
从木质机械臂到估值30亿美金,致力于重塑外科手术未来的 CMR surgical | 行业

MedRobot 2024-06-04


CMR Surgical的崛起见证了它从一个模型——在工程师Luke Hares的工作室里用胶水和螺丝固定在一起,目前,在剑桥总部的会议室里展出——发展成为英国最有前途的独角兽之一,估值为30亿美元。

Luke Hares的原始模型/CMRSurgical  

首席执行官Per VegardNerseth去年加入,之前他在工业机器人巨头ABB工作了近20年。他说:“在最初的原型机五年后,我们为病人做了第一次手术。现在,通过这种模式,我们已经帮助了全球1000名患者。”

此前,软银旗下300亿美元的愿景基金(Vision Fund 2)进行了6亿美元的融资。中国的腾讯(Tencent)和凯雷资本(Escala Capital)也在投资者之列。



versus机械臂/ CMR Surgical  

CMR已获得监管部门批准,可以在欧洲澳大利亚印度中东的20多个国家开展业务,其中“mid double digits”的Versius已在运营,包括7家NHS信托公司。


CMR Surgical  






CMR Surgical: The $3bn British robot start-up shapingthe future of hospital surgery

A medicalrobotics start-up which began life six years ago with a single prototype woodenarm has now completed more than 1000 keyhole surgeries on patients in hospitalsaround the world.
CMR Surgical’sremarkable rise has seen it develop from the model — glued and bolted togetherin engineer Luke Hares’s workshop and now on display in the boardroom of itscavernous Cambridge HQ — to become one of the UK’s most promising unicorns,with a $3billion valuation.
CEO Per VegardNerseth, who joined last year after almost two decades at industrial roboticsgiant ABB, said: “Five years after that initial prototype we did the firstsurgery on a patient. Now, from this model, we have helped 1000 patientsglobally.”
The blockbustervaluation followed a $600million fundraiserled by Softbank’s$30billion Vision Fund 2. China’s Tencent and Escala Capital are alsoamong backers.
The originalwooden arm has been developed by teams of engineers into a suite of moulded,neon-lit modular units — named the Versius — which act as a surgeon’s virtualassistants in theatre to perform laparoscopies.
Each arm mimicsthe movements of the physician, who uses modified PlayStation controllers tomanipulate needles, blades and tweezers beneath the patient’s skin from a 3Dviewing console.
More than 700patents cover aspects of its operation, in particular the rotating “wrist” — afeature of the original prototype — which is key to keeping movement, and byextension the size of incisions, to a minimum.
That meansshorter operations with fewer complications, lower risk of infection andquicker recoveries than open surgery.
It can alsoprolong the working life of surgeons, who often retire in their forties due tothe physical strain on their backs and necks.
CMR hasregulatory approval to operate in more than 20 countries in Europe, Australia,India and the Middle East with “mid double digits” Versius units already inoperation, including seven in NHS trusts.
It plans toexpand into China, Japan, and the US — home to longtime market leader Intuitive— and estimates global sales of surgical robots will hit $5billion this year.
Discussions havebeen held internally about a potential IPO, but the over-subscribed Series Dhas provided enough cash to accelerate its growth plans.
Nerseth said:“There may be an IPO in the future but right now we have solid shareholderswith a long-term view.”
From itsoriginal team of five engineers, CMR has set a goal to more than double itsexisting workforce of 600 to 1,800 and install at least 1,000 Versius systemsby 2025.
Nerseth said:“About 50% of all patients still have open surgery with all the disadvantagesthat entails because manual keyhole surgery is very difficult.
“We have a veryclear vision which it’s really easy to get the market to understand: to bringkeyhole surgery to patients around the world. In a fantastic market with afantastic product there are massive growth opportunities."


