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    艾伯哈特-卡尔斯-图宾根大学(拉丁文:Universitas Eberhardina Carolina;德文:Eberhard-Karls-Universitaet Tuebingen)简称图宾根大学,坐落于原符腾堡伯国故都、今巴登-符腾堡州大学城图宾根,由艾伯哈特伯爵于公元1477年创建,是欧洲最古老的大学之一,德国精英大学、德国U15大学联盟、欧洲研究型大学协会、欧洲公民大学联盟、欧洲大学协会、昴宿星大学联盟成员。 

    图宾根大学培养了9位诺贝尔奖得主以及哲学家黑格尔、诗人荷尔德林、天文学家开普勒、作家黑塞、德国前总统霍斯特·克勒、前总理库尔特·乔治·基辛格、中国外交官乔冠华等杰出校友,在社会科学、自然科学以及医学等领域取得的成就蜚声世界。图宾根大学与坐落于图宾根的两座马克斯-普朗克研究所,智能系统研究所与生物控制论研究所,共同倡议设立的图宾根人工智能中心以及Cyber Valley生态系统已成长为欧洲最大和领先的人工智能和现代机器人卓越中心。此外,Cyber Valley也被亚马逊,奔驰,保时捷,宝马,博世等企业重点投资建设。图宾根大学位列2022QS世界大学排名第177位;2021泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名第78位;2020世界大学学术排名第150-200区间。



2 PhD positions (65% TV-L) Cognitive Neuroscience

The positions are part of the collaborative project “Neutral by Choice” on neurocognitive and philosophical models for states of indecision in perceptual decision making (PhD1) and social interactions (PhD2). The individuals working on this project will be responsible for experimental design, data collection, analysis, and dissemination of research outcomes, with opportunities to develop an individual research profile. As part of this project, newly funded by the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences, the candidates will closely interact with both research groups as well as with Dr. Verena Wagner (Philosophy Department, University Konstanz). We seek highly motivated candidates that are passionate about interdisciplinary research into human cognition, aim to develop their theoretical thinking as well as their data analytic abilities, and strive to conduct rigorous research. Candidates should bring with them the curiosity to engage in scientific discussions beyond the boundaries of their respective projects. We are strongly committed to open science, including sharing of data/code and preregistration. We believe in maintaining a diverse and inclusive research team and are supportive of members’ personal and professional development.

PhD 1 will be based in Tübingen, with primary supervision by Dr. Oganian, and will join the local graduate school (GTC Neurosciences Tübingen). We study auditory cognition, speech perception, and verbalcommunication. We are interested in the role of general sensory, and language networks in these cognitive functions. We use behavioral psychophysics, intracranial and scalp electrophysiology (i/M/EEG), and advanced computational methods to map those signals onto cognitive processes. 

PhD 2 will be based in Heidelberg, with primary supervision by Dr. Korn. The Decision Neuroscience of Human Interactions Laboratory develops neuro-computational models of social decision-making and learning processes. We are particularly interested in how these social processes go awry in psychiatric conditions, such as personality disorders. We combine computational modeling of behavioral data, model-based and multivariate analyses of fMRI and pupil data. Successful candidates will work together in this project, with the aim to identify the behavioral and neural correlates for different states of indecision, as proposed in recent theoretical developments. Candidates will develop their projects in parallel, with regular interactions and workshops with all project members. They will have the opportunity to train in all the methods used by their primary research laboratory, including research design, data acquisition and analysis, as well as gain insight in their scientific methodologies employed by other project members. Candidates will be employed directly by the Heidelberg Academy of Science and can participate in its events, in addition to scientific activities of vibrant neuroscientific research communities at the respective locations.

We offer remuneration in accordance with TV-L, in addition to all the customary benefits granted to employees working in Public Services. Severely handicapped persons with equal qualifications are given preferential consideration. The Universities of Tübingen and Heidelberg are anxious to increase their quota of female scientific staff, and therefore encourages women to apply for these positions. The Administration of the University Hospital is responsible for all employment matters. Personnel appointments will be made pursuant to the fundamental stipulations of the legal statutes for universities in Germany. Before taking up employment, proof of sufficient vaccination against measles or immunity against measles in accordance with § 23a in conjunction with § 20 Para. 9 of the Infection Protection Act must be provided (scope of application birth cohorts as of 01.01.1971). Interview expenses are not covered.

Fully funded Postdoctoral position (100 % TVL-13) with a flexible starting date in February 2024 or later.

The position is part of a project on the neural basis of speech comprehension in high-functioning autistic adults, funded by a research grant from the SFARI initiative. The individual working on this project will be responsible for experimental design, data collection, analysis, and dissemination of research outcomes, with opportunities to develop an individual research profile. As part of this project, the candidate will closely interact with the Affective Neuropsychiatry laboratory, directed by Prof. Dr. Dirk Wildgruber. 

Our group studies auditory cognition, speech perception, and verbal communication. We are interested in the role of general sensory, and language networks to these cognitive functions. We use intracranial electrophysiology in clinical settings (iEEG/ECoG), scalp electrophysiology (EEG and MEG), and psychophysics, as well as advanced computational methods to map those signals onto cognitive processes.Lab members can train in all these methods, including research design, data acquisition and analysis. Successful candidates will have the opportunity to participate in existing local and international collaborations and to develop new ones. 

To find out more, visit: 




Phd Required qualifications:

  • Candidates for these positions should have a background in cognitive science, psychology, neuroscience, psycholinguistics, or a related discipline (and hold an MA/MSc in their field by the time the position commences).

  • Prior experience with scientific coding (MATLAB, python, or R) is expected.

  • Prior experience in philosophy of mind, computational linguistics, cognitive modelling, or electrophysiology/fMRI are advantageous but not a prerequisite.

For informal inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact Yulia Oganian at yulia.oganian@uni-tuebingen.de or Christoph Korn, at christoph.korn@med.uni-heidelberg.de. To apply, please fill out this questionnaire. Review of applications will commence on Jan 8, 2023. Applications will be considered until the position is filled.

Postdoctoral position required qualifications:

Suitable candidates will have completed the requirements for a PhD in cognitive science, psychology, neuroscience, psycholinguistics, neural engineering, or a related discipline by the time the position starts. We invite applications from individuals with prior experience in at least one of the following: scientific coding (MATLAB or python), analysis of electrophysiology time series data, computational linguistics. Prior experience with neurodevelopmental disorders is not required, but interest and motivation to contribute to their understanding are expected. The position is funded for 2 years with the possibility of extension. 

We seek highly motivated candidates that are passionate about science and human cognition, aim to develop their theoretical thinking as well as their data analytic abilities, and strive to conduct rigorous research. We strive to maintain a diverse and inclusive research team and are supportive of members’ personal and professional development. Successful candidates will join the vibrant neuroscientific research community of Tuebingen. The CIN is an interdisciplinary research institution at the Eberhard-Karls-University Tübingen funded by the German Excellence Initiative program. The CIN strives to deepen our understanding of brain function and its impairment by disease. It seeks to make use of newly acquired insights to help people with brain disorders and to launch new mind- and brain-inspired applications in many areas of engineering and computer science.

For informal inquiries about the position, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Yulia Oganian at yulia.oganian@uni-tuebingen.de. To apply, please fill out this questionnaire. Review of applications will commence on Nov 3, 2023. Applications will be considered until the position is filled. 

We offer remuneration in accordance with TV-UK (Collective Agreement of the University Clinics of Baden-Württemberg) in addition to all the customary benefits granted to employees working in Public Services. Severely handicapped persons with equal qualifications are given preferential consideration. The University of Tübingen is anxious to increase its quota of female scientific staff, and therefore encourages women to apply for this position. The Administration of the University Hospital is responsible for all employment matters. Personnel appointments will be made pursuant to the fundamental stipulations of the legal statutes for universities in Germany. Before taking up employment, proof of sufficient vaccination against measles or immunity against measles in accordance with § 23a in conjunction with § 20 Para. 9 of the Infection Protection Act must be provided (scope of application birth cohorts as of 01.01.1971). Interview expenses are not covered.


推  荐







重  磅|人大复印报刊转载2023年第10期(语言学)












刊讯|SSCI 期刊《计量语言学》2023年第3-4期














审    核:心得君





