

中国翻译 2021-09-22

理论研究 /

05  翻译批评断代史书写的四个面向   李金树

13  语料库口译研究:进展与走向   王克非  符荣波

译史纵横 /

21  再论理雅各之“合儒”与柯大卫之“攻儒”——以《孟子》译本为例   游贤育

28  西方《聊斋志异》全译本肇始——意大利儒拉珍本研究   彭倩

译介研究 /

36  《真腊风土记》两百年翻译传播及其世界性意义   侯松

45  他者视域下中国文学的谱系构建与翻译选择——20世纪英美五部中国文学史集考察   张丹丹

翻译教学 /

53  “以学为中心”的翻译教师培训模式 ——基于日内瓦大学会议口译师资培训项目的启示   梁伟玲  穆雷

远程翻译专业教学论坛 /

61  疫情背景下的翻译教学改革与学科创新发展   吴耀武

66  远程翻译专业教学管理的创新与发展   刘和平

69  疫情和后疫情时代的口译教学:基于教师视角的 案例分析与反思   任文

75  疫情之下的英国利兹大学远程翻译教学管理   王斌华

书刊评介 /

77  作为翻译学理论建构的“译文学”及其侨易学资源 ——基于《译文学——翻译研究新范型》的考察   叶隽

学术访谈 /

83  精心构筑“经典”的文学翻译家 ——孙致礼先生翻译《老人与海》访谈录   袁榕

译家研究 /

90  井波律子中国古典文学翻译的守成与创新   宋丹

翻译评论 /

99  鲁迅短篇小说翻译中的社会性特征 ——评莱尔译《阿Q正传》主体间视域融合   米亚宁


107  试论OBE视域下的我国翻译人才培养模式   孙琳


112  新冠肺炎疫情相关突发公共卫生事件词汇英译浅析   王佩  车云峰  林薇  杨陆


119  翻译的构式观——基于构式语法的翻译原则新探   魏在江

130  中国武术外译的策略与方法   焦丹

138   “那”文化词汇英译探析   黄玉华

自学之友 /

144  Growing Trade in Green Technology (Excerpt) (Andrea Larson)   周领顺  王志远 译

149  翻译内与翻译外:翻译和评价   周领顺

153  我所知道的康桥(徐志摩)   蔡力坚 译

158  中心思想与语境   蔡力坚

词语选译 /

161  习近平2020年9月8日在全国抗击新冠肺炎疫情表彰大会上的讲话(摘译)

第三十二届韩素音国际翻译大赛揭晓 /

164  评审工作报告、评审委员会名单、获奖名单

172  英译汉参考译文:审美教育与国家进步

174  英译汉译文评析:“审美教育”与译者的“艺术修养”   (傅晓微 执笔)

181  汉译英参考译文:Spring Festival: Chinese Cultural Experience for the World

183  汉译英译文评析:翻译中的文化自觉与语言意识   (李海峰 执笔)







李金树 四川外国语大学




王克非  北京外国语大学 |  符荣波 北京外国语大学/宁波大学






—— 以《孟子》译本为例

游贤育 西南交通大学





彭倩 南开大学







侯松 汕头大学




—— 20世纪英美五部中国文学史集考察

张丹丹 齐齐哈尔大学






—— 基于日内瓦大学会议口译师资培训项目的启示

梁伟玲  穆雷 广东外语外贸大学






吴耀武 西安外国语大学






任文 北京外国语大学






—— 基于《译文学——翻译研究新范型》的考察

叶隽 同济大学






—— 孙致礼先生翻译《老人与海》访谈录

袁榕 电子科技大学






宋丹 湖南大学






—— 评莱尔译《阿Q正传》主体间视域融合

米亚宁 兰州文理学院/清华大学






孙琳 当代中国与世界研究院







王佩  中日友好医院 | 车云峰  林薇  北京外国语大学 | 杨陆 警卫局卫生保健处






—— 基于构式语法的翻译原则新探

魏在江 广东外语外贸大学





焦丹 河南工业大学




黄玉华 广西财经学院






A Four-dimensional Approach to Writing a Period-specific History of Translation Criticism

By LI Jinshu(Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing, China) p.5

Abstract: To historicize the practice of translation criticism in a certain period is to describe and interpret the translation-specific critical activities taking place during the said period. In that sense, the interpretive accounts of translation criticism add to our understanding of translation history and are an integral part of translation studies in general. China enjoys a long history of translation criticism and is rich with translation-related critical resources. Little attention, however,has been paid so far to mobilizing these resources by making systematic efforts to write the country’s history of translation criticism. To fill such a gap, this paper proposes a four-dimensional approach to writing period-specific history of translation criticism,focusing attention on the categories of historical contexts, critical subject, critical features and critical effects. Such an approach enables the researchers to revisit specific historical sites so that they may come up with better accounts of the origination of translation-oriented critical practices. It also promises to broaden the field of translation criticism in general, enriching its political and cultural contexts while uncovering the patterns of historical development as well as the underlying values with which such development was motivated.

Keywords:translation criticism; writing of history; historical period; dimension

Corpus-based Interpreting Studies: A Methodological Review and Preview

By WANG Kefei(Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, China) & FU Rongbo (BeijingForeign Studies University, Beijing, China / Ningbo University, Ningbo, China)p.13

Abstract: The past two decades have witnessed a steady development of Corpus-based Interpreting Studies (CIS), its transition from modelling on to transcending over Corpus-based Translation Studies (CTS), from being mono-modal to becomingmulti/cross-modal, from DIY to collaboration in research work. As a result, it is growing into a full-bloomed new frontier of CTS. On the basis of a detailed analysis of recent advances in CIS, this paper identifies the following tendencies regarding its future development: First, an expanded research scope that takes in topics associated with specificities of interpreting as an immediate oral form of translation; second, a shift of research foci to essential concepts, theories and ideas in interpreting studies; third, a  rise in multi- and inter-disciplinary perspectives; fourth, further development of multilingual and sign-language interpreting corpora; fifth, collaborative research driven by data sharing and an applied orientation.

Keywords:corpus-based interpreting studies; methodology; present; prospects

James Legge’s Adoption versus David Collie’s Rejection of Confucianism: A Case Study of Two English Versions of Mencius

By YOU Xianyu(Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China) p.21

Abstract: Since Matteo Ricci initiated the acculturating strategy for preaching Christianity in China, western missionaries-cum-translators have shown two conflicting inclinations toward Confucianism: either they “adopt” the traditional Chinese doctrine or they reject it, with the former represented in the 19th century by James Legge and the latter by David Collie during the same period. While Collie’s stance has met with much criticism, Legge’s approach has been praised in general, with his English translations collected in The Chinese Classics still considered “standard versions” and serving as important sources of Westerners’ knowledge of Chinese culture. This paper takes a close look at the two versions of Mencius offered by Legge and Collie respectively, taking into consideration some other relevant materials as well, in an investigation into the essence, the differences and the similarities between protestant missionary translators’ two opposing attitudes toward Confucianism.

Keywords: missionary translator; Confucianism; rejection; adoption; Mencius; English translation

The Travel of a Yuan-Chinese Travelogue: Zhenla Fengtu Ji as a Work in World Translations with Notable Cosmopolitan Significance

By HOU Song(Shantou University, Shantou, China) p.36

Abstract: Zhenla Fengtu Ji (The Customsof Cambodia), by the Yuan Chinese scholar Zhou Daguan, is an overseas travelogue of cosmopolitan significance ever to come out of the ancient “maritime silk route.” Its translation and travel around the world did not start until a French version was published in 1819, and its worldwide distribution and circulation peaked only around the turn of the 21st century, when it was turned into about a dozen languages, with over thirty versions simultaneously in circulation. Both this travelogue itself as a cultural translation and its subsequent renditions into other languages are rich incosmopolitan meanings and cross-cultural implications. They work to shape theworld’s historical knowledge, transcultural memory and imagined geography about Cambodia, offering textual records of the intercultural practices in which this ancient country was engaged, such as colonialization, regional cultural exchanges and heritage tourism. The revelation of these significances is expected to add to the translation and intercultural studies of Chinese historical writings about overseas travelling, and to the studies ofworld translations of Chinese historical books as well.

Keywords: Zhenla Fengtu Ji (The Customsof Cambodia);translation; intercultural communication; travel writing; Maritime Silk Route; cosmopolitan significance

The Construal and Translation of Chinese Literature by the Other: A Survey of Five Relevant Histories/Anothologies Published in 20th Century English-speaking World

By ZHANG Dandan (QiqiharUniversity, Qiqihar, China) p.45

Abstract: This paper sets out to examine the canonization of Chinese literary works presented in five relevant histories/anthologies published in the 20th century English-speaking world, and to trace the evolution in their selections of texts. The survey finds: 1) the criteria adopted in these publications represent acompromise between literary standards upheld by the mainstream discourse, the dominant academic perspectives, and the editors’ personal inclinations as well;2) with the rewriting and revision each publication features, the histories/anthologies tend to become more pluralistic, inclusive and personalized in their selection of texts; 3) their different ways to canonize the selected Chinese literary works show both continuation and change: the moredistant past the classics were situated in, the more stable their status tends to become. Furthermore, these histories’/anthologies’ target readership tends to shift from the academics to the reading public, as a result of their adaptation to the change of time and mainstream discourse. In addition to introducing Chinese literature to their readers, these histories/anthologies serve also the purpose of helping to construct the “world literature” from the English-speaking world’s point of view. As such, an investigation into these histories/anthologies would be conducive to the “Chinese literature going out” endeavor.

Keywords: the Other; the English-speaking world; history/anthology of Chinese literature; canonization; translation selection

Learning from University of Geneva’s Learning-centered Training Model for Translation and Interpreting

By LIANG Weiling & MU Lei (Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, China) p.53

Abstract: The training model offered by University of Geneva’s Conference Interpreting Teacher Training Program adopts a uniquely learning-centered approach and isdesigned as a TOT model. Summarizing its content design and training implementation, this paper argues that valuable insights can be derived from such a model for expediting the efforts to expand and re-structure current training programs for interpreting and translation teachers in China.

Keywords: learning-centered; faculty training; interpreting training; TOT

Conservation and Innovation in Ritsuko Inami’s Japanese Translation of Chinese Classics

By SONG Dan (HunanUniversity, Changsha, China) p.90

Abstract: Japanese sinologist Ritsuko Inami has personally translated a whole range of Chinese classics, including The Analects, A New Account of Tales of the World, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and The Water Margin. This study calls attention to the two opposite but complementary tendencies on her part to conserve and toinnovate in these translations. Her tendency toward conservation finds expression in, among other things, the importance she attaches to athorough pre-translation investigation into the source text and its paratexts,the close attention she pays to the exegetical tradition of the text’s criticism, her option for literal translation where possible, and her abundant use of Kundoku. All these efforts have endowed her translations with a distinctive academic flavor and texture. Her effort to innovate in these translations, on the other hand, is reflected in the generic framework she constructs for her renditions,her reproduction of the poetic dimension of the source text, as well as her use of paratexts as a device for commenting on the translation itself. All these add to the literariness of Chinese classics. Due to her careful balancing ofthe academic dimension against the literary trait, Inami’ translation has become a model for effective dissemination of Chinese classics in contemporary Japan.

Keywords: Ritsuko Inami; conservation; innovation; academic nature; literariness

The Fusion of the Subjects’ Horizons and the Change of Social Functions in Lyell’s Translation of The True Story of Ah Q

By MI Yaning (LanzhouUniversity of Arts and Science, Lanzhou, China / Tsinghua University, Beijing, China ) p.99

Abstract: In his rendition of Lu Xun’s short stories, American translator William A. Lyellinfuses a consciousness of rebellion and a sense of existential awareness tothe fictional heroes, thus introduces significant changes to the personality-skewed characters of Lu Xun’s original fiction, and to its social functions of critiquing and reforming the defected Chinese national character as well. And in one particular case, i.e., his translation of Lu Xun’s masterpiece The True Story of Ah Q (Ah Q Zheng Zhuan), these changes have resulted infusing the horizons of the source text with the target text, or in fusing thehorizons of the multiple subjects involved in the discourse of the translation, including the translator, the author, the original culture and the culture of the translated text.

Keywords: LuXun’s short stories; William A. Lyell; Translation: social function; fusion ofhorizons

Construction Grammar-based Principles of Translation

By WEI Zaijiang(Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, China) p.119

Abstract: Whereas cognitive science-inspired translation studies in general has gained much attention over the past years, approaches specifically rooted in construction grammar remains relatively obscure  for practitioners of this field. Following an in-depth reviewof the basic ideas of construction grammar, this paper proposes four translation-applicable principles, i.e., the principle of totality, of prominence, of interactivity, and of constructional polysemy. These principlesare further tested with practical examples, and the results clearly establish construction grammar as a source of theoretical inspirations for translation studies.

Keywords: cognitive science; construction grammar; translation; translation principle





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