

The 5th Language Studies Forum for Emerging Scholars



English Medium Instruction in Emerging Contexts: Problems and Prospects


        语言研究青年学者海上论坛是由复旦大学外文学院和上海外国语大学的一批青年学者的集体倡议下开始的特色学术活动,第一届在复旦大学举办,之后陆续在武汉大学、同济大学、上海财经大学陆续举行,凝聚了一批国内关注语言教育、语言政策与规划、社会语言学等的中青年学者。本次论坛由复旦大学外文学院多语研究创新团队主办,采用在线论坛方式,邀请了英国牛津大学Heath Rose博士、英国伦敦学院大学Jim McKinley博士 (国际期刊 System 联合主编)、新加坡南洋理工大学Rita Elaine Silver博士(国际期刊 Language and Education 主编)、澳大利亚莫纳什大学Zhichang Xu 博士(国际期刊 English Today 联合主编)以及汕头大学彭剑娥教授、北京外国语大学徐浩博士作为主讲人,在2020年8月25日和8月26日分别做两场线上讲座,就高等教育的教学媒介语问题深入探讨。

August 25, 2020 (4:00pm – 6:00pm)


1. Heath Rose, University of Oxford, UK

English Medium Instruction and Language-Related Challenges: Lessons from Japan

2. Jim McKinley, University College London, UK

English Medium Instruction in Chinese Higher Education: Putting Policy into Practice

3. Jian-E Peng, Shantou University, China

Effectiveness of English Medium Instruction in the Chinese context 

Online symposium: ZOOM

Meeting ID: 692 711 59759

Password: 200825

August 26, 2020 (2:00 – 4:00pm)


4. Rita Elaine Silver, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Undertaking research on English Medium Instruction

5. Zhichang Marc Xu, Monash University, Australia

Paradigm Shift and Transmedia(ted) Communication: A Tale of EMI in Three Cities

6. Hao Xu, Beijing Foreign Studies University, China

Understanding EAP Learning as a Language Socialisation Process

Online symposium: ZOOM

Meeting ID: 633 079 74623

Password: 200826


SPEAKER: Heath Rose, University of Oxford

TITLE: English Medium Instruction and Language-Related Challenges: Lessons from Japan

ABSTRACT:Internationalization and English in the twenty-first century are inextricably intertwined, as universities turn to Englishization in order to internationalize. A side effect of internationalization is the rapid emergence of English medium instruction (EMI) in higher education around the world, defined as ‘the use of the English language to teach academic subjects (other than English itself) in countries or jurisdictions where the first language (L1) of the majority of the population is not English’ (Macaro, 2018, p. 19). EMI programs have become commonplace in many universities that are relatively new to internationalisation, and East Asia is noted to be an area of recent significant growth. This talk explores the language-related implications associated with policy and practice in EMI, with a focus on empirical research in the context of Japan. It first takes a policy perspective to explore the English-language implications of recent trends in higher education. This is then followed by an overview of research led by the speaker in Japan, which aims to uncover what language-related issues affect students’ success in EMI. These studies explore the relationships between proficiency, language-related challenges, motivation, and content learning outcomes. The studies reveal significant ways in which universities can provide the most appropriate support for students learning through English. The talk makes recommendations for EMI policy makers, EMI lecturers and language teachers working alongside EMI. These recommendations are relevant to other contexts, such as China, where EMI is also growing rapidly, and students’ language proficiency has been observed as a barrier to effective learning and teaching in some contexts.

BIO: Heath Rose is an Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics in the Department of Education at the University of Oxford, where he is also the co-ordinator of the EMI Oxford Research Group. His research interests are in English medium instruction, Global Englishes and TESOL, and he recently led a British Council China funded project on EMI. His books include Global Englishes for Language Teaching (Cambridge University Press), Doing Research in Applied Linguistics (Routledge), and Introducing Global Englishes (Routledge).


SPEAKER: Jim McKinley, University College London

TITLE: English medium instruction in Chinese higher education: Putting policy into practice

ABSTRACT: With the rapid global expansion of EMI, Chinese higher education has seen the emergence of whole degrees in English, bilingual degree formats, and numerous courses in discipline-focused programs switching some of their elective curricula to English. While the growth of EMI in Europe has been well documented in large-scale policy scans and surveys, similar monitoring exercises have yet to be conducted in China to the same extent. This study aims to take stock of the current state of EMI policy implementation and future plans in Chinese higher education to map current EMI provision and predict future EMI growth. It uses a policy framework to explore EMI in the Chinese HEI context by exploring gaps between macro- (state), meso- (institutional), and micro-level (classroom) policy implementation, alongside an investigation of implementation affordances and challenges. In its review of policy, the study drew on a sample of approximately 140 universities (and 400 disciplines) which are part of the ‘Double First Class’ and ‘Belt and Road’ initiatives in China. To supplement policy, the researchers conducted additional fieldwork at eight case study universities to gather contextualized qualitative data regarding policy implementation and on-the-ground challenges faced by administrators, academics, and students. The study revealed that EMI implementation varied greatly from institution to institution, and even classroom to classroom within the same program. The study also revealed barriers to EMI implementation such as the hiring and professional development of EMI lecturers, and a lack of adequate language proficiency and support needed for students to be successful in their studies at some of the universities. The study also revealed unique approaches to EMI that might serve as role models for future best practice.

BIO: Jim McKinley is Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics and TESOL at the Institute of Education, University College London. His research is at the crossroads of globalisation and higher education, with an interest in implications for language learning and teaching. He has recently led a British Academy-funded project on the teaching-research nexus in global higher education. His research has appeared in publications such as the Journal of Second Language Writing, Higher Education, TESOL Quarterly and Applied Linguistics. Jim is co-author of Data Collection Research Methods in Applied Linguistics (Bloomsbury) and co-editor of the Routledge Handbook of Research Methods in Applied Linguistics.


SPEAKER: Rita Elaine Silver, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

TITLE: Undertaking research on English-medium instruction

ABSTRACT: The focus of this presentation is on undertaking research on English-medium instruction (EMI) in various regional/educational/social contexts. I first provide a brief overview of different types of EMI (e.g. immersion, CBLT) as reported in research from different international contexts (European, American, Asian). I then highlight some of the complexities of the context in China with educational policy and practice in Standard Chinese/Putonghua, ethnic minority languages, English and EMI, referring to research at the tertiary level. With this overview of international research and contextual background in the PRC, I focus on what research shows about teacher needs & beliefs – challenges, compromises and language awareness – for EMI in different subject domains. This is presented as one lens for considering the research-practice nexus. I end with brief comments on fruitful lines of inquiry for future research in this area.

BIO: Rita Elaine Silver is an Associate Professor in English Language and Literature and Associate Dean for Research Design & Integrity at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University. She is editor of the journal Language & Education (Taylor & Francis). Her research interests include teacher professional learning, language and literacy development, classroom discourse, language policy, research management and research ethics.


SPEAKER: Zhichang Xu, Monash University, Australia

TITLE: Paradigm shift and transmedia(ted) communication: a tale of EMI in three cities

ABSTRACT: In this presentation, I unpack the paradigm shift surrounding world Englishes and the current transmedia(ted) communication practices in English as a lingua franca (ELF) around the world, and explore their implications for English medium instruction (EMI) in the three cities that I have had extensive living and working experiences, namely, Beijing, Hong Kong and Melbourne. In particular, I adopt ‘narrative knowledging’ as an approach and explore what ‘English’, ‘medium’ and ‘instruction’ mean to me as a practitioner and researcher in linguistics and English language studies in tertiary education across different contexts.   

BIO: Dr. Zhichang Xu (Marc) is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics at Monash University, and Associate Editor for English Today (Cambridge University Press). He has a disciplinary background in Applied Linguistics and Intercultural Education. His research areas include World Englishes, Applied Linguistics, Cultural Linguistics, English as a Lingua Franca, Intercultural Communication, and Language Education. He has published a research monograph and an edited volume on Chinese English, as well as book chapters, and journal articles in journals including World Englishes, International Journal of English as a Lingua Franca, Journal of Asian Pacific Communication, Asian Englishes, Intercultural Pragmatics, and Multilingual Education.


SPEAKER: Hao Xu, Beijing Foreign Studies University, China

TITLE: Understanding EAP learning as a language socialisation process

ABSTRACT: The learning of English for Academic Purposes (EAP), as a form of English-medium instruction, poses challenges for university students who strive to master it in ESL or EFL contexts. As language learning is a process of socialisation, the learning of EAP should not only focus on the linguistic and generic facets, but also take care of students’ experience and understanding of the entailed language socialisation, particularly in cases of institutionalised EAP curriculum with its intended language socialisation. Complexities and tension may arise when students find themselves in dissonance with the curriculum as to what language socialisation is to be valued and experienced. In this talk, I will delineate how students responded with resistance to the curriculum-mediated language socialisation that they, unfortunately, did not identify and concur with, in the EAP course we taught, which may carry implications as to how the EAP instruction can be optimised.

BIO: Hao Xu is an Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics at National Research Centre for Foreign Language Education, Beijing Foreign Studies University. His research interests include second language acquisition and second language teacher education. His publications have appeared in Journal of Second Language Writing, Language Policy, Language Teaching Research, TESOL Quarterly, System, Teaching and Teacher Education, and The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher.


SPEAKER: Jian-E Peng

TITLE: Effectiveness of English Medium Instruction in the Chinese context

ABSTRACT: English-medium instruction (EMI) has been widely practiced in tertiary education in China starting from the turn of this century. EMI refers to the use of English as the instructional language to teach academic subjects, although the extents of actual English use in course instruction may vary greatly. While diverse or mixed perceptions of and attitudes towards EMI both from teachers and students have been extensively explored, the effectiveness of EMI in this context remains relatively unclear. In this presentation, I first review perceived effectiveness of EMI programs in tertiary education in China based on self-report findings documented in previous studies. I then present the rudimentary results of a meta-analysis of the impact or effectiveness of EMI on students’ academic achievement for the purpose of facilitating evidence-based conclusions in this regard. This presentation finally addresses institutional and pedagogical implications for implementing EMI programs and implications for future research.

BIO: Jian-E Peng is a Professor in English in Shantou University, China. Her research interests include learner motivation, English academic writing, discourse analysis, teacher development, and research methodology. Her main works include two books, four book chapters, and papers published in Language Learning, TESOL Quarterly, System, Journal of English for Academic Purposes, Linguistics and Education, ELT Journal, Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, and Sage Open.








语言学年报 | 2020下半年语言学学术会议集锦




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