is not a modern-day moniker. It can be traced back to ancient China. For example, The Records of the Grand Historian describes how people of the Qin Empire survived the sanfu days.


Sanfu generally takes place between mid-July and mid-to-late August each year. It usually lasts up to 40 days. One can witness high temperatures, low barometric pressure, high humidity, and low wind speeds. The hottest days usually occur during zhongfu. Sanfu is accompanied by strong sunlight. The heat that the earth surface absorbs during sanfu far outstrips the amount of heat that is dissipated. Consequently, more heat accumulates on the ground, making it hotter. In addition, the summer season usually sees high rainfall and high humidity, which makes the muggy summer days even more unbearable.


In ancient China, people did what they could to beat the heat during sanfu days. They stored fresh fruits with ice to bring out their flavors and keep them fresh for longer.


According to traditional Chinese medicine, the meridians or energy highways of the human body are clear and smooth during sanfu, a fact that facilitates the infiltration of medicine into the body and boosts absorption. Some believe that sanfu is the best time to treat illnesses related to the winter season. Some chronic diseases like rhinitis, tracheitis and rheumarthritis can be treated during sanfu so that the risk of their outbreaks in winter would be lower. Sanfutie, a popular treatment that dates back to the Qing dynasty, has been used by the Chinese for hundreds of years. Sanfutie is particularly recommended on the days of chufu, zhongfu and mofu. Based on the knowledge of acupuncture, meridians, and traditional Chinese medicine, sanfutie is a therapeutic plaster filled with herbal medicine that can be placed at certain acupuncture points. The herbs have micro-level chemical and thermal effects on the acupuncture points. This explains why it can prevent and cure certain diseases.


During scorching sanfu, people can experience symptoms like petulance and inflammation. They are also advised to take precautions against sunstroke. But the best way to preserve your health and calm during sanfu is to focus on one’s inner being. People can eat such foods like balsam pear and mung bean soup that can disperse heat and remove toxins from the body. Fret not, the temperatures will gradually decrease after sanfu and refreshingly clear autumn days will be on the horizon soon.



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