
《走遍美国》Family Album U.S.A 第28集

Love English 2 2023-03-05

Love English 2 助大家快乐学英语!



1. 先看视频,了解大致情节。

2. 再听音频,盲听音频3-5遍,大致听懂。

3. 通过文本,学通全部内容。

4. 再听音频,模仿跟读练习语音和口语。

5. 盲听音频,最后盲听音频尽可能多遍,听出画面感。

ACT 1-1 “ 今天的日程是怎么安排的?



Sam: Good morning, Susan.
Susan: Good morning, Sam. What's the schedule today?
Sam: Ten o'clock, telephone FAO Schwarz about the new twin baby dolls.
Susan: OK.Sam: Telephone Mrs. Zaskey at the advertising agency.
Susan: I did that. Go on.
Sam: Eleven o'clock, approve the sketches for the toy spaceship.
Susan: Where are they?
Sam: Right here.
Susan: Did you look at them?
Sam: Yes, I did.
Susan: What do you think of the spaceship?
Sam: I think the kids'll love it.
Susan: Would you show me the drawings,please?
Susan: Huh.
Susan: Now, what else is on the schedule today?
Sam: Well, at one o'clock you have a lunch appointment with Mr. Levine, the client from the Toytown Stores.
Susan: Where?
Sam: At Rossano's.
Susan: Hmm. Anything else?
Sam: At four o'clock, you have a meeting with the production staff in the conference room.
Susan: Make sure everybody is at that meeting.
Sam: Will do. At six you're meeting Mr. Ozawa.
Susan: Oh, yes. Are his models here?
Sam: They're in my office.
Susan: I'd like to see them.

Sam: Right.

1. What's the schedule today?今天的日程是怎么安排的?也可以说What is on the schedule today?schedule: 时间表,计划表,议事日程。
2. Ten o'clock, telephone FAO Schwarz about the new twin baby dolls.十点钟,给FAO施瓦茨公司打电话,谈双胞胎娃娃玩具问题。telephone sb.: 给某人打电话。telephone在这里用作动词。FAO Schwarz: 是纽约一家著名的玩具公司。twin baby dolls: 双胞胎娃娃玩具。
3. Eleven o'clock, approve the sketches for the toy spaceship.十一点,批准玩具太空船的草图。approve sth.: 批准,通过;同意。sketches: 素描图,草图。还有其他的一些词汇来表示不同的图。如drawing (用线条构成的图画),painting (色彩图,如油画),picture (泛指图画、肖像以及照片),portrait (肖像画),chart (图表),cartoon (卡通或漫画),blueprint (蓝图),design (设计图),photo (照片),snapshot (抓拍的照片,常是不很正式的),candid photo (趁人不备时偷拍的照片)。
4. At four o'clock, you have a meeting with the production staff in the conference room.四点钟你在会议室和生产人员开会。production staff: 在一起从事生产的工作人员。staff 是集合名词,指某一单位的全部工作人员或雇员,一般不用复数形式。conference room: 会议室。conference通常是指大型的会议。
5. Will do. 相当于Sure, I'll do it.(我会去办的,没问题。)这是表示同意做某事的口语说法。

6. Right. 好的,行。这也是同意做某事的一种口语说法。说”Right”也可以表示同意别人的观点。

ACT 1-2 “ 去享受一下鸟语花香。



Susan: What else? Come on, Sam…
Sam: You work too hard, Susan. When was your last day off?
Susan: Hmm. I can't remember.
Sam: You really ought to take some time off.
Susan: What for?
Sam: To enjoy the simple things in life…
Susan: I know, Sam. Maybe soon.
Sam: To smell the flowers.
Susan: Oh, wait a minute. What's today's date?
Sam: Today is the twelfth. Why?
Susan: It seems to me I scheduled something else.
Sam: There's nothing else in the appointment book.
Susan: I'm sure I did. Oh, well, I'll probably remember it later.
Sam: I hope it isn't important.
Susan: Hmm. It's probably nothing. OK, let's get started. Would you call Priscilla Smith at FAO Schwarz, please?
Sam: Right.
Later that morning…
Sam: These are the models from the Japanese film maker.
Susan: Thank you. Just put them on my desk.
Sam: And the new drawings for the toy spaceship.
Susan: Wonderful. That was fast.

Sam: We have a new artist. She's very talented.

1. You really ought to take some time off.你真的应该休息一下。ought to do sth.: 应该做某事。ought to的口语说法的发音为awta。take some time off: 抽出时间(休息一下,放松一下)。
2. What for?为什么?在这里相当于“Why? ”
3. To enjoy the simple things in life…享受一下人生的小小乐趣……the simple things in life: 人生的小乐趣。这里simple things指的是轻松愉快的谈话,欣赏美丽的天空,或是散步之类的简单但是令人感到放松和快乐的事。
4. To smell the flowers.去享受一下鸟语花香。 这个短语场用来指“轻松一下,放松一下,休息一会儿”。
5. What's today's date? Today is the twelfth.用“What's today's date?”提问时,问的是日期,“今天是(几月)几号?”用“What day is it today?” 提问时,问的则是“今天是星期几?”the twelfth: 这里表示日期,指12号。在表示日期时,使用序数词。
6. It seems to me I scheduled something else. 我好像还安排了一项别的日程。It seems to…: 好像是…schedule在这里用作动词,“将…列入计划,排入日程”。

7. It's probably nothing.大概不是什么重要事。类似含义的说法还有“It’s probably no big deal. ”以及“It’s probably no big thing.”

ACT 1-3 “我已经解开了这个谜。 



Susan: What time is it, anyway? My watch stopped.
Sam: It's eleven thirty.
Susan: What time is my lunch date with Bill Levine?
Sam: One o'clock.
Susan: Remind me to leave at twelve forty-five.
Sam: Did you remember your other appointment for today?
Susan: No, but I have a feeling it's going to be too late when I do remember.
[Sam leaves Susan's office. A little later, he returns.]
Susan: Yes, Sam?
Sam: I just solved the mystery.
Susan: What did I forget?
Sam: You have some guests in the reception room.
Susan: What? Who?
Sam: Mr. Harry Bennett and his daughter.
Susan: I remember! Oh…Harry! I made a lunch date with him and his daughter weeks ago.
Sam: Is he a client?
Susan: He's a friend.
Sam: Well he's here with his daughter to have lunch.
Susan: I met her at Thanksgiving, and I promised to have lunch with both of them today.
Sam: Yes, indeed. What are you going to do about your appointment with Mr. Levine?

Susan: Any suggestions? Oh!

1. It's eleven thirty.
eleven thirty: 十一点半。也可以说 half-past eleven。
2. Remind me to leave at twelve forty-five.到十二点四十五分时请提醒我走。remind sb. to do sth.: 提醒某人做某事。twelve forty-five: 12点45分。也可以说a quarter to one。
3. No, but I have a feeling it's going to be too late when I do remember.还没有,可是我有一种感觉,到真想起来时就太迟了。I have a feeling…: 我有一种感觉,我觉得。相当于I think…
4. I just solved the mystery.我已经解开了这个谜。solve the mystery: 解开了这个谜。
5. You have some guests in the reception room.你有客人在接待室里。reception room: 接待室,会客室。

6. What? Who?什么?是谁?What 在此处是表示一般的惊疑: “怎么回事?”而Who才是具体的问题: “来的是谁?”

来源:Family Album U.S.A


Love English 2 助大家快乐学英语!


Family Album U.S.A 第21集

Family Album U.S.A 第22集

Family Album U.S.A 第23集

Family Album U.S.A 第24集

Family Album U.S.A 第25集

Family Album U.S.A 第26集

Family Album U.S.A 第27集

