

七万学者关注了→ 语言学心得 2024-02-19







被引频次  212


摘  要   本文综述近15年新兴语料库翻译学的发展历程和研究理念,重点从翻译共性、翻译文体、翻译过程、应用研究(包括翻译教学)等方面评论了语料库翻译学的新视点和新阐释。作者提出,方法论的突破、合理的假设和求证、研究上的融通,这三者是语料库翻译研究以及其他学问发展起来的要点。



被引频次  108

摘  要  现代文体学的发展为翻译研究带来了新的启示,本文从文体与翻译之间的关系入手,在前人研究的基础上,尝试建立基于语料库的翻译文体学研究框架,即借助语料库软件工具,采用语际对比和语内类比相结合的模式,从语言形式和文学叙事两个视角对各类翻译文本的文体特征进行量化描写、分析和解释,发现翻译文本不同于一般文本的原因,进一步认识翻译的本质。



被引频次  106


摘  要  随着语料库语言学的发展,基于语料库的研究方法已成为文学文体的重要研究范式,语料库文体学应运而生。本文介绍了语料库文体学的主要研究领域及取得的成果,讨论了该领域存在的不足及其原因,最后指出了语料库语言学与文学文体研究这两个领域进一步融合的研究前景。



被引频次  90

摘  要  本文梳理了语料库译者风格研究的理念源头及其近二十年的发展,提出:译者风格研究从内容上应当是译者的翻译风格研究,既包含译者习惯性下意识语言行为的效果(T-型),也包含译者再现或应对源文本或原作者特定风格的规律性策略(S-型);从方法上不应仅局限于平均词长、平均句长、标准化类—形比等传统形式参数统计,而应当拓宽思路,向语义、语用、社会—文化等参数拓展,借鉴语料库文体学、计量语言学、计算语言学等相邻领域的研究方法,拓宽翻译文体或风格研究的范围。在这个意义上,语料库译者风格研究应当采用语料库辅助的研究方法,将定量统计与定性分析有机结合,使这一研究课题的方法论更加科学化和系统化。



被引频次  81

摘  要  本文应用双语平行语料库,以《骆驼祥子》两个英译本为例,从人称代词主语转换和叙事视角转换两方面比较译出与译入文本的翻译文体特征。研究发现:汉英小说翻译中,无论译出或译入,人称代词主语在数量和频次上均表现出增加趋势,在转换类型上均表现出明显的语际显化。但从译出和译入的类比关系上看,相对于译出文本,译入文本的显化程度更高一些;叙事视角方面,译出文本倾向于保留原文中的客观视角,译入文本则多采用主观视角,根本原因在于英汉语在转述语方面的差异。



被引频次  67


摘  要   国内对功能文体学的介绍和评述多以M.A.K.Halliday本人的研究为基础,很少提及该理论体系的另外一个构建者R.Hasan的理论模式以及功能文体学在新时期的发展。本文在首先对功能文体学的产生背景、理论框架和后期发展等方面进行介绍,然后对功能文体学在中国的发展进行综述,最后对功能文体学今后的发展提供一些建议。



被引频次  63

摘  要  口译语料库建设与研究迄今仅有十余年历史。目前,已建和在建的口译语料库尚不到10个,最大的也不过100万字,而且种类单一(会议口译)、标注简单。相应的研究数量较少,集中在口译文本语言特征和口译操作过程两方面。因此,未来口译语料库建设应注重以下问题:多类型、不同性质语料库的建设与完善,语料库规模的扩大,停顿、填充语、省略等副语言信息的精确标注与转写,口译语料库的"信息对应",适合口译语料的检索工具的研发。同时,基于口译语料库的研究应该考虑多种研究方法的综合利用,集中讨论口译文本的语篇特征、口译实践策略、口译相关理论和概念的验证与发展等关键问题,促进口译研究与教学的协调发展。



被引频次  46

摘  要   20世纪80年代以来,人们开始用语料库语言学方法研究文学文本。研究者常以语料库文体学、计算文体学、计量文体学、统计文体学、量化文体学等字样概括相关研究。这一研究的发展脉络和主要特点以及上述术语间的联系是本文考察的内容。纵观其发展过程,语料库语言学视野中的文学研究有两个特点:一,对比参照语料库研究文学文本语言的显著特征,验证在语料库语言学迅速发展前学界所归纳出的言语与思想表达方式的完整性,验证基于直觉判断和理性分析的文学评论的合理性;二,主张超越验证文学评论的阶段,关注文本的潜在意义,提倡结合文本,做到定量分析和定性分析相结合。本文探究借用语料库语言学方法研究文学文本的重要性和可行性,并指出在批判性地通读文学文本的前提下,充分利用语料库工具可多维度地丰富文学研究。



被引频次  44


摘  要  本文评述5年来(2006-2011)西方翻译文体学研究状况,讨论该领域较具代表性的作品,归纳梳理各种流派和思想,析评西方如何界定文体学和翻译文体学、如何对它们进行学科定位、如何展开研究、如何设定考察对象、以及如何聚焦研究重点等诸方面的问题。文章指出,当下西方翻译文体学越来越倚重语料库工具,研究视野趋于从较纯粹的文学文体学转向叙事与文体相结合的研究,翻译研究中所涉译出译入语趋于转向少数族语之间的互译。文章认为,西方翻译文体学领域里出现的这些变化和趋势,从研究内容、范式和方法的各个方面,对我们在相关领域的研究均有较大参考意义,值得深入了解和借鉴。

TOP 10


被引频次  42

摘  要  本文通过对语料库语言学与文学文体学学科交叉融合的梳理,对语料库文体学的历史演进、基本原理、分析方法及相关分析软件等进行探讨,旨在发掘计算机辅助条件下对文学语篇进行文体分析的路径及其在揭示文学语篇深层意义上的贡献。

\ 作者分析 /


黄立波 、邵璐 、胡春雨 、申丹 、毛文伟 、杜爱玲 、王克非 、卢卫中 、夏云 、刘世生 、宋成方 、张威 、李晋 、郎建国 、李涛 、王菊丽 、陈婵 、胡开宝 、杨枫 、任艳 、陈建生 、丁峻 、马广惠、宋成方 、刘世生 、周小玲 、蒋坚松 、刘靖 、黄立波 、崔亚妮 、陈建生等人。

\ 单位分析 /



\ 篇名分析 /


\关键词分析 /


\ 期刊分析 /





仅选Web of Science核心合集




Keyness Words, parts-of-speech and semantic categories in the character-talk of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

Cited frequency  103

Culpeper, Jonathan,Lancaster University

Abstract  This paper explores keywords, key part-of-speech categories and key semantic categories and their role in text analysis The first part of the paper addresses a set of issues relating to the definition of keywords and their history, the settings used in deriving keywords, the choice of reference corpora, the different kinds of keyword that emerge in ones results and the dispersion of keywords in one's data It argues, amongst other things, that keywords are the same as style markers, and that three types of keyword call be identified: interpersonal, textual and ideational. The second part of the paper addresses the question of what precisely is to be gained from analysing key part-of-speech or key semantic domains in addition to keywords It shows that whilst in general they add little to a keyword analysis, which is in any case methodologically more robust, there are some significant specific benefits Answers to many of the questions posed in this paper are illustrated by a study of character-talk from Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet, and in this way this paper also makes a contribution to the fledging field of corpus stylistics.


Deeper Delta across genres and languages: do we really need the most frequent words?

Cited frequency  44

Rybicki, JanPedagogical University of CracowEder, MaciejPedagogical University of Cracow
Abstract  This article examines the success of authorship attribution of Burrows's Delta in several corpora representing a variety of languages and genres. Contrary to the approaches of our predecessors, who only investigated the attributive effectiveness of the very top of the list of the most frequent words, hundreds of possible combinations of word vectors were tested in this study, not solely starting with the most frequent word in each corpus. The results show that Delta works best for prose in English and German and less well for agglutinative languages such as Polish or Latin.


Corpus stylistics, stylometry, and the styles of Henry James

Cited frequency  42

Hoover, David L,New York University

Abstract Stylometry provides powerful techniques for examining authorial style variation. This study uses several such techniques to explore the traditional distinction between James's early and late styles. They confirm this distinction, identify an intermediate style. and facilitate an analysis of the lexical character of James's style. Especially revealing are techniques that identify words with extremely variable frequencies across James's oeuvre-words that clearly characterize the various period styles. Such words disproportionately increase or decrease steadily throughout James's remarkably unidirectional stylistic development. Stylometric techniques constitute a promising avenue of research that exploits the power of corpus analysis and returns our attention to a manageable subset of an author's vocabulary.


Mind-modelling with corpus stylistics in David Copperfield

Cited frequency  32

Stockwell, Peter,University of Nottingham
Mahlberg, Michaela
University of Nottingham
Abstract  We suggest an innovative approach to literary discourse by using corpus linguistic methods to address research questions from cognitive poetics. In this article, we focus on the way that readers engage in mind-modelling in the process of characterisation. The article sets out our cognitive poetic model of characterisation that emphasises the continuity between literary characterisation and real-life human relationships. The model also aims to deal with the modelling of the author's mind in line with the modelling of the minds of fictional characters. Crucially, our approach to mind-modelling is text-driven. Therefore we are able to employ corpus linguistic techniques systematically to identify textual patterns that function as cues triggering character information. In this article, we explore our understanding of mind-modelling through the characterisation of Mr. Dick from David Copperfield by Charles Dickens. Using the CLiC tool (Corpus Linguistics in Cheshire) developed for the exploration of 19th-century fiction, we investigate the textual traces in non-quotations around this character, in order to draw out the techniques of characterisation other than speech presentation. We show that Mr. Dick is a thematically and authorially significant character in the novel, and we move towards a rigorous account of the reader's modelling of authorial intention.


Appraising Dubbed Conversation Systemic Functional Insights into the Construal of Naturalness in Translated Film Dialogue

Cited frequency  29

Perez-Gonzalez, LuisUniversity of Manchester

The 'authenticity' of fictional dialogue is widely held to play a pivotal role in shaping the audience's perception of the quality of a film. Yet the factors that account for the authenticity of both original and dubbed film conversation remain largely under-researched. This paper begins by outlining key contributions from the fields of stylistics, film studies and corpus-based translation studies that have enhanced our understanding of the specific nature and dynamics of fictional dialogue and its translation. A common assumption that underpins these approaches is that the success of the narrative and characterization-enhancing resources deployed in a film is contingent on the build-up of interpersonal alignments through a combination of prefabricated orality and spontaneous-sounding conversation. And yet both film theory and dubbing studies have so far focused on phenomena that take place within a single turn-at-talk and hence neglected the study of the sequential dimension of film dialogue. Drawing on the analysis of four scenes of the English and Spanish versions of Twelve Angry Men (Sidney Lumet, 1957), this article attempts to demonstrate the advantages of Martin's (2000a) systemic functional modelling of the exchange, especially his notion of 'telos'. Ultimately, this paper assesses the advantages of a heightened awareness of the sequential configuration of dialogue among dubbing practitioners.


Salient inferences: Pragmatics and The Inheritors

Cited frequency  27

Clark, BillyMiddlesex University
Abstract  This article considers the role of accounts of inferential processes in the stylistic analysis of texts. It approaches this question by considering the range of contributions an account of inferential processes might make to the stylistic analysis of William Golding's 1955 novel The Inheritors. It considers what such an account might add to insights already provided by previous analyses, including Halliday's famous analysis ('Linguistic Function and Literary Style', 1971) and Hoover's more recent corpus-based work (Language and Style in 'The Inheritors', 1999), both of which say relatively little about inferential processes. This article suggests that an account of inferential processes is in principle a vital part of any adequate account of how texts create effects, even though it is not always practical to offer a detailed account. In some cases, including the case of The Inheritors, the nature of the inferential processes which the text gives rise to makes an important contribution to how we understand and respond to the text.


Collaborative authorship in the twelfth century: A stylometric study of Hildegard of Bingen and Guibert of Gembloux

Cited frequency  25

Kestemont, Mike,University of Antwerp
Moens, Sara
University of Antwerp
Deploige, JeroenBoye Kasper
,Ghent University

Abstract  Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179) is one of the most influential female authors of the Middle Ages. From the point of view of computational stylistics, the oeuvre attributed to Hildegard is fascinating. Hildegard dictated her texts to secretaries in Latin, a language of which she did not master all grammatical subtleties. She therefore allowed her scribes to correct her spelling and grammar. Especially Hildegard's last collaborator, Guibert of Gembloux, seems to have considerably reworked her works during his secretaryship. Whereas her other scribes were only allowed to make superficial linguistic changes, Hildegard would have permitted Guibert to render her language stylistically more elegant. In this article, we focus on two shorter texts: the Visio ad Guibertum missa and Visio de Sancto Martino, both of which Hildegard allegedly authored during Guibert's secretaryship. We analyze a corpus containing the letter collections of Hildegard, Guibert, and Bernard of Clairvaux using a number of common stylometric techniques. We discuss our results in the light of the Synergy Hypothesis, suggesting that texts resulting from collaboration can display a style markedly different from that of the collaborating authors. Finally, we demonstrate that Guibert must have reworked the disputed visionary texts allegedly authored by Hildegard to such an extent that style-oriented computational procedures attribute the texts to Guibert.


Mind your corpus: systematic errors in authorship attribution

Cited frequency  23

Eder, MaciejPedagogical University of Cracow; Polish Academy of Sciences; Institute of the Polish Language of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Abstract  In computational stylistics, any influence of unwanted noise-e. g. caused by an untidily prepared corpus-might lead to biased or false results. Relying on contaminated data is similar to using dirty test tubes in a laboratory: it inescapably means falling into systematic error. An important question is what degree of nonchalance is acceptable to obtain sufficiently reliable results. The present study attempts to verify the impact of unwanted noise in a series of experiments conducted on several corpora of English, German, Polish, Ancient Greek, and Latin prose texts. In 100 iterations, a given corpus was gradually damaged, and controlled tests for authorship were applied. The first experiment was designed to show the correlation between a dirty corpus and attribution accuracy. The second was aimed to test how disorder in word frequencies-produced by scribal and/or editorial modifications-affects the attribution abilities of particular corpora. The goal of the third experiment was to test how much 'authorial' data a given text needs to have to trace authorial fingerprint through a mass of external quotations.


Mind your corpus: systematic errors in authorship attribution

Cited frequency  22

Fischer-Starcke, BettinaVienna University of Economics & Business
Abstract  Corpus linguistic analyses reveal meanings and structural features of data, that cannot be detected intuitively. This has been amply demonstrated with regard to non-fiction data, but fiction texts have only rarely been analysed by corpus linguistic techniques. This is the case even though it has been shown by previous analyses that corpus stylistic analyses reveal literary meanings of the data that are left undetected by the intuitive analyses of literary criticism. The analysis of the keywords and most frequent phrases of Jane Austen's novel Pride and Prejudice presented in this article confirms this claim by uncovering meanings that arc not discussed in literary critical secondary sources. This constitutes evidence for the large potential of corpus stylistics for the analysis of literature and its meanings.

TOP 10

Revisiting Style, a Key Concept in Literary Studies

Cited frequency  22

Herrmann, J. Berenike,University of Gottingen
van Dalen-Oskam, Karina,
University of Amsterdam; Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts & Sciences; Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands (KNAW)
Schoech, Christof
,University of Wurzburg

Abstract  Language and literary studies have studied style for centuries, and even since the advent of 'stylistics' as a discipline at the beginning of the twentieth century, definitions of 'style' have varied heavily across time, space and fields. Today, with increasingly large collections of literary texts being made available in digital form, computational approaches to literary style are proliferating. New methods from disciplines such as corpus linguistics and computer science are being adopted and adapted in interrelated fields such as computational stylistics and corpus stylistics, and are facilitating new approaches to literary style. The relation between definitions of style in established linguistic or literary stylistics, and definitions of style in computational or corpus stylistics has not, however, been systematically assessed. This contribution aims to respond to the need to redefine style in the light of this new situation and to establish a clearer perception of both the overlap and the boundaries between 'mainstream' and 'computational' and/or 'empirical' literary stylistics. While stylistic studies of non-literary texts are currently flourishing, our contribution deliberately centers on those approaches relevant to 'literary stylistics'. It concludes by proposing an operational definition of style that we hope can act as a common ground for diverse approaches to literary style, fostering transdisciplinary research. The focus of this contribution is on literary style in linguistics and literary studies (rather than in art history, musicology or fashion), on textual aspects of style (rather than production-or reception-oriented theories of style), and on a descriptive perspective (rather than a prescriptive or didactic one). Even within these limits, however, it appears necessary to build on a broad understanding of the various perspectives on style that have been adopted at different times and in different traditions. For this reason, the contribution first traces the development of the notion of style in three different traditions, those of German, Dutch and French language and literary studies. Despite the numerous links between each other, and between each of them to the British and American traditions, these three traditions each have their proper dynamics, especially with regard to the convergence and/or confrontation between mainstream and computational stylistics. For reasons of space and coherence, the contribution is limited to theoretical developments occurring since 1945. The contribution begins by briefly outlining the range of definitions of style that can be encountered across traditions today: style as revealing a higher-order aesthetic value, as the holistic 'gestalt' of single texts, as an expression of the individuality of an author, as an artifact presupposing choice among alternatives, as a deviation from a norm or reference, or as any formal property of a text. The contribution then traces the development of definitions of style in each of the three traditions mentioned, with the aim of giving a concise account of how, in each tradition, definitions of style have evolved over time, with special regard to the way such definitions relate to empirical, quantitative or otherwise computational approaches to style in literary texts. It will become apparent how, in each of the three traditions, foundational texts continue to influence current discussions on literary style, but also how stylistics has continuously reacted to broader developments in cultural and literary theory, and how empirical, quantitative or computational approaches have long existed, usually in parallel to or at the margins of mainstream stylistics. The review will also reflect the lines of discussion around style as a property of literary texts - or of any textual entity in general. The perspective on three stylistic traditions is accompanied by a more systematic perspective. The rationale is to work towards a common ground for literary scholars and linguists when talking about (literary) style, across traditions of stylistics, with respect for established definitions of style, but also in light of the digital paradigm. Here, we first show to what extent, at similar or different moments in time, the three traditions have developed comparable positions on style, and which definitions out of the range of possible definitions have been proposed or promoted by which authors in each of the three traditions. On the basis of this synthesis, we then conclude by proposing an operational definition of style that is an attempt to provide a common ground for both mainstream and computational literary stylistics. This definition is discussed in some detail in order to explain not only what is meant by each term in the definition, but also how it relates to computational analyses of style - and how this definition aims to avoid some of the pitfalls that can be perceived in earlier definitions of style. Our definition, we hope, will be put to use by a new generation of computational, quantitative, and empirical studies of style in literary texts.

\ 作者分析 /


Wang, Feng (Robin), Humble, Philippe, Cermakova, Anna, Ji, Meng, Gomez-Jimenez, Eva Maria, Ikeo, Reiko, Nieto Caballero, Guadalupe, McIntyre, Dan, Fischer-Starcke, Bettina, Ren Xiaofei, Li Lanlan; Zhang Chuanrui, Lu Jing, Liu Feng, Krueger, Ralph, Skrebtsova, Tatiana Georgievna, Shen, Dan, Culpeper, Jonathan, Wijitsopon, Raksangob.

\ 单位分析 /

以100篇论文的所有作者单位为数据,高引作者单位如下:University of Nottingham, University of Birmingham, Universidad de Extremadura, University of Huddersfield, University of Bologna, University of Granada, Tongji University; Vrije Universiteit Brussel, University of Manchester, University of Baghdad, Vienna University of Economics & Business, Jiangsu University; Jiangsu University; Jiangsu University, Jilin University.

\ 篇名分析 /

corpus, stylistics, stylistic, analysis, translation, approach, based, style, literary, use, studies, chinese, speech, translations, italian, study, for, year, dickens, poetry, work, english, literature,

\关键词分析 /

以100篇论文的所有关键词为数据,分词后统计词频(筛选):stylistics, corpus, translation, literary, linguistics, Corpus, analysis, speech, style, discourse, presentation, keywords, cognitive, Dickens, foregrounding, language, explicitation, metaphor, studies, characterisation, poetry.

\ 期刊分析 /

以100篇论文的所有期刊为数据,分词后词频排名(筛选):Language And Literature, International Journal Of Corpus Linguistics, Perspectives-Studies In Translation Theory And Practice, Corpora, Literary And Linguistic Computing, Digital Scholarship In The Humanities, Journal Of Literary Semantics, Style, Ilha Do Desterro-A Journal Of English Language Literatures In English And Cultural Studies, Journal Of Insect Physiology, Journal Of Quantitative Linguistics.










稿  约|《汉语国际传播研究》征稿启事


讯  息|2023年北京市社会科学基金拟立项项目名单(语言学)














刊讯|CSSCI 来源集刊《文献语言学》2023年第16辑




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