

Y叔叔 biobabble 2020-02-05

我在《how to bug author》一文里已经讲得很清楚,会提问的人才会得到帮助,你得自己愿意投入时间,别人才更有可能投入时间来帮你(谁有空去猜一个陌生人到底想干什么)。正好在Bioconductor里看到James W. MacDonald对一个问clusterProfiler问题的人,写的一段评论,我觉得特别好,文档里明明写清楚的东西,你问的问题,明显给人的感觉就是你根本没去读文档,就想着别人帮你读然后来投喂你,理你都是傻的。伸手党请看《怀疑人生!我不欠你们钱,好吗?》(也不要期望会有人花时间免费去写教程来解答你的问题)。

Have you read the vignette? It seems pretty straightforward. The goal for this support site is to help those who are truly stuck. While R and Bioconductor are free to download and install, they are not truly free. You will have to be willing to invest the necessary time and effort to figure out how things work and what you should be doing.


One thing this support site is not intended to be is a conventional support service like what you get with paid software. The vast majority of the helpers on this site are giving their time and experience to you for free, and if it seems like you are taking advantage and not doing your own homework, you run the very real risk of being considered 'one of those people' who end up being routinely ignored.

提问的人觉得你何必不爽呢?于是James W. MacDonald又继续回应他,这不是不爽,而是在教你做人啊!

So to reiterate my earlier point, if people start to think that you are unwilling to read and understand the documentation provided to you, particularly when it is laid out in clear and understandable text, they may themselves become unwilling to offer help when you ask for it. That is not intended to imply some irritation with you on my part, but to tell you how things work, and to offer some constructive criticism.


