
讲座 | Randi Martin - Domain-specific working memory

上外语言院 上外语言院 2024-03-07


讲座名称:Domain-specific working memory:  Neural basis and implications for language processing

主讲人:    Randi Martin


讲座时间:2022/12/09(周五)  9:00-10:00am.


Zoom会议:929 6438 8131 密码:20221209



Randi Martin is the Elma Schneider Professor of Psychology at Rice University and Director of the T. L. L. Temple Foundation Neuroplasticity Research Laboratory. With Suparna Rajaram and Judith Kroll, Martin co-founded Women in Cognitive Science in 2001, an organization supported in part through the National Science Foundation's ADVANCE Leadership program. She is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and the Society of Experimental Psychologists (SEP). Her research on short-term memory and language processing in aphasia has been continuously funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) since 1984.

Martin is Senior Editor of the journal Cognition. She was the former editor of the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. Previously, she served on the Governing Board of the Academy of Aphasia and held leadership positions in the Psychonomic Society. In 1995 she was honored with the Claude Pepper Award from the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NICHD) to study how language processing breaks down as a result of brain damage caused by stroke.


My lab has advocated a domain-specific model of working memory which includes separable storage components for maintaining different types of information.  In the verbal domain, this includes distinct buffers for phonological, semantic, and orthographic information.  In this presentation, I will briefly review the neuropsychological findings that originally motivated this model. However, most of the focus will be on recent converging evidence from behavioral and neuroimaging studies of healthy and brain damaged individuals regarding the existence of these buffers and their role in language comprehension and production. A major claim is that the semantic buffer plays a greater role in language processing, though specific contributions of the phonological buffer have recently been identified.




讲座 | Randi Martin - Domain-specific working memory

上外语言院 上外语言院

