
Graduation 2021 | What Would You Like to Say to PKU?

PKU PekingUniversity 2021-07-17

Editor's Note

燕园情, 千千结。离别的路口,再道一声,珍重,珍重。

Class of 2021 Pekingers have officially graduated! Peking University has provided unique experiences and opportunities to students from all walks of life. Previously, Pekingers have shared their fondest memories and best takeaways from their PKU journey. 

Before they board off to their next destination, graduating Pekingers have left a few words and wishes to bid farewell to Peking University.

Graduating Class of 2021

What would you like to say to PKU?

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Aneka R. Rajbhandari

Undergraduate of School of Government

I don't have enough words and time to express everything but I would like to say thank you Peking University for giving me these most wonderful years, introducing me to incredible people, professors, and friends, giving me the opportunity to build myself on and off-campus and finally thank you Peking University for making me a part of your family as well as a part of your history.



Koh Ning

Undergraduate of Guanghua School of Management

A beautiful campus, delicious food, interesting people, engaging activities and many students associations. Being a Pekinger is the right choice that I will never regret. I would like to say to PKU that I appreciate this opportunity to study in China and keep pushing my dreams. It has been a great and fulfilling college life with a lot of warm memories. I'll always remember the days that are filled with pleasure, and keep moving with the knowledge that I had learned from classes.



Asim Mahmood

Masters of HSBC Business School

PKU to me is the most exciting chapter of my life that I will most definitely never forget. I think at least there is only one thing to say and that is, thank you!



Zhang Hualin

Doctorate of School of New Media

If someday in the future I manage to be successful, and I'm back to PKU, I hope that by that time PKU will continue her academic excellence and remain as the humble place to learn for many other students. If there's still some buildings or seneris left in the future that could trigger my old memories it would be better.



Geoff Chen

Masters of School of Economics

I would like to say a big thank you to Peking University for providing us with such a brilliant platform and supporting us with world-class teaching resources. I truly hope that we'll see more individuals and students from all around the world to come and study at PKU. Thank you and I hope to see you soon!

Thank you PKU for letting me be part 

of your history...

Graduation 2021 | What Would You Like to Say to PKU?

Writer:Goh Chia Chia, Aneka R. Rajbhandari

Video Producer: Goh Chia Chia

Editor:Pu Hairui

Producer:Amanda Hu

Designer:Goh Chia Chia, Chin Xiao Yun Pauline

