
Globus Medical 宣布完成首例颅骨手术 | 行业

医疗机器人 MedRobot 2024-06-04

视频来源:Globus Medical 官网

9月27日,Globus Medical公司官网报道骨科手术机器人平台ExcelsiusGPS Cranial Solutions完成了第一例颅骨手术-机器人辅助导航深部脑刺激(Deep Brain Stimulation, DBS)手术。Cranial Solutions是ExcelsiusGPS®平台的最新版本,将其转变为2合1的应用系统,目前已在美国上市。

图源:Globus Medical 官网 

脑深部电刺激(Deep Brain Stimulation, DBS)是2020年公布的神经病学名词,一种采用立体定位技术在脑内特定的靶点植入刺激电极进行高频电刺激,从而调节相应核团兴奋性以达到治疗目的的神经外科微创手术方法。用于治疗运动障碍性疾病,如帕金森病、特发性震颤、肌张力障碍、顽固性呃逆等。

脑深部电刺激(DBS)示意图 ,图源:网络 

ExcelsiusGPS Cranial Solutions平台结合了精简的MRI术前规划和完全集成的机器人轨迹对齐,用于头颅立体定向手术,包括SEEG、DBS、活检和分流。ExcelsiusGPSCranial Solutions是市场上唯一透视到CT的注册方式,为外科医生提供了有效注册骨骼解剖的能力。主动导航的末端执行器自动和精确地对准规划的轨迹,而不需要一个立体定向弧。ExcelsiusGPS Cranial Solutions平台旨在打造轻松适应每个医生工作流程的首选仪器。

图源:Globus Medical 官网 

Barrow神经学研究所的Francisco Ponce博士是首位使用ExcelsiusGPS进行DBS手术的外科医生,他表示,“这个平台是由外科医生与工程师合作设计的。使用方式非常直观,在过程中不需要标准的弧线和框架,这大大提高了OR的效率,并在手术过程中消除一些潜在的人为错误。”Ponce博士将继续推进他的实践,结合ExcelsiusGPS进行立体定向颅骨手术。 

关于 Globus Medical 

Globus Medical, Inc.20033月在特拉华州注册成立,并在纽交所上市。作为一家医疗器械生产公司,Globus完全专注于其产品的设计、开发以及其商业化,其中这些产品能促进脊柱疾病患者康复。Globus的产品分为两类,即创新融合类和颠覆性科技类。Globus Medical官网统计,已经使用ExcelsiusGPS®机器人导航系统进行了超过20,000例脊柱手术。


“Globus Medical不断追求改善肌肉骨骼疾病患者的生活,并认识到速度至关重要,因为生命不能等待。

图源:Globus Medical 官网


GlobusMedical Announces First ExcelsiusGPS® Cranial Surgery
Sep27, 2021
AUDUBON, Pa Sept. 27, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --Globus Medical, Inc. (NYSE: GMED),a leading musculoskeletal solutions company, today announced the first surgeryperformed with the ExcelsiusGPS Cranial Solutions for robot-assisted navigatedDeep Brain Stimulation (DBS). Cranial Solutions is the latest evolution of theExcelsiusGPS platform, transforming it to a 2-in-1 application system, and isnow commercially available in the United States.
Dr. Francisco Ponce of Barrow Neurological Institute is the first surgeonto perform a DBS procedure with ExcelsiusGPS, stating “This platform has beendesigned by surgeons in collaboration with engineers. It is very intuitive andeliminates the need for the standard arc and frame in the procedure whichsignificantly improves OR efficiency and removes one aspect of potential humanerror from the procedure.” Dr. Ponce will continue to advance hispractice to incorporate ExcelsiusGPS for stereotactic cranial procedures.
ExcelsiusGPS Cranial Solutions combines streamlined MRI preoperativeplanning with fully integrated robotic trajectory alignment for a broadspectrum of cranial stereotactic procedures including SEEG, DBS, biopsies, andshunts. With the only Fluoroscopy-to-CT registration modality on the market,ExcelsiusGPS Cranial Solutions offers surgeons the ability to efficientlyregister the bony anatomy. The actively navigated end effector automaticallyand precisely aligns to planned trajectories without the need for astereotactic arc. This platform is designed to easily adapt to each surgeons’workflow and preferred instruments.
About Globus Medical, Inc.
GlobusMedical, Inc.is a leading musculoskeletal solutions company based in Audubon,PA. The company was founded in 2003 by an experienced team ofprofessionals with a shared vision to create products that enable surgeons topromote healing in patients with musculoskeletal disorders. Additional informationcan be accessed at http://www.globusmedical.com. 


