

Love English 2 2022-12-23

Love English 2 助大家快乐学英语!


Eric, did you see power ?

absolutely not

Did you see the game of thrones?

absolutely not

I'm tryna blow up

Many of you are not what you‘re supposed to be

not because you're not gifted

you have absolutely no discipline

There are two kinds of people there is the type of person that says I'm going to wait to I feel like it before I do it,

and then there's a person who says I've got to do it so that I feel like it.

One will never get anything done because they're still waiting to fell the moment to move

and the other person says no,I need to move,

and then I will begin to feel the moment.

We sometimes think that an epic life occurs one sunny Friday afternoon when the stars line up and something revolutionary occurs.

A great life is built not by revolution.

A great life is built by evolution,

small and steady wins the race.

What you do every day is far more important than what you do once every decade.

What you do every day is simply your life in miniature

and as you live every single day

so you're crafting your life.

What you over the next hours is really building your future,

and if you can just get and I can just get every single pocket of twenty four hours right as best as we humanly can,

the rest of our life is going to take care of itself.

Playing the long game.aim for Legendary.

say I want to have the gut, and the grit, and the acumen, and the mindset and the capability and the commitment

to create enduring success.

be the person who is up reading.

listen to the podcast,

writing in your journal,

setting your goals,

focusing on your intentions

as you become more successful,

become more humble

as you become more successful,

worked even harder

as you become more successful.

care even more about your product

as you become more successful, learn even more.

it won't be easy.

it will demand everything you've got to give,

but you can do it.

If you want to take the easy road,

I promise you,

it's longer and more painful than the hard road

Choose the hard path.

the path of responsibility,

hard work and sacrifice.

the path of discipline

humility and ownership that ultimately leads to freedom.

Make discipline part of your daily life and your daily life will get better

if you follow these principles, then nothing in the world will stop you


Love English 2 助大家快乐学英语!





