

五万学者关注了→ 语言学心得 2022-12-22





Agency in Language Education


In this talk, I will outline major approaches to conceptualizing agency in education. I will highlight the interconnection between agency and autonomy in language education. I will also contextualize the discussion of agency in relation to language teachers and learners.


Xuesong (Andy) Gao is Professor in Language and Literacy Education at the School of Education, University of New South Wales, Australia. His research interests include language learner autonomy,language education policy, and language teacher education. He edits International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, and co-edits the English Language Education book series published by Springer. 


Mobile-assisted language and culture learning: challenges, opportunities and institutional infrastructure


This presentation will explore the impact of the affordances of digital technologies with particular reference to mobile devices on conditions of and for (language) learning. This will be done specifically in relation to notions of literacy, communication and culture and related pedagogical practices with a focus on the 'problem spaces' of learning design, teacher professional development and cultures of use. Consideration will also be given to strategic implications for universities in relation to teaching and learning.


Norbert Pachler is Professor of Education at the UCL Institute of Education with academic specialism in areas of digital education, teacher education and development and language education. He has published widely and supervises in these fields. His substantive role currently is that of Pro-Vice-Provost (Teaching, Learning, Digital Education) at UCL.


Methodological advances and challenges in cognitively-oriented TBLT research


The last three decades have seen a significant advancement in describing and understanding task-based language performance and development. So far, however, the bulk of cognitively-oriented task-based language teaching (TBLT) research has focused on the products of task-based use and learning, relatively little research has examined the cognitive processes in which learners engage during task-based work. In this talk, I will argue that, to facilitate TBLT theory-construction as well as pedagogical practices, it is crucial that researchers dedicate more attention to task-generated cognitive processes. Then, I will review a variety of approaches, both more traditional and state-of-the art, to examining task-based processes. In particular, I described and discussed previous TBLT research using subjective techniques (questionnaires, interviews, think-alouds, and stimulated recalls) as well as objective tools (dual-task methodology, keystroke-logging, screen-recording, eye-tracking, and fMRI), while highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of each method. I will also describe and demonstrate how adopting more novel data collection techniques (e.g., eye-tracking, keystroke logging, fMRI) and triangulating these with more traditional tools (e.g., verbal protocols) can help us achieve a fuller and more complete understanding of task-based processing and learning. In doing so, I will draw on my own and others' recent work exploring the cognitive processes involved in second language writing, reading, listening and speaking task performance. I will end the talk with some methodological recommendations for future cognitively-oriented TBLT research.


Andrea Révész is a Professor of Second Language Acquisition at the UCL Institute of Education, University College London. Her main research interests lie at the interfaces of second language acquisition, instruction and assessment, with particular emphases on the roles of task, input, interaction, and individual differences in SLA. Currently, she is also working on projects investigating the cognitive processes underlying second language performance. She is co-winner of the 2017 TBLT Best Research Article Award and co-recipient of the 2018 TESOL Award for Distinguished Research. Currently, she serves as associate editor of the journal Studies in Second Language Acquisition and is Vice-President of the International Association for Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT).


Emojis and the future of language


In this talk, I'll look at how technology is changing both the way we use language and language itself, and I'll ask what this means for the future of human communication. A few decades ago, discussions about the future of language often focused on how English was emerging as the main global language. Today, the question is more likely to lead to answers about the influence that digital technology is having on the way we communicate, and whether developments in this area are improving our ability to relate to each other or having the opposite effect. With reference to the use of emojis in digital interaction, the talk will explore the changing nature of global communication.


Philip Seargeant is the author of The Art of Political Storytelling. He works as Senior Lecturer in Applied Linguistics at the Open University, where he teaches and researches language and communication. He has written and edited a dozen academic monographs, textbooks and collections on topics ranging from World Englishes, language and social media, to language and creativity. 


How Positive Psychology transformed foreign language learning research and could benefit foreign language teaching


The introduction of Positive Psychology in foreign language (FL) learning research triggered a wave of interest in learner and teacher emotions (Dewaele, 2022; Dewaele et al., 2019, Dewaele & Li, 2020).  It extended the traditional focus on foreign language anxiety and introduced new concepts such as FL enjoyment (Dewaele & MacIntyre, 2014) and FL boredom (Li, 2021) which affect performance and progress in the FL. I will argue that Positive Psychology could also help over the deficit perspective in FL education that causes a huge amount of stress to both learners and teachers, namely the view that FL learners are somehow deficient if they do not reach an unattainable “native speaker” norm.

The introduction of Positive Psychology in foreign language (FL) learning research triggered a wave of interest in learner and teacher emotions. It extended the traditional focus on foreign language anxiety and introduced new concepts such as FL enjoyment and FL boredom which affect performance and progress in the FL. I will argue that Positive Psychology could also help over the deficit perspective in FL education that causes a huge amount of stress to both learners and teachers, namely the view that FL learners are somehow deficient if they do not reach an unattainable “native speaker” norm.


Jean-Marc Dewaele (PhD Free University of Brussels) is Professor of Applied Linguistics and Multilingualism at Birkbeck, University of London. He has authored and edited 8 books, published over 300 papers and chapters on individual differences in psycholinguistic, sociolinguistic, pragmatic, psychological and emotional variables in Second Language Acquisition and Multilingualism. He is former president of the International Association of Multilingualism and the European Second Language Association and he is General Editor of the Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. He won the Equality and Diversity Research Award from the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (2013), the Robert Gardner Award for Excellence in Second Language and Bilingualism Research (2016) from the International Association of Language and Social Psychology and the Distinguished Scholar Award (2022) from the European Second Language Association.


When syntax is semantic: a semiotic account of English self pronouns


Traditional analyses divide the use of English self pronouns into two categories: reflexive (argument) and emphatic (appositive).  Generally, emphatics have been analyzed in terms of semantics (e.g., Kemmer 1995; Kemmer & Barlow 1996; Edmondson & Plank 1978), while argument uses are the purview of syntactic treatments (e.g., Chomsky 1981, 1982, 1995; Reinhart & Reuland 1993).  In this talk, a semantic analysis is applied across the board to all appearances of these pronouns, including both appositive and argument uses, and encompassing traditional reflexives as well as so-called exceptions. This innovative functionalist account, based on the Columbia School framework, unites argument and appositive uses, as well as what syntacticians have called sentence-based and discourse-based uses of these forms.

Specifically, I will show that argument uses of self pronouns are an instantiation of the use of these forms for unexpected messages.  In prototypical reflexive uses, a single referent is playing more than one role at a single time, an unexpected situation given the grammatical meanings signaled by word order in English (Diver 1984; Reid 1991, 2010).  The presence of what I call a notional role conflict accounts for all syntactically reflexive uses of self, as well as the appearance of the forms in logophoric contexts and picture noun phrases.  I will demonstrate that the semantic notion of role conflict is a more reliable predictor of the distribution of self pronouns than the syntactic notion of reflexivity.


Nancy Stern is an Associate Professor in the Programs in Bilingual Education & TESOL at The City College of New York and in the Linguistics Program at the CUNY Graduate Center. She holds a Ph.D. in linguistics from the CUNY Graduate Center, and has published in the fields of theoretical linguistics, teacher education, and bilingualism. A former department chair and now director of the Programs in Bilingual Education & TESOL, she is currently Principal Investigator (PI) of B-SEAL for Multilingual Learners, a five-year program funded by the US Department of Education, and is a Co-PI of the CUNY-Initiative on Immigration and Education, funded by the New York State Education Department. In addition, Nancy currently serves as the president of the Columbia School Linguistic Society, as the book review editor of the journal Lingua, and as a member of the Academic Council of American Friends of Combatants for Peace.













招  聘|浙江大学传媒与国际文化学院人才招聘启事(语言学)




讯  息|2022年度中国社科院吕叔湘语言学奖评选工作启动




招  生|北京外国语大学课程研修班国际中文教育方向&英语教育方向招生简章


好文荐读|杨彩梅、董  昕:唯递归假说中 “递归”的界定





审     核:心得君




