


大嫂表示,小周周一直在家里会接受双语教育(binlingual education),她负责用英语和小宝贝沟通 ( communicate ),而周董嘛...也只能是中文加换尿布咯(change diapers)

今天和大家分享一个6年前大嫂访问英格兰乐队Keane(基因乐队)的英语访谈,你们造有多么不容易么?!昆凌讲话是温温柔柔的,听起来特别舒服~ 你也想要有一口纯正流利的英语口语吗?快看过来!


昆凌为人着实低调(low key/low profile),即便英语说得很溜,但在公众场合也是很难听到~专访本来就已经很少了,更何况英语访谈~但是英语君掘地三千尺,硬是活生生地挖到宝,找到了三年前大嫂访问英格兰乐队Keane(基因乐队)的英语访谈,你们造有多么不容易么?!(其实也还好啦~)大嫂讲话依然是温温柔柔的,听起来特别舒服~

Keane(基音乐队)来自于英格兰南部一个名为“Battle”的小镇,乐队由主唱Tom Chaplin,键盘手Tim Rice-Oxley和鼓手Richard Hughes三人组成。 

和大多数英国孩子一样,三人自小便在一起踢球、探讨音乐、交换唱片。Tim曾在学校里学习钢琴,但是他很快就厌倦了那些古典乐,于是他开始在他的Casio键盘上谱写Buddy Holly式的音乐,将他创作的音乐演奏给他的朋友们听。同时Richard也开始练习架子鼓并和Tim一起排练。随后,又加入了吉他手Dominic,再加上主唱Tom, 四人组成了乐队开始演奏Oasis、U2、Beatles类型的歌。


5 things about Hannah

She maybe a household name in her native Taiwan as an actress, a model and fashion designer, but to the rest of the world, Hannah Quinlivan – or Kun Ling as she is known at home – is probably most famous for being that lucky bride of Mando-pop star Jay Chou in 2015.Now with a new film role – her Hollywood debut, no less, starring alongside Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and Neve Campbell in the Hong Kong-set action thriller Skyscraper – the mixed-race 26-year-old (her father is Australian and her mother is Korean Taiwanese) may be on the cusp of international stardom.Here are five things you need to know about Quinlivan.1. Despite her sweet looks and baby face, Quinlivan is no pushover. For a start, in Skyscraper she plays an assassin. In real life, she is the creative director of her own fashion brand, which she started this year and which is about to hold its first catwalk show in New York this month . She is known to call her own shots and does not tolerate inefficiency.2. Quinlivan can also be quite indecisive over things such as choosing the fabric for a particular jacket. She would struggle over the use of wider or narrow stripes: “because both of them are so beautiful!” (as she is quoted on her company website).3. It was an appearance in the popular Taiwanese variety show called Blackie's Teenage Club that led to Quinlivan performing with the well-known group Hey Girl.
4. After appearing in a few music videos (not with future husband Jay, though), the young actress wished to further her career in acting and attended a programme in film production and acting at the New York Film Academy for eight weeks in 2012. “It was great there. It forced me out of my comfort zone and let me try to reach a level that I never have, which is wonderful,” she said.5. When she was 14, Quinlivan met her pop star husband in a clothing store that Chou invested in. But it was not until 2014 that news broke that the two were engaged; they tied the knot at Selby Abbey in Yorkshire, England on January 17, 2015.▼往期精彩回顾▼353篇Ted英文演讲视频集合,收藏~

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