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KU Leuven

鲁汶大学(KU Leuven)是位于比利时鲁汶市的一个重要高等学府,也是世界的顶尖大学之一。其前身为1425年由教宗马丁五世下令建立的天主教鲁汶大学,是现存最古老的天主教大学。荷语天主教鲁汶大学在很多学术领域进行了卓有成效的研究的同时,提供了学士、硕士和博士学位,部分学位以英语授课,其研究和教学职能主要有14个学院、一个协会、一个学术培训中心担负。

项目主题: How much does meaning matter? A fresh look at grammatical alternations

This project examines if and how the way people choose between different ways of saying the same thing depends on the meaning of the words in the utterance. Take variation between ditransitive dative constructions (as in "Tom sent the president a letter") and prepositional dative constructions (as in "Tom sent a letter to the president"): variationist linguists are fairly good at modeling such variation based typically on formal predictors (length of constituents, complexity of constituents, and so on). However, analysts have been reluctant to probe the explanatory power of lexical meaning of slot fillers: does it matter for variant selection if, say, the recipient is a government official (e.g. "president") or a family friend? Is, for example, the prepositional dative more likely if the theme is countable (e.g. "letter") as opposed to non-countable (e.g. "furniture")? Analysts have been hesitant to tackle meaning because it is very labor-intensive to annotate data for semantic factors. We resolve this issue by utilizing computationally advanced distributional semantics methods (in particular, token-based semantic vector space modeling). Next to the aforementioned dative alternation, the project will be concerned with the clausal complementation alternation in English and the progressive alternation in Italian.


  • Training in variationist linguistics

  • Proficiency in the analysis of text corpora

  • Programming skills and statistical literacy (regression modeling in particular)

  • Good communication skills (oral & written), as well as strong interpersonal skills

  • A background in English linguistics and/or Italian linguistics is a plus.

We offer a fully funded full-time position for 4 years (initially for one year, to be renewed for another three years after positive evaluation). Remuneration is in accordance with the official Belgian scales for academic personnel and bursaries – see the KU Leuven jobsite for more information. Students in the final year of their MA degree can also apply.


  • CV

  • a motivation letter

  • a sample of writing (paper and/or MA-thesis)

Send them to  benszm@kuleuven.be.



编辑 | 阿黎

制作 | 阿黎

