
刊讯|SSCI 期刊《第二语言学习与教学研究》2022年第1期

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Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching

Volume 12, Issue 1, June 2021

Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching(SSCI 一区,2021 IF:2.352)2022年第1期共发文6篇,其中研究性论文5篇。研究话题涉及从话语和内省的角度看待二语习得情绪的出现、外语学习无聊情绪的潜在来源、动态参与第二语言计算机辅助的协作写作任务、探讨英语教师的行为对外语大学生学业倦怠的预测作用、调查土耳其英语教学课程的学术成就等。


刊讯|SSCI 期刊《第二语言学习与教学研究》2021年第4期

刊讯|SSCI 期刊《第二语言学习与教学研究》2021年第2期


■ Notes on Contributors,  Pages 1–11.

Editorial, by Mirosław Pawlak, Pages 13–14.

■ Shifting focus through a small lens: Discursive and introspective perspectives on the emergence of L2 study emotions, by Richard J. Sampson, Pages 15–36.

Potential sources of foreign language learning boredom: A Q methodology study, by Mariusz Kruk, Mirosław Pawlak, Majid Elahi Shirvan, Tahereh Taherian, Elham Yazdanmehr, Pages 37–58.

Dynamic engagement in second language computer-mediated collaborative writing tasks: Does communication mode matter?, by Scott Aubrey, Pages 59–86.

■ Exploring the predictive role of teacher immediacy and stroke behaviors in English as a foreign language university students’ academic burnout, by Ali Derakhshan, Zohreh R. Eslami, Samantha Curle, Kiyana Zhaleh, Pages 87–115.

Investigating academic achievement of English medium instruction courses in Turkey, by Mehmet Altay, Samantha Curle, Dogan Yuksel, Adem Soruç, Pages 117–141.


Shifting focus through a small lens: Discursive and introspective perspectives on the emergence of L2 study emotions

Richard J. Sampson, Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan

AbstractWhile perennial in the research landscape, empirical work investigating second language (L2) study emotions has proliferated in the past ten years (Dewaele, 2019). Nevertheless, this article argues there is space for more holistic yet detailed, social yet individual perspectives when conducting such research. As one avenue, the paper explores the potential of a “small lens” approach (Ushioda, 2016) to delve into particular emotional events in situ from learner-internal and learner-external points of view. It details an example of such an approach put into practice, in which the author examined the emergence of emotionally significant episodes for English as a foreign language undergraduates in Japan during short conversation sessions. The research explored data from discursive (video-recordings and transcripts of short conversations) and introspective (learner journals) angles. As a result, it was possible to observe the ways in which students’ emotional moves were both afforded by and acted on those of the other through their social interactions, and through interactions with additional aspects of their ongoing psychologies and relationships. The article thus aims to promote further situated L2 emotion research examining the dynamic interplay between various aspects of learners’ psychologies and the co-formed social context.

Key words L2 study emotions, person-in-context relational view, small lens research approach, discursive and introspective tools

Potential sources of foreign language learning boredom: A Q methodology study

Mariusz Kruk, University of Zielona Góra, Poland

Mirosław Pawlak, Adam Mickiewicz University, Kalisz, Poland; University of Applied Sciences, Konin, Poland

Majid Elahi Shirvan, University of Bojnord, Iran

Tahereh Taherian, Yazd University, Iran

Elham Yazdanmehr, Attar Institute of Higher Education, Iran

AbstractThe present study employed an interpretive approach to investigate individual learners’ viewpoints on foreign language learning boredom (FLLB). To this aim, a Q method, which shares features of both qualitative and quantitative research approaches, was used to explore 37 Iranian English as a foreign language (EFL) learners’ perceptions of potential sources of boredom in the classroom. Nonprobability purposeful sampling was used to select participants from two private language institutes in Mashhad, Iran. A hybrid-type Q sampling was employed to produce 40 statements related to the sources of FLLB. Using PQ Method, an exclusive statistical package for Q methodology, the Q sorts were intercorrelated and factor-analyzed. Three factors were extracted and rotated using varimax rotation and hand adjustment. Factor arrays and qualitative analyses were utilized to find and interpret three different accounts of FLLB. The three factors showed that the students held three divergent prototypical points of view about the sources of boredom experienced in EFL learning in class: (a) teacher-induced boredom, (b) student-induced boredom, and (c) activity-induced boredom. The findings also showed that different learner prototypes experience FLLB distinctly. Thus teachers should consider using different strategies to prevent or reduce this negative emotion in the context of L2 learning since otherwise this process could be impeded.

Key words foreign language learning boredom (FLLB), Q methodology, teacher-induced boredom, student-induced boredom, activity-induced boredom

Dynamic engagement in second language computer-mediated collaborative writing tasks: Does communication mode matter?

Scott Aubrey, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China

AbstractThis study takes a dynamic approach to investigating engagement, examining fluctuations in cognitive-affective variables at regular time intervals during online collaborative second language (L2) writing tasks. Using online conference software and online editing software, 16 university students who use English as an L2, completed two collaborative problem-solution L2 writing tasks in two communication modes: video-chat and text-chat. After each task, learners viewed videos of their performances in 12 three-minute segments and were asked to rate their engagement on two scales (interest, focus). They were then interviewed about their attributions for fluctuations in their ratings. Group-level analysis revealed that learners experienced significantly higher focus and interest during tasks performed in video-chat mode than text-chat mode. This was contrasted with an analysis from a dynamic perspective, which produced a more nuanced picture of individual engagement trajectories during the tasks. Dynamic patterns of engagement fell into either moderately steady, increasing, decreasing, or rollercoaster pattern categories. A content analysis of 32 interviews revealed four factors that accounted for changes in engagement during tasks: task design (e.g., task familiarity), task process (e.g., instances of collaboration), task condition (e.g., communication mode), and learner factors (e.g., perceptions of proficiency).

Key words dynamic engagement, affective engagement, cognitive engagement, computer-mediated tasks, collaborative writing

Exploring the predictive role of teacher immediacy and stroke behaviors in English as a foreign language university students’ academic burnout

Ali Derakhshan, Golestan University, Gorgan, Iran

Zohreh R. Eslami, Texas A&M University, College Station, USA

Samantha Curle, The University of Bath, UK

Kiyana Zhaleh, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran

AbstractTo expand the literature on the rather new concept of student burnout, the present study examined the influence of teacher immediacy and stroke variables on English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students’ experience of burnout. To fulfill this aim, a group of 631 undergraduate EFL students from various universities in Iran answered questionnaires including the Immediacy Behavior Scale, the Student Stroke Scale, and the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Student Survey. The results of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of immediacy and burnout scales demonstrated the validity of the two scales in the Iranian EFL context. Subsequently, Pearson multiple correlation coefficients and structural equation modeling (SEM) were used to analyze the data. It was found that student burnout subscales negatively and significantly correlated with teacher immediacy and stroke subscales. Moreover, the results indicated that teacher immediacy and stroke variables, in combination with their subscales, could predict student burnout. On the whole, it can be concluded that teacher immediacy and stroke concepts, characterized as positive teacher interpersonal communication behaviors enhancing rapport and positive interaction between the teacher and students in EFL contexts, are potential preventers of negative student-related outcomes such as burnout.

Key words English as a foreign language, positive interpersonal communication, student burnout, teacher immediacy, teacher stroke

Investigating academic achievement of English medium instruction courses in Turkey

Mehmet Altay, Kocaeli University, Turkey

Samantha Curle, University of Bath, UK

Dogan Yuksel, Kocaeli University, Turkey

Adem Soruç, University of Bath, UK

AbstractThis article reports a quantitative study that investigated academic achievement in English medium instruction (EMI) courses at a public university in Turkey. Student test score data on EMI and Turkish medium instruction (TMI) courses as well as general English proficiency scores were collected in two academic divisions: the mathematical, physical, and life sciences (MPLS, N = 357); and the social sciences (N = 359). Analysis conducted at the macro (academic division), meso (academic department), and micro levels (academic program) showed subtle differences at each level. Overall, results were consistent: English language proficiency was a strong predictor of academic achievement of social science participants, whereas success in TMI courses predicted EMI success of MPLS participants. These results reinforce the notion that more language support should be given to social science students, whereas learning some content through TMI should be prioritized for MPLS students. Implications for language professionals and EMI practitioners are discussed, and suggestions are made for further research.

Key words English medium instruction, academic success, Turkish medium instruction, general English proficiency, higher education


Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching is a refereed journal published four times a year by the Department of English Studies, Faculty of Pedagogy and Fine Arts, Adam Mickiewicz Uiversity, Kalisz, Poland. The journal is devoted to reporting previuously unpublished highest quality theoretical and empirical research on learning and teaching second and foreign languages. It deals with the learning and teaching of any language, not only English, and focuses on a variety of topics ranging from the processes underlying second language acquisition, various acpects of language learning in instructed and non-instructed settings as well as different facets of the teaching process, including syllabus choice, material design, classroom practices, and evaluation.




本文来源:Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching官网





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