

港台人文 2022-12-22



 书单合集 | 明清史特辑   






       作為中英官方的第一次正式接觸,1793 年馬戛爾尼使團訪華對兩國的歷史發展均有深遠影響。在過往研究中,翻譯在使團活動所扮演的角色屢被忽略,導致不少研究上的偏差和誤解。本書搜集並運用大量檔案和文獻材料,釐清譯員背景以及國書、敕諭等各類文書的翻譯和改寫問題,力圖還原中英首次對話的內容和翻譯過程,全面準確地解讀英國使團訪華事件,並有力地論證了翻譯在近代中國外交活動的重要性及其對國家政治、文化和歷史的關鍵影響。



明清科舉是一個有缺陷但運轉順暢的文化、教育「陀螺儀」,體現了社會地位、政治權力和文化聲望之間的複雜關係,是帝國朝廷及其士紳精英精心平衡、通力合作的結果。明清科舉不僅是一種選官制度,更是連接晚期帝國知識、政治、經濟生活的重要紐帶,是官方/ 非官方、正統/ 非正統、公共生活/ 私人生活互動最為頻繁的交匯點之一。明清科舉的歷史意義和價值,不僅體現在官員和知識精英的再生產上,也體現在數百萬科舉失敗者具有反諷意味的更大的「成功故事」上。











      This book reinterprets architecture in Beijing during the reigns of the Kangxi (1661-1722), Yongzheng (1723-1735) and Qianlong (1736-1795) emperors in the eighteenth-century. More specifically, it views the building processes of the four churches and the Western palaces in the Yuanming Yuan garden as an example of cultural dialogue in the context of the Enlightenment. The study is based firstly on archival sources from different institutions from around the globe using Big Data to manage them. Secondly, it places increased emphasis on architectural remains, preserved both in international collections as well as at archaeological sites.


Marginalia are a variety of writings and symbols written by readers in book margins. This study focuses on marginalia and explores the reading practices and the scholarly culture of late Imperial China. Beginning in the late Ming and early Qing, more scholars devoted themselves to reading and collating ancient texts.They developed the habit of writing marginalia while reading, of transcribing other readers’ marginalia, and of printing marginalia, all of which formed a particular scholarly culture. This book explores how this culture developed, gained momentum, and shaped the styles, lives, thoughts, and mind states of scholars in late Imperial China.


      The Chinese gazette as a publicly available government publication was distributed in a variety of formats since the twelfth century. Little is known, however, about its form and content before 1800. By looking at China from the periphery, this study shows how European sources offer a unique way of expanding the knowledge about the gazette of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Its interconnected history illustrates how the Chinese gazette, as translated by European missionaries, became a major source for reflections on state and society by Enlightenment thinkers. It thus joined a global public much earlier than so far assumed.


       Huizhou studies the construction of local identity through kinship in the prefecture of Huizhou, the most prominent merchant stronghold of Ming China. Employing an array of untapped genealogies and other sources, Qitao Guo explores how developments in the sociocultural, religious, and gender realms from the fifteenth to sixteenth centuries intertwined to shape Huizhou identity as a land of “prominent lineages.” This gentrified self-image both sheltered and guided the development of mercantile lineages, which were further bolstered by the gender regime and the local religious order. As Guo demonstrates, the discrepancy between representation and practice helps explain Huizhou’s triumphs. The more active the economy became, the more those central to its commercialization embraced conservative sociocultural norms. Home lineages embraced neo-Confucian orthodoxy even as they provided the financial and logistical support to assure the success of Huizhou merchants. The end result was not “capitalism” but a gentrified mercantile lineage culture with Chinese—or Huizhou—characteristics.







     This book centers on the changes of polders and investigates the complex hydro-social relationships of the Jianghan Plain in late imperial China. Once a “hydraulic frontier” where local communities managed the polders, the Jianghan Plain became a state-led hydro-electric powerhouse by the mid-twentieth century. Through meticulous historical analysis, this book shows how water politics, cultural practice, and ecology interplayed and transformed the landscape and waterscape of the plain from a long-term perspective. By touching on topics such as religious beliefs, ethnic tension and militarization, the author reveals a plain in between nature and culture that has never been fully examined before.


     The scholarly culture of Ming dynasty China (1368–1644) is often seen as prioritizing philosophy over concrete textual study. Nathan Vedal uncovers the preoccupation among Ming thinkers with specialized linguistic learning, a field typically associated with the intellectual revolution of the eighteenth century. He explores the collaboration of Confucian classicists and Buddhist monks, opera librettists and cosmological theorists, who joined forces in the pursuit of a universal theory of language.



