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Humanity is rapidly entering a global technological era represented by artificial intelligence. With the support of technology, applied linguistics research is also presenting a new look. The 2024 Shanghai Jiao Tong University "Language Technology Workshop" International Summer School brings together many renowned linguists and young research talents, providing young scholars dedicated to applied linguistics research with the opportunity to fully understand and master research tools and their practical applications in applied linguistics. PhD and Master's students in linguistics and related fields, as well as outstanding undergraduate students, are welcome to inquire and register!


项目基本信息/Basic Information


Target Audience: Postgraduate students and outstanding undergraduates in linguistics and related fields


Dates: July, 8th—July 19th, 2024


Place: Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Xuhui Campus, Shanghai, China


Language: Chinese and English (with interpretation provided if necessary)


Registration Period: May 20th to June 7th, 2024

费用:免学费、注册费, 提供一次招待晚餐(7月8日),其余餐费、交通费、住宿费自理(上海交大提供校内招待所双人房住宿选项,费用为200/天)。

Cost: No tuition or registration fees. Includes one complimentary dinner on July 8. Other meals, transportation, and accommodation expenses are self-funded. Shanghai Jiao Tong University offers an on-campus guesthouse with double rooms at a rate of 200 RMB per day.


International students (non-domestic) can apply for scholarships provided by the China Scholarship Council, with 10 scholarships available that cover free accommodation. Priority will be given to early registrants.


课程介绍/Course Introduction  


The summer school focuses on the software and hardware technologies commonly used in current applied linguistics. Through a workshop format, combined with research examples, it explains and teaches their usage methods and application in specific research. The course provides ample hands-on practice opportunities and will also organize discussions between instructors and participants on the development and innovation of language learning and research concepts.


Course List (subject to change)

7月8日 开幕式July 8: Opening Ceremony

思维导图在语言教学中的应用Application of Mind Maps in Language Teaching

半自主学习理论在中文教学中的应用Application of Semi-Autonomous Learning Theory in Chinese Teaching

引文工具Endnote的应用Application of Citation Tool Endnote

欢迎晚宴Welcome Dinner

7月9日 眼动仪软硬件及应用实例July 9: Eye Tracker Software and Hardware and Application Examples

7月10日 脑电仪应用入门及研究实例July 10: Introduction to EEG Applications and Research Examples

基于脑电的汉语量词习得研究Research on the Acquisition of Chinese Classifiers Based on EEG

7月11日 语音分析软件Praat及研究实例July 11: Speech Analysis Software Praat and Research Examples

7月12日 基于网络技术的中文分班测试July 12: Chinese Placement Test Based on Web Technology

研究设计讨论1Research Design Discussion 1

7月13日 市内观光(自费)July 13: City Tour (Self-funded)

7月14日 自由活动July 14: Free Activities

7月15日 SPSS及统计入门July 15: Introduction to SPSS and Statistics

7月16日 质性软件Nvivo的应用July 16: Application of Qualitative Software Nvivo

基于ELAN的多模态语料描写Multimodal Corpus Description Based on ELAN

7月17日 语料库及文本统计基础July 17: Basics of Corpus and Text Statistics

7月18日 结构方程模型的应用1July 18: Application of Structural Equation Modeling 1

研究设计讨论2Research Design Discussion 2

7月19日 结构方程模型的应用2July 19: Application of Structural Equation Modeling 2

研究设计交流Research Design Exchange

闭幕式及颁奖Closing Ceremony and Award Ceremony




Wen Xiaohong


Wen Xiaohong, Professor and Director of the Chinese Studies Program at the University of Houston, USA. Vice President of the Language Theory and Language Education Research Division of the World Chinese Language Teaching Association, and a member of the Academic Advisory Committee on World Languages of the College Board. Engages in empirical research using quantitative and qualitative approaches, including Chinese second language acquisition, interlanguage pragmatic development, second language learning motivation factors, and heritage language learning. Has published five recent books and over 40 academic papers. Her papers are widely cited, and her second language motivation scales are adopted in various language studies. She has received multiple major research grants from U.S. federal and university levels, as well as the Chunhui Fund for Outstanding Chinese Scholars from China.


Wang Xiaorong


Wang Xiaorong, Associate Teaching Professor in the Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations at the University of Chicago, holds a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language from East China Normal University, and a Ph.D. in Education from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She has taught in Chinese programs at the University of Virginia, Middlebury Summer School, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and the University of Chicago. She has offered various courses in elementary, intermediate, and advanced Chinese, as well as Chinese culture courses for advanced learners, covering topics such as Chinese cinema, Chinese culinary culture, business Chinese, and more. Her research interests include Chinese language teaching theory and practice, interdisciplinary content teaching, film teaching, and summer study abroad programs.


Qian Zhiying


Qian Zhiying is an assistant professor at Florida State University. She received her PhD in East Asian Languages and Cultures, with a certificate in Second Language Acquisition and Teacher Education, from UIUC in 2015. She specializes in psycholinguistics, second language acquisition, and language program management. Prior to joining Florida State University, she held the position of Chinese Program Coordinator at the University of Colorado Boulder. She has studied Japanese at the Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies in Yokohama, Japan. Her research involves sentence processing by native speakers and second language learners of Chinese. She uses time-sensitive measures, such as EEG and eye-tracking, to investigate the moment-by-moment changes in the cognitive processes underlying language comprehension. 


Liu Boquan

刘伯权,博士,上海交通大学人文学院副教授,博士生导师,汉语国际教育中心副主任。入选省部级高层次人才。主要从事临床语言学、二语习得机制和神经语言学的研究。先后承担国家级和省部级项目,参与国家社科重大项目和美国国立卫生研究院项目。以第一作者和通讯作者在Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research、Journal of Voice、Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica、Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology等国内外期刊上发表论文二十余篇。

Liu Boquan, PhD, is an Associate Professor in the School of Humanities at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, a doctoral advisor, and the Deputy Director of the Center for International Chinese Education. He has been recognized as a high-level talent at the provincial and ministerial levels. His primary research areas are clinical linguistics, mechanisms of second language acquisition, and neurolinguistics. He has undertaken national and provincial-level projects, and participated in major national social science projects as well as projects funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health. As the first author and corresponding author, he has published over twenty papers in domestic and international journals, including the Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, Journal of Voice, Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, and Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology.


Hong Tian

洪恬,上海交通大学长聘教轨副教授。北京师范大学基础心理学博士(语言认知方向),美国耶鲁大学哈斯金实验室(Haskins Laboratories) 博士后、研究员。研究方向集中在心理语言学、阅读障碍以及儿童语言发展等方面,主要的研究成果发表在Brain and Language, Research in Developmental Disabilities, Developmental Neuropsychology, Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, Frontiers in Psychology等国际学术期刊上。担任International Journal of Chinese Language Teaching期刊青年编委主席,Society for the Neurobiology of Language会员,并主持国家社会科学基金项目、教育部中外语言交流合作中心项目等省部级课题多项。洪恬有着丰富的实验室工作和管理经验,熟练掌握语言发展和认知神经科学相关的理论和技术(近红外功能成像、脑电等)。

Hong Tian is an associate professor on the teaching track at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. She holds a Ph.D. in Basic Psychology (with a focus on language cognition) from Beijing Normal University and completed her postdoctoral training and research fellowship at Haskins Laboratories at Yale University, USA. Her research focuses on psycholinguistics, dyslexia, and child language development. Her major research findings have been published in international academic journals such as Brain and Language, Research in Developmental Disabilities, Developmental Neuropsychology, Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, and Frontiers in Psychology. She serves as the Chair of the Youth Editorial Board of the International Journal of Chinese Language Teaching, is a member of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language, and has led several provincial and ministerial projects, including those funded by the National Social Science Foundation and the Ministry of Education's Center for Language Education and Cooperation. Hong Tian has extensive experience in laboratory work and management, and is proficient in theories and techniques related to language development and cognitive neuroscience (such as near-infrared functional imaging and EEG).


Guo Shujian

郭书谏,同济大学助理教授。上海外国语大学博士,爱尔兰University of Limerick大学访问学者。以第一作者或通讯作者在CSSCI、SSCI检索的国内外核心期刊上发表10篇论文,获《新华文摘》转载1次,获《中国社会科学文摘》转载1次。先后主持教育部课题1项,参与国家社科项目2项、省部级项目2项,熟练掌握语料库建设、语料统计、结构方程模型等研究方法。参与撰写教育部《世界语言生活状况报告》。

Guo Shujian, Assistant Professor at Tongji University. He holds a PhD from Shanghai International Studies University and was a visiting scholar at the University of Limerick in Ireland. As the first author or corresponding author, he has published 10 papers in core domestic and international journals indexed by CSSCI and SSCI. His work has been reprinted once in Xinhua Digest and once in Chinese Social Sciences Digest. He has independently led one project funded by the Ministry of Education, participated in two national social science projects, and two provincial or ministerial-level projects. He is proficient in research methods such as corpus construction, corpus statistics, and structural equation modeling. He also participated in writing the Ministry of Education's Report on the State of the World's Languages.



Links for Enrollment and Contact Persons:  


Chinese-nationality (Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions of China included) applicants please fill the survey :


邮件联系人:徐老师 Xj1909@sjtu.edu.cn

Contact (e-mail): Xu laoshi,  Xj1909@sjtu.edu.cn


International students please fill the survey:


邮件联系人:朱老师 Yiz1106@sjtu.edu.cn

Contact (e-mail): Zhu laoshi,  Yiz1106@sjtu.edu.cn


We will contact you via email to inform you about the registration process and how to apply for the scholarship.





推  荐



刊讯|SSCI 期刊《应用语言学评论》2023年第5-6期












刊讯|CSSCI 来源集刊《历史语言学研究》2023年第19辑


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审     核:心得君





