

四万学者关注了→ 语言学心得 2022-06-09


Speaker: Simon Fischer-Baum

Title: Representational similarity as a tool in the cognitive science of language

Time: 11:00 – 12:30, 12 January 2022 

           (Beijing, Hong Kong time)

Venue: https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/779556638


Representational similarity as a tool in the cognitive science of language 

Simon Fischer-Baum 

Rice University 

Our ability to process language involves complex transformations of stimuli and responses between different mental representation spaces - from the sensory input to the motor output, with intervening levels of semantic, phonological, and orthographic coding. One way to distinguish between these levels of representation is to reflect on differences in which stimuli are similar to each other; for example the word DOUGH is similar to the word TOUGH at an orthographic level, BREAD at a semantic level, and SEW at a phonological level. I will present several recent studies from my lab that use representational similarity analysis (RSA) - a technique designed to relate theories of expected similarity structure to brain and behavior - in order to test competing theories of the cognitive representations and processes in language. I will present results showing how computational theories of language processing can generate predictions about the similarity structure between different language stimuli, and how RSA can be used to relate these computational theories to fMRI, EEG, and behavioral data to in order to answer open questions in language science.

About the Speaker

Simon Fischer-Baum currently serves as an Associate Professor of Psychological Sciences and the Director of the Cognitive Science program at Rice University. Prior to that, he was a Beckman Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. He has an undergraduate degree from Columbia University in Neuroscience and a PhD from Johns Hopkins in Cognitive Science. The goal of his work is to uncovering the cognitive and neural representations and processes involved in written language, using a mixture of neuroscientific, cognitive neuropsychological, computational, and behavioral methods, and investigations of different languages and different reading modalities. He has been named a Rising Star by the Association for Psychological Sciences and has a CAREER award from the National Science Foundation.

Virtual Psycholinguistics Forum:






讲座预告|Hayo Reinders教授:应用语言学系列讲座




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