
2023 Survival Book in China

Click to Follow AnyHelper 2023-04-26

2023 Survival Book in China

HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2022 was a year full of change, but we made it. Now it’s time to reflect upon the past year and determine what we want to achieve in 2023, ready to embrace normalcy!

Releasing a survival book has been a tradition of AnyHelper for several years. And this year is no exception. Your latest version of “Survival Book in China” is here!

What to look out for in 2023

2022 witnessed a series of important changes, such as:

Among which the biggest change -- Nucleic acid testing and centralized quarantine for all inbound personnel will be cancelled from Jan. 8th.

Pic: 国家卫健委

And more detailed explanations:



Will 2023 see an end to all COVID-related restrictions (especially mandatory masks) or even the COVID-19 pandemic? Hopefully... Still, make sure to protect yourself better and stay healthy. 


How to quarantine at home? Does COVID-19 count as a work-related injury during working hours? Here are some frequently asked questions.


How to buy medicines? How to find fever clinics? Check these tips:

Ask AnyAsk if you have more questions. Volunteers are available every day from 9 am to 9 pm.

Tech & APP

SIM Card

Smartphone has definitely made life easier.

First of all, a Chinese SIM card would be a must.

The Hongkong government said on December 16 that all pre-paid SIM cards (PPS cards) not having completed real-name registration before February 23, 2023 cannot be used after the deadline.

How to get a SIM card with English cell phone services easily?


The lack of English version of Chinese apps is always a headache for expats, no matter you’re a newcomer or those who have been living in China for years.


Public Holidays

What you are looking forward:


Tax regulations that came into effect in 2022:

Tax return:

You can still enjoy these personal income tax benefits while staying in China:

Work-related Q&A

Here we selected some FAQs about working in China. Follow AnyJob for more job opportunities and working-related news:


Court imposed a lifetime ban on those people from working in the education sector for the first time.

International Travelling

A lot more good news for international travelling:

But some restrictions as well:

Visa News and Policies

Student visa and family reunion visa are all resumed. Previously, the student visa and the family reunion visa were suspended for some countries, but now they are open to all. For the tourist visa, as of Jan. 3, there is no clear official statement. It needs to be confirmed with the local Chinese consulate.

Follow AnyVisa for more updates of China visas and policies!

Contact Maggie for any consultations.

Where to have fun

Here we recommend some APPs:

  • Bon APP - find stylish restaurants nearby

  • Ctrip - book tickets and hotels 

Follow these WeChat accounts for entertainment and lifestyle information:

  • AnyShanghai - get daily news, tips, and events in Shanghai

How to better enjoy your life as COVID restrictions have been eased? Here are some guides!

  • AnyTreats - grab your impressive dishes

  • AnyShenzhen - get tips, news, events about Shenzhen, Guangdong, Hong Kong, the Greater Bay Area

  • theBeijinger - life in Beijing


Currently, AnyHelper is running a series of WeChat groups in aims of connecting expats in different areas, which include but not limited to...

  • AnyDesigners - Foreign designers in China

  • AnyShanghai - Foreigners in Shanghai

  • Events - Events in Shanghai

  • SH Paws - Pets-related information, adoption, donation, etc.

  • AnyJob - Job-related information

  • Q&A Visa 

  • AnyShenzhen - Foreigners in Shenzhen

  • Anyone Knows - Q&A about living in China

  • ......

Feel feel to contact Sophie if you want to join any groups.

What are your plans for 2023? Leave a comment to tell us!

If you have any questions about China visa applications(work visa, company registration and more), please contact our visa consultant Maggie (WeChat ID: AnyHelper_K).

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