

復旦中文系 无待有为斋 2022-08-04



 From Manuscript to PrintMedieval Europe and China

Program for the Second International Conference on Medieval-Early Modern Text Technologies 

March 29-30, 2017



(Note: English to Chinese and Chinese to English simultaneous interpretation

will be provided throughout the conference.)


Chinese Department, Fudan 復旦大學中文系

Confucius Institute, Stanford

Dean of Research, Stanford

Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Stanford

Stanford Text Technologies



Wednesday, 29th March

9.30 am: Registration, tea, and Opening Remarks 註冊 茶點 開幕

Chen Yinchi 陳引馳, Fudan University

Elaine Treharne, Stanford University

10am - 12.15pm: Textual Identities 文本身份

Chair: Ronald Egan, Stanford University

Ruth Ahnert, Queen Mary University of London. “The Manuscript Letter in the Digital Age” 數字時代的手稿信

Christopher M. B. Nugent, Williams College. “Meandering Miscellanea” 蜿蜒的雜錄

Zha Pingqiu 查屏球, Fudan University. “《白氏文集》由寫本到刊本轉變過程考述”The Transformation of Bai Juyi’s Literary Collection from Manuscript to Printed Edition

2pm - 4.30pm: Texts and Systems of Knowledge 文本與知識系統

Chair: Elaine Treharne

David Johnson, Florida State University. “From Marginal Notation to Manual for Preaching: Repurposing Old English Manuscripts in the Thirteenth Century” 從頁邊旁注到傳教手冊: 為十三世紀的古英語手抄本找到新用途

Zhu Gang 朱剛, Fudan University. “東坡尺牘的墨跡,石刻與版本” Dongpo’s Letters in Calligraphy Manuscript, Stone Engraving, and Woodblock Print

Sian Echard, University of British Columbia. “What Print did to John Gower - and what John Gower can teach us about print” 印刷術對於约翰·高尔的意義—— 關於印刷術, 约翰·高尔能教導我們什麼

4.30pm - 5.15pm: Open Discussion 開放式討論

Chairs: Chen Yinchi 陳引馳, Fudan University, Ronald Egan, Stanford University


      Thursday, 30th March

9am – 11.15am: Writing, Ownership, Genre 書寫,所有權,體裁

Chair: Siân Echard

Chen Liu, Harvard University. “‘Colophons’ Inscribed on the Tombstone: The Emergence of Tiba as a Literary Genre in Song Dynasty China” 刻在墓碑上的跋: “題跋”作為獨立文體在宋代中國的興起

Chen Shangjun 陳尚君, Fudan University. “許渾烏絲欄詩真跡與傳世宋元刊本關係志比較分析” A Comparative Analysis of the Black-lined Calligraphy Manuscript of Xu Hun’s Poetry with Song and Yuan Dynasties Printed Editions

Jonathan Quick, Stanford University. “Junius and the Old English Durham: Anglo-Saxon Poetry in the Age of Print” 朱尼厄斯與古英語詩“杜倫” : 印刷時代的盎格魯-薩克遜詩歌

11.30 - 1pm: Textual Copying and Dissemination 文本的抄寫與傳播

Chair: David Johnson

Jessica Catherine Beckman, Stanford University. “Making Texts Divine: Early Modern Devotion in Manuscript and Print” 賦予文本神聖地位: 近世對手抄本和印刷的熱衷

Elaine Treharne, Stanford University. “What’s in a Name?” 一個名字中包含了什麼?


2.30pm – 4pm: Texts and Their Legacies 文本與其對後世的饋贈

Chair: Christopher M. B. Nugent

Lu Hui-wen 盧慧紋, National Taiwan University. Model-books and the Formation of a New Calligraphic Canon in Song China 宋代法貼與新書法正典的建立

Takako Kato, De Monfort University. “The Impact of New Printing Technologies on Small Islands: Great Britain and Japan” 新印刷技術對於小島國的影響:英國與日本

4.15pm – 5pm: Open Discussion 開放式討論

Chairs: Elaine Treharne and Ronald Egan

