


① BBC英国史(15集全,中英双语字幕)






北京时间5月5日,阿里巴巴集团创始人马云在周四与以色列特拉维夫大学的学生举行了一场座谈会,分享了一些人生心得。 马云被特拉维夫大学授予荣誉博士学位。他对在场的学生表示,阿里正在考虑扩大对以色列的投资。“以色列是我们考虑建立办事处的三个国家之一,我们已经在这里投资了5家不同的公司。我来时带来了40位高管。我相信我们将继续在这里投资,”他表示。 

马云今年50岁,是中国首富。他的财富来源于1999年创建的阿里。最初,阿里专注于中国市场,逐步发展成了全球最成功的电商网站之一,拥有数千万在线用户。 马云分享了他在年轻时通过做导游学习英语,以及10次申请哈佛大学被拒的经历。他最终成为了当地一所大学的英语老师。用他的话说,这是一段不愉快的经历。



Ynet News称,在场的大学生被阿里巴巴的故事吸引,马云与学生们展开一场关于教育、成长和未来以及可持续发展的精彩对话,他用阿里巴巴的故事鼓励年轻人用科技改变未来。 



Many  years ago, when I first started Alibaba, during tough times, a friend said to me: If you want to be stronger, please, go to Israel. Over the years Alibaba has had a lot of setbacks, and we’ve made a lot of mistakes. There were thousands of times I said to myself and to colleagues at Alibaba: never give up. [In Israel] We find people here are born to believe ‘never give up’. This is what has made Israel a miracle in only 70 years.

You don’t have any cars, but you have the best technology for car manufacturing. You don’t have any diamonds, but you have one of the world’s largest diamond exchanges. You don’t have water, you don’t have oil, you don’t have any resources, still you make yourself so strong. In my mind, Israel represents, wisdom, innovation, and persistence.

The most precious thing in this world is the human brain. The most valuable asset we have is that we’ve all gone through tough days and tough experiences, and a lot of failures and mistakes. It is because of our tough lives that we are different.

Alibaba’s mission is to help small business. We believe small is beautiful, and small is powerful. Israel has proved that small is powerful, and it is on the way to small is beautiful. We think beautiful means peace and inclusiveness.

I feel honored and inspired to meet you. There’s an amazing history here, and amazing things we have to learn. All human beings in the world should learn about the history here.

When I stand here in this great land, with your vision, your creativity, and your wisdom, I feel so honored to get this [honorary doctorate from Tel Aviv University]. This honor is on behalf of all the entrepreneurs fighting for their lives, fighting for the future on the way.

Coming to Israel is a dream I’ve had for many years. Israel is a prosperous and innovative economy. I should’ve been here earlier, and I should come here more and more. You should not just read about Israel, you should come here, feel it, touch it.

In Israel I learned one word: Chutzpah --the courage to challenge convention. I believe this is the spirit that belongs to the 21st Century. This spirit belongs to the tech revolution, and belongs to the future. In the past we made people like a machine, in the future we will make machines like people.

By standing on this land I understand how important peace is. The first technological revolution, directly or indirectly, caused World War One. The second technological revolution caused WW2. Now we are entering the third technological revolution. Human beings should have no wars, but if there’s going to be war, the war should be against poverty, disease, and [threats to] the environment.




马云对学生们表示,他倒是很想见见著名物理学家阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein)和哲学家卡尔·马斯克(Karl Marx),但是没机会了。






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