
Chatham House举办Cyber 2017大会,关注中国数据跨境流动

洪延青 网安寻路人 2022-03-20

2017年6月26日至27日,英国知名智库Chatham House将在伦敦召开Cyber 2017国际会议,主题为“Evolving norms, improving harmonization and building resilience”.

此次,有幸受邀在大会的第三个环节“Reconciling Ease of Data Flow with Privacy and Security”作为演讲人之一,与世界分享中国在跨境数据流动方面的理念、制度设计、未来展望等。

近来,西方世界对《网络安全法》第37条,特别是中央网信办《个人信息和重要数据出境安全评估办法》和国家标准《信息安全技术 数据出境安全评估指南(草案)》有太多的不解、误解、曲解。






Monday 26 June

Welcome and chair’s opening remarks
Patricia Lewis, Research Director, International Security, Chatham House 

Opening keynote
Paddy McGuinness, Deputy National Security Adviser for Intelligence, Security, and Resilience, Cabinet Office

Overview | What Next for Cyberspace?
09:55 – 10:45 

This panel discussion will explore the forces shaping the future of the internet and cyberspace, including technological developments, commercial interests, security challenges and public policies.

Patricia Lewis, Research Director, International Security, Chatham House

Paddy McGuinness, Deputy National Security Adviser for Intelligence, Security, and Resilience, Cabinet Office
Philip Howard, Professor of Internet Studies and Director of Research, Oxford Internet Institute
Professor Nick Jennings, Vice-Provost (Research) and Chair, Artificial Intelligence, Departments of Computing and Electrical, Imperial College London and Chief Scientific Advisor for National Security UK Government (2010 -15)

Questions and discussion

10:45 – 11:15 Refreshments

Patricia Lewis, Research Director, International Security, Chatham House 

Ministerial address
Ben Wallace, Minister of State for Security, Home Office, UK 

Questions and discussion

Session One | The Network of Everything?
11:45 – 13:00

This session will explore the potential of the ‘internet of things’, and how the vulnerabilities created by increased cyber connectedness can be managed and how responsibilities for cyber security can be shared. 

  • What is the potential of the ‘internet of things’ (IoT) within specific industries and as part of a broader connected network? To what extent will privacy and security concerns affect the proliferation of the IoT?

  • What are the implications for the security of critical infrastructure of increasing numbers of simple online devices and ever greater interconnectivity?

  • How can the risks created by the IoT be appropriately measured, and who is liable when things go wrong?

  • How will national and international standards in IoT technologies develop? What shape might legislation aimed at strengthening security take? How might an international approach to standards be developed?

Robin Mansell, Professor of New Media and the Internet, London School of Economics 
and Political Science

Julie Brill, Commissioner, Federal Trade Commission, US (2010-16)
Malcolm Johnson, Deputy Secretary-General, ITU
Aaron Kleiner, Director, Industry Assurance and Policy Advocacy, Microsoft
Chip Lutton, Vice President & General Counsel, Nest Labs 

Questions and discussion

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch 

Session Two | Business Critical and Systemic Cyber Risk: Spotlight on Financial Services
14:00 – 15:15

Data systems in financial services are increasingly cyber reliant, interconnected and vulnerable to potentially catastrophic shocks with serious consequences for infrastructure and customers. What is the right approach to managing cyber risks and is cyber security becoming a core business function?

  • Is promoting cyber security through guidance and cooperation sufficient in critically important industries or are specific rules necessary? What are the challenges in developing these? What are financial regulators’ expectations with regard to cyber security and how are these developing? 

  • Is information technology as a distinct function in a business a thing of the past? To what extent is the chief information security officer role strategic and recognized as such?

  • What are the risks posed by the use of automation in financial transactions, and how can they be managed?

  • How can cyber risk be effectively quantified, especially in light of increasing interconnectivity, and communicated, both internally and externally?

Baroness Sharon Bowles, Non-Executive Director, London Stock Exchange and Chair, Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee, European Parliament (2009–14) 

Nausicaa Delfas, Chief Operating Officer, and Member of the Executive Committee, Financial Conduct Authority, UK
Cheri McGuire, Group Chief Information Security Officer, Standard Chartered
Dr Richard Horne, Cyber Security Partner, PwC
Paul Nicholas, Senior Director, Global Security Strategy and Diplomacy, Microsoft

Questions and discussion

15:15 – 15:45 Refreshments

Kenneth Cukier, Data Editor, Economist

Keynote address
Andrus Ansip, Vice-President for Digital Single Market, European Commission

Questions and discussion

Session Three | Reconciling Ease of Data Flow with Privacy and Security
16:15 – 17:45 

The flow of data is critical to the functioning of the global economy. This session will address the challenge of developing regulations that provide privacy and security in a way acceptable to citizens, while working toward international harmonization of regulations to ensure ease of data transfer. 

  • How can data protection, privacy and security be balanced in a way that establishes trust between states, businesses and citizens?

  • What progress has there been globally toward stated principles for data access during criminal or national security investigations? To what extent are measures of legality, transparency and oversight being put in place?

  • What approach to data regulation might the UK adopt post-Brexit and how will this impact data flows with the EU and US?

  • How do political tensions manifest in these discussions? What are the risks in terms of data localization requirements if international agreement is impossible? 

Kenneth Cukier, Data Editor, Economist

Emily Taylor, Associate Fellow, International Security, Chatham House
Yanqing Hong, Research Director, Internet Development Research Institute, Peking University of China

Questions and discussion

Closing keynote
Fang Xinxin, Secretary General of Secretariat of the Advisory Committee of State Informatization, Cyberspace Administration of China
Questions and discussion

Close of day one and reception hosted by Chatham House

Tuesday 27 June 

Session Four | Rising International Tensions and Cyber Defence
09:30 – 11:10

In the context of recent political transitions and increasing numbers of cyber-attacks or espionage by government-linked entities, the ability for states to defend themselves from cyber-attack and to cooperate on common cyber defence matters will be addressed.

  • To what extent does cyberspace challenge conventional approaches to interstate relations?

  • What measures are needed for nations to boost their online defensive capabilities against threats including infrastructure attack, espionage and democratic disruption?

  • What might be the impact of major political transitions on cooperation on cyber security and defence threats?

  • To what extent are malicious cyber weapons being developed by states? Is an accelerated cyber arms race likely or have rising tensions been exaggerated?  

Gordon Corera, Security Correspondent, BBC

Senior representative, National Cyber Security Centre, GCHQ, UK
Sorin Ducaru, Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges, NATO
Sarah Taylor, Director, Cyber Policy and National Security Capabilities, National Security Directorate, Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Uri Rosenthal, Commissioner, Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace, Minister of Foreign Affairs (2010-12) and Special Envoy for International Cyber Policy (2013-17), Netherlands 
Solange Ghernaouti, Director, Swiss Cybersecurity Advisory and Research Group, University of Lausanne
Questions and discussion

11:15 – 11:45 Refreshments

Emily Taylor, Associate Fellow, International Security, Chatham House

Ministerial address
Sir Michael Fallon, Secretary of State for Defence, UK

Questions and discussion

Session Five | International Cyber Crime Resilience Building
12:15 – 13:45 

This session will focus on progress toward building resilience to cybercrime through improved cooperation and capacity building.

  • To tackle cybercrime, how important is collaboration on intelligence, methodology and resource between states, businesses as well as across business and government? How can it be improved at each of these levels?

  • What progress is being made to develop bilateral agreements that streamline the process of information sharing across borders in criminal investigations? To what extent could these agreements become multilateral, and what is the potential for a non-sovereign enforcement mechanism with universal jurisdiction?

  • How can the rights of children be protected online and what international efforts are being made in this regard?

Emily Taylor, Associate Fellow, International Security, Chatham House

Keynote address
Meng Hongwei, President, Interpol

Questions and discussion

Patricia Zorko, Director, Cyber Security, Ministry for Security and Justice, The Netherlands
James Hatch, Head of Cyber, BAE Systems Applied Intelligence
Misha Glenny, Journalist and Author, DarkMarket
Jasmina Byrne, Child Protection Specialist, UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti 

Questions and discussion

1345 End of conference 

©The Royal Institute of International Affairs 2017

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