
学人推介 | 汤姆·克里斯滕森:我和中国公共管理研究的缘分






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多年来,我与许多有才华的中国学者进行了卓有成效的研究合作,成果展现为我们看到的这本论文集。几年前,当我开始在中国人民大学工作时,马亮敲开我的门,说他想与我合作,这是一个非常重要的时刻。从那以后,我们发表了很多这本论文集中的文章。看到马亮晋升为教授,并且成为中国公共管理领域比较优秀的学者之一,我感到很满足。在清华大学,陈思丞对我照顾有加,他已经成长为一名相当不错的研究企业家(research entrepreneur),而我也很享受我们的合作研究。几年前,田小龙在我的系里读了一年博士,我们的合作富有成效。他目前在中国人民大学做博士后,我期待着我们继续合作。





public sector reform

  1. 1.Christensen, Tom. (2020). Central Public Reforms in China in a Comparative Light: Perspectives,Experiences,and Reflections. 汤姆·克里斯滕森, 陈思丞. 比较视野下的中国中央政府机构改革: 视角、经验与反思[J].公共管理评论, 2(01):175-202.
  2. 2.Christensen, Tom; Dong, Lisheng; Painter, Martin. (2008). Administrative Reform in China's central government - how much learning from the West? International Review of Administrative Sciences.
  3. 3.Christensen, Tom; Dong, Lisheng; Painter, Martin; Walker, Richard M. (2012). Imitating the West? Evidence on Administrative Reform from the Upper Echelons of Chinese Provincial Government. Public Administration Review.
  4. 4.Christensen, Tom; Fan, Yongmao. (2018). Post-New Public Management: a new administrative paradigm for China? International Review of Administrative Sciences.  84(2), p. 389–404. doi: 10.1177/0020852316633513.
  5. 5.Tian, Xiaolong; Christensen, Tom. (2019). Beyond NPM to Post-NPM? A Study of China’s Government Reforms over the Past 40 Years. American Review of Public Administration.  49(7), p. 855–865. doi: 10.1177/0275074019849122.
  6. 6.Tian, Xiaolong; Christensen, Tom. (2020). Ambiguous hybridity? Main features of China's service-oriented government reform. International Journal of Public Sector Management. 33(4). doi: 10.1108/IJPSM-09-2019-0241.
  7. 7.Tian, Xiaolong; Christensen, Tom. (2020). Myths, instrumental reality, or cultural change? Modern service-oriented government reforms in China. International Public Management Journal. doi: 10.1080/10967494.2019.1710311.
  8. 8.Tian, Xiaolong; Christensen, Tom. (2022). Leading groups: public sector reform with Chinese characteristics in a post-NPM era. International Public Management Journal. doi: 10.1080/10967494.2022.2046665.

agency reform
  1. 9.Dong, Lisheng; Christensen, Tom; Painter, Martin. (2010). A Case Study of China's Administrative Reform. The Importation of the Super-Department. American Review of Public Administration, 40(2), 170-188. https://doi.org/10.1177/0275074009334075.
  2. 10.Ma, Liang; Christensen, Tom. (2018). Mapping the evolution of the central government apparatus in China. International Review of Administrative Sciences. doi: 10.1177/0020852317749025.
  3. 11.Chen, Sicheng; Christensen, Tom; Ma, Liang. (2019). Competing for father's love? The politics of central government agency termination in China. Governance. An International Journal of Policy, Administration and Institutions. doi: 10.1111/gove.12405.
  4. 12.Ma, Liang; Christensen, Tom. (2018). Same Bed, Different Dreams? Structural Factors and Leadership Characteristics of Central Government Agency Reform in China. International Public Management Journal. doi: 10.1080/10967494.2018.1450311.
  5. 13.Liu, Siyu; Christensen, Tom. (2019). All Roads Lead To Rome? The Contingency Factors Of Institutional Integration. A Comparative Case Study on Environmental Institutional Reform In Guangdong, China. International Public Management Journal. doi: 10.1080/10967494.2019.1663327.
  6. 14.Chen, S., Christensen, T., & Ma, L. (2022). Reputation Management and Administrative Reorganization: How Different Media Reputation Dimensions Matter for Agency Termination. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. https://doi.org/10.1093/jopart/muac028

crisis management
  1. 15.Christensen, Tom; Painter, Martin. (2004). The Politics of SARS - Rational Responses or Ambiguity, Symbols and Chaos? Policy & Society, 23(2), 18-48. https://doi.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S1449-4035(04)70031-4.
  2. 16.Christensen, Tom; Ma, Liang. (2018). Coordination Structures and Mechanisms for Crisis Management in China: Challenges of Complexity. Public Organization Review.  doi: 10.1007/s11115-018-0423-9. 
  3. 17.Christensen, Tom; Ma, Liang. (2021). Comparing SARS and COVID-19: Challenges of Governance Capacity and Legitimacy. Public Organization Review. 21(4), p. 629–645. doi: 10.1007/s11115-021-00510-y.
  4. 18.Liu, Yihong; Christensen, Tom. (2021). The long-term development of crisis management in China—Continuity, institutional punctuations and reforms. Review of Policy Research. doi: 10.1111/ropr.12455.
  5. 19.Ma, Liang; Christensen, Tom. (2018). Government Trust, Social Trust, and Citizens’ Risk Concerns: Evidence from Crisis Management in China. Public Performance and Management Review. doi: 10.1080/15309576.2018.1464478. 
  6. 20.Zhong, Kaibing; Liu, Yihong;Christensen, Tom. (2022). Crisis coordination in centralized regimes: Explaining China's strategy for combatting the COVID-19 pandemic. International Public Management Journal. https://doi.org/10.1080/10967494.2022.2073411

university governance
  1. 21.Ying, Qianwei; Fan, Yongmao; Luo, Danglun; Christensen, Tom. (2017). Resources allocation in Chinese universities: hierarchy, academic excellence, or both? Oxford Review of Education. 43(6), p. 659–676. doi: 10.1080/03054985.2017.1295930.
  2. 22.Ma, Liang; Christensen, Tom. (2019). Reputation Profiles of Chinese Universities - Converging with Global Trends or National Characteristics? In Christensen, Tom; Gornitzka, Åse; Ramirez, Francisco O. (Ed.), Universities as Agencies. Reputation and Professionalization. Palgrave Macmillan.  pp. 93–116. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-92713-8_4.
  3. 23.Christensen, Tom; Ma, Liang. (2022). Chinese University Administrations: Chinese Characteristics or Global Influence? Higher Education Policy, 35, 255–276. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41307-020-00208-8.
  4. 24.Christensen, Tom; Gavrila, S. Gabriela; Ma, Liang; Ramirez, Francisco O. (2020). Reputation management by Chinese universities: Primary profile and comparative features. Public Administration. doi: 10.1111/padm.12679.

public services in various areas
  1. 25.Dong, Liesheng; Christensen, Tom; Painter, Martin. (2010). Housing reform in China: rational interests gone wrong or organizational design failure? Journal of Asian Public Policy, 3(1), 4-17. https://doi.org/10.1080/17516231003634120.
  2. 26.Dong, Lisheng; Christensen, Tom; Painter, Martin. (2014). Health Care Reform in China: An Analysis of Development Trends and Lack of Implementation. International Public Management Journal, 17(4), 493-514. https://doi.org/10.1080/10967494.2014.958802.
  3. 27.Dong, Lisheng; Christensen, Tom; Shou, Zhiqin; Painter, Martin. (2014). One-Stop Reform in China as Sequencing: A Case of Chuzhou City. Journal of US-China Public Administration.
  4.        28.Wang, Y., Ma, L., & Christensen, T. (2022). The hybridization of policy learning in multilevel regimes: a case study of the long-term care insurance in China. Journal of Asian Public Policy. https://doi.org/10.1080/17516234.2022.2103392
    29.Fan, Ziteng; Christensen, Tom; Ma, Liang. (2022). Policy attention and the adoption of public sector innovation. Public Management Review. doi: 10.1080/14719037.2022.2050283.
    30.Ma, Liang; Christensen, Tom & Zheng, Yueping. (2021). Government technological capacity and public–private partnerships regarding digital service delivery: evidence from Chinese cities. International Review of Administrative Sciences. doi: 10.1177/00208523211018849.
    31.Wang, Bing; Christensen, Tom. (2017). The Open Public Value Account and Comprehensive Social Development: An Assessment of China and the United States. Administration & Society. ISSN 0095-3997. 49(6), p. 852–881. doi: 10.1177/0095399715587522.
    32.Cheng, Bo; Christensen, Tom; Ma, Liang; Yu, Junli. (2021). Does public money drive out private? Evidence from government regulations of industrial overcapacity governance in urban China. International Review of Economics and Finance. doi: 10.1016/j.iref.2021.07.012.
    33.Wu, Shuai; Christensen, Tom. (2020). Corruption and Accountability in China's Rural Poverty Governance: Main Features from Village and Township Cadres. International Journal of Public Administration.  doi: 10.1080/01900692.2020.1765799.
    34.Weng, Shihong; Christensen, Tom. (2018). The community philanthropic foundation: A new form of independent public service provider in China? Public Policy and Administration. 34(2): 210-235. doi:10.1177/0952076718784642

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