
新晋顶流“冰墩墩”,英文为啥不是“bing dundun”?

Love English 2 2022-12-23

Love English 2 祝大家新年快乐!


I’m Bing Dwen Dwen. I’m the mascot of the 2022 Winter Olympics. I am a black and white panda wearing a full-body “shell” made of ice. The red heart shape in my left palm means welcoming the friends from other countries. The bright colours of the circles around my face stand for ice and snow sport tracks, meaning connectivity and advanced technologies. I look like an astronaut, making full use of new technologies for a future with all kinds of possibilities.

Shuey Rhon Rhon is here! I’m the mascot of the 2022 Winter Paralympics. What do you think of when you see me? Does a red lantern come into your mind? That’s what I look like. Take a look at my head. There are paper cuttings of doves. They make up a circle. Follow me. I’ll light the way to the Paralympics.

paralympic [ˌpærə'lɪmpɪk]  n.残疾人运动会;原为脊髓病患者举行的运动会
The first component of the Paralympic classification is identifying the eligible impairments.

来源:China Daily

为什么叫“Bing Dwen Dwen”?

In Mandarin Chinese (the official dialect of China), "Bing" has several meanings, though the most common is ice. The word also symbolises purity and strength, while “Dwen Dwen” means robust and lively, and also represents children. The mascot embodies the strength and willpower of athletes and will help to promote the Olympic spirit.

在普通话(中国的官方方言)中,“Bing”有几个意思,但最常见的是“冰”。这个词还象征着纯洁和力量,而“Dwen Dwen”的意思是健壮和活泼,也代表着孩子。吉祥物体现了运动员的力量和毅力,有助于弘扬奥林匹克精神。 

冰墩墩的英文是Bing Dwen Dwen。Bing的拼音符合英文规律,所以直接使用了拼音。但dun dun按照英文习惯来发音就成了丹丹,偏差过大。由此写成Dwen Dwen更接近墩墩的发音,读起来也十分可爱。 

而我们的另一个吉祥物雪容融的英语则为Shuey Rhon Rhon,拼音 Xue 并非常规英文词构成方式,老外根本看不懂。改成发音类似于“雪”的 Shuey,就容易多了。后面的 Rong 换成 Rhon 也是同样道理,只是为了让歪果仁更好读易懂。


Love English 2 祝大家新年快乐!



Bing Dwen Dwen(冰墩墩)



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