


设计师Anna Rosling Rönnlund将打破我们对各国贫富差距的刻板印象。通过派摄影师去到世界各地不同收入阶层的家庭中,拍摄他们的炉灶、床铺、厕所、玩具等物品进行对比,揭秘了不同国家阶层生活方式的相似及不同之处,让我们更好地了解这个世界,并珍惜拥有。

演讲者:Anna Rosling Rönnlund




TED演讲稿What images do we see from the rest of the world? We see natural disasters, war, terror. We see refugees, and we see horrible diseases. Right? We see beautiful beaches, cute animals, beautiful nature, cultural rites and stuff. 

And then we're supposed to make the connection in our head and create a world view out of this. And how is that possible? I mean, the world seems so strange. And I don't think it is. I don't think the world is that strange, actually.接下来我们应该在脑海里把这些串连起来,然后试着凭此创造一个世界观。这怎么可能呢?我是指世界看似太奇怪了。但同时,我并不完全赞同这一点。其实,我觉得世界并非那么奇怪。
I've got an idea. So, imagine the world asa street, where the poorest live on one end and the richest on the other, and everyone in the world lives on this street. You live there, I live there, and the neighbors we have are the ones with the same income. 我有一个想法。想象这个世界是一条街,街的一端住着最穷的人,另一端住着最富有的人,而世界的其他人则住在街道的中间。你住那儿,我也住那儿。我们的邻居是那些跟我们有着相同收入的人。

People that live inthe same block as me, they are from other countries, other cultures, other religions. The street might look something like this. And I was curious. InSweden where I live, I've been meeting quite a lot of students. And I wanted toknow, where would they think they belong on a street like this?跟我住同一栋楼的,是来自其它国家、文化、宗教的人。这条街也许有着这样的布局。我觉得很好奇。在我所住的瑞典,我与许多学生打过交道。我想要知道,他们觉得他们会在这条街上的哪一个地方呢?
So we changed these houses into people.This is the seven billion people that live in the world. And just by living in Sweden, most likely you belong there, which is the richest group. But thes tudents, when you ask them, they think they are in the middle. And how can you understand the world when you see all these scary images from the world, andyou think you live in the middle, while you're actually atop? Not very easy.于是我们把房子替换成了人。这是住在地球上的70亿人口。如果你住在瑞典的话,你很可能会在这儿,也就是最富有的一群。但是那些学生,当你问他们时,他们觉得他们在中间。你要怎么去了解这个世界,尤其是当你看见这些来自世界各地恐怖的画面,你还觉得你是住在中间而不应该是在最上端的这一块吗?不太容易判断。
So I sent out photographers to 264 homes in50 countries -- so far, still counting -- and in each home, the photographers take the same set of photos. They take the bed, the stove, the toys and about135 other things. So we have 40,000 images or something at the moment, and itlooks something like this.所以我派了摄影师到50个国家的264个家庭——这个数字还在增加——在每个家庭里,摄影师会拍摄同样一套照片。他们拍下床铺、炉灶、玩具,还有135件其它物件。目前为止,我们有4万多张相片,这就是它们的样子。
Here we see, it says on the top,"Families in the world by income," and we have the street represented just be neath it, you can see. And then we see some of the families we have visited. We have the poorer to the left, the richer to the right, and everybody else in between, as the concept says. 这上面写着,“世界家庭按收入分类,”就如你所看到的,下面标有他们代表的街道。然后我们看见一些我们探访过的家庭。我们把比较穷的家庭排在左边,比较富有的排在右边,其他人则在中间,如同刚才的概念所说的。
We can go down and see the different families we have been to so far. Here, for instance, we have a family in Zimbabwe, one in India, one in Russia, and one in Mexico, for instance. So we can go around and look at the families this way. But of course, we can choose if we want to see some certain countries and compare them, or regions, or if wewant, to see other things.我们可以一直往下看到目前为止所拍摄的所有不同的家庭。这里,举个例子,有津巴布韦的家庭,印度的,俄罗斯的,还有墨西哥的,等等。所以我们可以用这样的方式看看这些家庭。当然,我们也可以选择看一些特定国家的照片,然后做比较,或按区域搜索,如果要看其它东西。
So let's go to the front doors and see what they look like. Go here, and this is the world by front doors, ordered by income. And we can see the big difference from India, Philippines, China,Ukraine, in these examples, for instance.好,让我们选择前门,看看它们长什么样子。这就是这个世界的前门,按收入排列的搜索结果。我们也可看见其间有很大差别,比如印度的、菲律宾的、中国的、乌克兰的等等。
What if we go into the home? We can look at beds. This is what beds can look like. Doesn't look like the glossy magazines.Doesn't look like the scary images in the media. So remember that the studentsin Sweden, they thought they were in the middle of the world income. 如果我们进入他们的家呢?我们可以选择看看床铺。这就是那些床铺的样貌。不像豪华杂志中那样。也不像媒体那些恐怖的照片那样。还记得那些瑞典的学生吗?他们觉得他们位于世界收入的中间。
So let's go there. We zoom in here by filtering the street to the middle, like this, andthen I ask the students: Is this what your bedroom looks like? And they would actually not feel very at home. So we go down and see, do they feel more athome here? And they would say, no, this is not what a Swedish typical bedroom looks like. 那么让我们再来看看。我们选择街道轴线,然后拉到中间,选择中间的一小段,然后我问那些学生:你的卧室是这样的吗?他们觉得这些并不像他们的家。于是我们往下拉,再看看他们是否觉得跟他们家相似。他们说,不,这不是瑞典典型的卧室。
We go up here, and suddenly, they feel sort of at home.And we can see here in this image, we see bedrooms in China, Netherlands, South Korea,France and the United States, for instance. So we can click here. 接着我们往上拉,突然间,他们觉得跟自己的家一样了。我们可以在这些照片中看到,这些卧室有来自中国的、荷兰的、韩国的、法国的和美国的等等。我们可以点击这些图片。
If we want to know more about the family, the home in which this bed stands, we can just click it and go to the family, and we can see all the images from that family.We can go this way, too. And of course, this is free for anyone to use. So justgo here, and please add more images, of course.如果我们想要知道更多有关这个家庭、这张床所在的家,我们只需点进去,就可以了解那个家庭,也可以看见来自那个家庭的所有照片。任意浏览。当然,这些都是免费的。欢迎大家登陆这个网站,当然您也可以上传照片。
My personal favorite that everyone always tries to make me not show, I'm going to show you now, and that's toilets,because you're not really allowed to look at people's toilets, but now we can just do it, right? So here we have a lot of toilets. They look pretty much as we're used to, right? 我个人最喜欢的是每个人总是不想我展示的,而我现在就给你们看,那就是厕所,因为其实其他人都不准你看他们的厕所,但我们现在可以这么做,不是吗?那么这里我们有很多厕所的照片。它们看起来都跟我们常用的类似,对吗?
And they are in China, Netherlands, UnitedStates, Nepal and so forth, Ukraine, France. And they look pretty similar,right? But remember, we are in the top. So what about checking all the toilets?Now it looks a bit different, doesn't it?这些照片来自中国、荷兰、美国、尼泊尔等国家,还有乌克兰、法国。它们看起来大同小异。但要记得,我们在街道最右侧。如果我们看看所有的厕所呢?现在看起来有点不同了是吧?
So this way we can visually browse through categories of imagery, using photos as data. But not everything works as a photo. Sometimes it's easier to understand what people do, so we also do videos nippets of everyday activities, such as washing hands, doing laundry, brushingteeth, and so on. And I'm going to show you a short snippet of tooth-brushing,and we’re going to start at the top.这样我们就可以通过视觉浏览不同类别的画面,以照片为数据。但不是每一件事都能用照片来呈现。有时我们可以通过他们的所作所为来了解他们,所以我们也以短片的形式录下他们的日常活动,如洗手、洗衣服、刷牙等等。我将为你们显示刷牙的短片,我们将从街道最右端开始。
So we see people brushing their teeth.Pretty interesting to see the same type of plastic toothbrush is being used inall these places in the same way, right? Some are more serious than others –but still, the toothbrush is there. Andthen, coming down to this poorer end, then we will see people start usingsticks, and they will sometimes use their finger to brush their teeth. 我们可以看见他们在刷牙。有趣的是,我们看到这些地方用的都是同样的塑料牙刷、同样的方法,对吗?有些刷得比其他人更认真——但是他们都用着牙刷。然后,我们来到左端比较贫穷的地区,我们将看见他们开始用树枝,而有些则用手指来刷牙。
So this particular woman in Malawi, when she brushes her teeth, she scrapes some mudoff from her wall and she mixes it with water, and then she's brushing.Therefore, in the Dollar Street material, we have tagged this image not only asher wall, which it is, but also as her tooth paste, because that is also what she uses it for. 这个来自马拉维的女人,当她刷牙时,会从墙上刮下一些泥土,然后加点水,就这样刷牙。于是,在《金钱街道》这个网站的素材中,我们不但把这个画面的标签设置为她的墙壁,也设置为她的牙膏,因为她就是把它当牙膏用。
So we can say, in the poorer end of the street, you will use astick or your finger, you come to the middle, you will start using a toothbrush,and then you come up to the top, and you will start using one each. Prettynice, not sharing a toothbrush with your grandma.所以我们可以说,这条街比较穷的这一端,你会用树枝或手指刷牙,你来到中间这儿的时候,你就开始使用牙刷,然后在最富有的这端,每个人就会开始有自己的一支。不需要跟你的奶奶共用牙刷实在是太美妙了。
And you can also look at some countries.Here, we have the income distribution within the US, most people in the middle.We have a family we visited in the richer end, the Howards. We can see theirhome here. And we also visited a family in the poorer end, down here. And thenwhat we can do now is we can do instant comparisons of things in their homes.Let's look in their cutlery drawer. 你也可以看看一些国家。这是美国的收入分布曲线,大多数人都在中间。我们探访了一些比较富有的家庭,如霍华德一家。这里我们可以看到他们的房子。我们也探访了比较贫穷的这一端的家庭,在这里。然后我们现在可以做的是拿他们各自家里的物件做即时比较。我们看看他们的餐具抽屉。
So, observe the Hadleys: they have alltheir cutlery in a green plastic box. and they have a few different types andsome of them are plastic, while the Howards, they have this wooden drawer with small wooden compartments in it and a section for each type of cutlery. We canadd more families, and we can see kitchen sinks, or maybe living rooms.注意哈德雷家的:他们所有的餐具都放在一个绿色的塑料盒子内,餐具的类型千差万别,有些还是塑料的,而霍华德的家中,他们则设置了这个木质抽屉,还专门分了区,每个格子只存放同一类别的餐具。我们也可加入更多家庭,比较他们的厨房水槽,或者是客厅。
Of course, we can do the same in other countries. So we go to China, we pick three families. we look at their houses,we can look at their sofas, we can look at their stoves. And when you see these stoves, I think it's obvious that it's a stupid thing that usually, when wethink about other countries, we think they have a certain way of doing things.But look at these stoves. 当然,我们也可以去其它国家做相同的事。我们去中国,选三个家庭,看看他们的房子,可以看到他们的沙发,他们的炉灶。当你看这些炉灶时,我认为,很明显,有一种愚昧的想法,就是通常当我们想起其它国家时,我们会觉得那个国家的人都以特定的方式做事。但看看这些炉灶。
Very different, right, because it depends on whatincome level you have, how you're going to cook your food. But the cool thingis when we start comparing across countries. So here we have China and the US.See the big overlap between these two. So we picked the two homes we haveal ready seen in these countries, the Wus and the Howards. 很不一样是吧,那是因为炉灶会因收入阶级而改变,相应改变的还有烹调食物的方法。但是当我们开始比较不同的国家时,会发生更有趣的事情。比如中国和美国。这两个国家有一大部分是重叠的。我们选了这两个国家中已经探访过的两个家庭,吴家和霍华德家庭。
Standing in their bedroom, pretty hard to tell which one is China and which one is the US, right?Both have brown leather sofas, and they have similar play structures. Mostlikely both are made in China, so, I mean, that's not very strange –but that issimilar.站在他们的卧室内,很难分别哪间是中国的,哪间是美国的,对不对?他们都有褐色的皮质沙发,他们有相似的游乐场。很有可能两套都是中国制造,我想说的是——它们看起来相似就不足为奇了。
We can of course go down to the other endof the street, adding Nigeria. So let's compare two homes in China and Nigeria.Looking at the family photos, they do not look like they have a lot in common,do they? But start seeing their ceiling. They have a plastic shield and grass.They have the same kind of sofa, they store their grain in similar ways,they're going to have fish for dinner, and they're boiling their water inidentical ways. 我们当然也可下到这条街的另一端,加入尼日利亚。现在我们来比较一下分别来自中国和尼日利亚的两个家庭。看看他们的全家福,他们看起来没有很多共同点,对吗?但我们先看看他们的楼顶。都有塑料的挡板和干草。他们有同样的沙发,以类似的方式存放干粮,晚餐都吃鱼,还用一模一样的方式烧水。
So if we would visit any of these homes, there's a huge riskthat we would say we know anything about the specific way you do things in China or Nigeria, while, looking at this, it's quite obvious -- this is how youdo things on this income level. That is what you can see when you go through the imagery in Dollar Street.所以如果我们有机会探访这样的任何一个家庭,我们很有可能会说,我们知道中国人或尼日利亚人都以特定的方法做事,而其实,很明显的,我们看到——这是你身处这个收入阶级的生活方式。这就是你浏览《金钱街道》时所能看到的画面。
So going back to the figures, the seven billion people of the world, now we're going to do a quick recap. We're goingto look at comparisons of things in the poorest group: beds, roofs, cooking.And observe, in all these comparisons, their homes are chosen so they are incom pletely different places of the world. But what we see is pretty identical.好,回到这些数字,全世界70亿人口,现在我们简单地重述要点。我们将会比较最穷那群人所拥有的东西:床铺、屋顶、烹饪方式。仔细观察,这些对比中,我们特意选择这些房子,因为它们坐落于世界完全不同的地区。但我们看见的都大同小异。

So the poorest billion cooking would look somewhat the same in these twoplaces; you might not have shoes; eating, if you don't have a spoon; storing salt would be similar whether you're in Asia or in Africa; and going to thetoilet would be pretty much the same experience whether you're in Nigeria orNepal.所以最穷那十几亿人的烹饪方式会跟这两个地区的差不多;你可能没有鞋子穿;用手进食,如果你没有汤匙;储存食盐的方式也很相似,无论你在亚洲还是非洲;另外,你上厕所的体验也会十分相似,不管你是在尼日利亚还是尼泊尔。
In the middle, we have a huge group of fivebillion, but here we can see you will have electric light, most likely; you will no longer sleep on the floor; you will store your salt in a container; you will have more than one spoon; you will have more than one pen; the ceiling isno longer leaking that much; you will have shoes; you might have a phone, toys,and produce waste.位于中间的是很大的人口规模,有五十亿,但这里我们可以看见你很有可能会有电灯;你不再睡在地上;你会把盐存放在容器里;你会有好几把汤匙;会有几只笔;天花板不再漏那么多水;你会有鞋子穿;可能还会有手机、玩具、以及生产垃圾。
Coming to our group up here, similar shoes,Jordan, US. We have sofas, fruits, hairbrushes, bookshelves, toilet paper inTanzania, Palestine, hard to distinguish if we would sit in US, Palestine orTanzania from this one. Vietnam, Kenya: wardrobes, lamps, black dogs, floors,soap, laundry, clocks, computers, phones, and so on, right?来到街道最右端,相似的鞋子,约旦的和美国的。相似的沙发、水果、梳子、书架、厕纸,在坦桑尼亚和巴勒斯坦,很难通过这个加以分辨我们是坐在美国,巴勒斯坦还是坦桑尼亚的厕所。越南,肯尼亚:衣橱、灯、黑狗、地板、肥皂、洗衣机、时钟、电脑、手机等等,看到了吧?
So we have a lot of similarities all overthe world, and the images we see in the media, they show us the world is avery, very strange place. But when we look at the Dollar Street images, they donot look like that. 在世界各地我们都能找到相似之处,我们在媒体所看到的画面向我们显现的世界是个非常非常奇怪的地方。而当我们看看《金钱街道》上的图片时,世界就呈现出了真实的样子。

So using Dollar Street, we can use photos as data, andcountry stereotypes -- they simply fall apart. So the person staring back at usfrom the other side of the world actually looks quite a lot like you. And thatimplies both a call to action and a reason for hope.所以通过《金钱街道》,我们可以用图片为数据,而有关某个国家的偏见——将站不住脚。那些从世界另一端凝视我们的人其实和我们很相似。这表示双方都可以追求梦想,都可以拥有希望。
Thank you. 谢谢。


