

TED是Technology, Entertainment, Design(科技、娱乐、设计)的缩写,这个会议的宗旨是"用思想的力量来改变世界"。TED演讲的特点是毫无繁杂冗长的专业讲座,观点响亮,开门见山,种类繁多,看法新颖。而且还是非常好的英语口语听力练习材料,建议坚持学习。



演说题目:the 9 best scientific study tips 

TED演讲稿Time for school. And it's no surprise that many of us are determined to study smarter instead of longer.学习时间~大多数人都喜欢聪明地而不是长时间地学习。 But which study tips and tricks actually work scientifically, and can help you get those perfect grades?但是什么技巧能有效地帮助你得到好成绩呢? First step, research shows that study sessions are most effective in small short chunks.首先,研究表明:短时间的分段学习最好。 Instead of cramming in a ten hour study session, it's much more effective to spread it out into twenty thirty-minutes sessions over a few weeks.比起学10个小时,每周学习半小时更加有效果。 This is because your brain is better at encoding information into the synapses in short repeated sessions as opposed to one large one.这是因为你的大脑更擅长把短时间重复过的内容翻译成神经突触而不擅长翻译长的内容。  And this is why even learning different skills, whether it's swimming, tenis, or a singing lesson often follows the same format, and well, 这就是为什么就连学游泳,网球,或者唱歌这类东西都是要像这样分段学习的,

cramming an pulling allnighters may be a ritual, it turns out that this is linked to the lowest grades.熬夜学习可能是一种惯例,但其实这直接导致了差成绩。 After pro-longed study sessions , reasoning and memoring,may be negatively effected for after 4 whole days.长时间学习会对之后4天的记忆及推理能力产生坏的影响。 Instead, setting up specific times in a day, or during the week, just to study primes your brain by creating a routine and overtime studying actually becomes easier.相反,在一天或是一周的某一个特定时间学习,会刺激你的大脑,形成一个常规活动,时间久了以后,学习会变得简单。 As your brain is trained to learn in those moments, and well, many of us spend hours passively rereading our notes or highlighting a textbook.因为你的大脑知道现在该学习了,大多数人会被动的重复阅读教科书、笔记,或者进行标注。 Studies have shown this to be inaffective it doesn't improve your understanding of topics, nor does it link key concepts together.但研究表明这样是很没有效率的,这样既不会帮助你理解这个内容,也不会把重点联系起来。 It can even be detrimental, as it draws your attention to less important information.甚至还可能是有害的,因为你会去注意一些没有用的信息。 Flashcards, on the other hand, are proven to be excellent memory reinforcement tools.而卡片则是一个加强记忆的好工具,不论在什么时候。 Whether, during your schedule study times, or during off times  like a bus ride home.是在你规定的学习时间也好,还是在其他时间,比如坐车回家。 It also helps to have a specific goal for each study session pick one aspect you're focused on,卡片还会帮你找到某一内容的具体目标,找出一个你现在在关注的点, whether it's balancing chemical equations or learning how to conjugate french birds.无论是如何平衡化学方程式或如何连接法语动词。 If you can't explain it simply, then you don't understand it well enough.如果你不能简单地把知识点解释出来,那你就不是真正理解了。 If students in individual, were asked to learn  a passage and then half were told they will be tested on the material,在一个研究项目里 人们被要求学习一篇文章,然后告诉其中一半人,他们会在学习之后考一个试, While the other half were told they would have to teach it to other students,告诉另外一半人,他们学会后要教给其他的人, participants expecting to teach it, did much better on understanding when you're expected to teach, your brain organizes the information in a more logical coherent structure.那一半被要求教别人的参与者对文章理解得更透彻,因为当你知道要去教别人时,你的大脑在整理信息时会更有逻辑性。 Of course, practice, practice, practice!当然还有,练习,练习,再练习! Not only do practice tests for your brains in your enviroment, but even if you make mistakes, they help identify gaps in your knowledge,练习不仅能在特定情况下测试你的大脑,还能在你犯错时帮你找到你的知识漏洞, practice test have also been proofed to increase confidence, then by leading to better performance.练习题还可以提升自信心,然后自然会表现得更好。 So where should you be studying ?那么,你要在哪儿学呢? Research shows that having a designated secret spot for studying,研究表明,在一个特定的地点, that is well equiped with every tool you might need is best, just like setting times , this primes your brain for studying.加上你所需要的所有的东西是最好的,跟制定时间一样特定的地点也能激发你的学习动力。 Have an awesome study playlist? not so fast. Well some studies have shown that certain types of classical music can help improve concentration.有一个超棒的学习时的播放列表?等下!一些研究显示,某些类型的古典音乐可以帮助提高注意力。 Our recent studies have shown that learning with rhythmic background noise can be detrimental to focus.最近的研究表明,学习时播放音乐很难使人集中精力。 And those not using music , very much better, and if you haven't already, put away your phone!不听音乐的话会更能集中精力,如果你还没有准备好,收起你的手机! It decreases concentration.这很容易做 但你的手机提醒会严重影响你的注意力。 Of course, exams can be extremely stressful.当然,考试可能会非常紧张。 So if you want some tips on how to deal with exam anxiety, check out our ASAP videos which brings down some tips for that link is in the descripition.所以,如果你想知道如何处理考试时的紧张情绪,可以看我们关于这个话题的视频,链接在介绍栏里。 A big thank to the TD for sponsoring this video.非常感谢TD赞助这次视频。▼往期精彩回顾▼艾玛沃特森联合国经典演讲《HE FOR SHE》,英音之典范!47篇经典BBC纪录片合集,收藏学习吧!

