

VOA即美国之音(The Voice of America,简称VOA)。美国之音是一家提供45种语言服务的动态的国际多媒体广播电台。美国之音通过互联网、手机和社交媒体提供新闻、资讯和文化节目,每周服务全球1.64亿的民众。美国之音亦是美国广播事业管理委员会(广播理事会)监管下的政府机构,创立于1942年,是全球最著名的英语广播机构之一。


Largest University System in US, Cal State, Moves Fall Classes Online美国加州大学宣布秋季课程全部网上进行13 May 2020By Hai Do

California State University, the largest university system in the United States, announced that it will move online all fall season classes because of the coronavirus.

In a statement on Tuesday, Chancellor Timothy White said, "Virtual planning is necessary because it might not be possible for some students, faculty and staff to safely travel to campus." The announcement came on the same day U.S. health experts warned that reopening the country too soon could result in suffering, death, and harm to the economy.

The California State University (Cal State) has 23 campuses and nearly 500,000 students. It is the first major university to tell students that they will not return to campus when the new school year begins.

Some colleges, including University of Pennsylvania and University of California at Berkeley, say some or all teaching for the fall may be provided online. Others, like Stanford, Princeton and the University of Chicago, are waiting for more information before making decisions.

The Chronicle of Higher Education magazine is keeping a list of colleges' plans for reopening. It says the large majority of American colleges, 70 percent, say they are planning for in-person classes when the new school year begins.

Christina Paxson is the president of Brown University in Rhode Island. She wrote in The New York Times newspaper that the "reopening of college and university campuses in the fall should be a national priority."

Paxson said colleges should develop plans to control the spread of infections through testing, tracing and physical distancing to bring students back on campus.

Paxon also noted that higher education employs three million people and contribute $600 billion to the nation's economy.

Many colleges are already worried that large numbers of students will not return for online classes. There is widespread fear that the troubled economy will leave many Americans unable to pay for college. And international students will not attend because of travel restrictions during the coronavirus crisis.

Several universities, including Ohio State and Nebraska, have returned money to students for housing and meals to students after in-person classes were cancelled. Students across the U.S. are also taking legal action against universities. The students say they did not get the quality of education they were promised.

In a legal action against Drexel University, Grainger Rickenbaker, a 21-year-old student from South Carolina, said the online classes were poor substitutes for classroom learning. He told the Associated Press that some classes were being taught almost entirely through recorded videos, with no class discussion possible.
在Grainger Rickenbaker诉德雷克塞尔大学一案中,这位来自南卡罗来纳州的21岁学生表示,网课无法替代课堂学习。他对美联社表示,有些班级几乎全部通过录制的视频教学,无法进行班级讨论。

On Tuesday night, Chancellor White told the Cal State's Board of Trustees that the university "is a place where over 500,000 people come together in close and vibrant proximity with each other on a daily basis." He noted that is not possible now.

The university leader listed several possible exceptions for in-person classes, including those in nursing, science, and art.

Words in This Story

virtual - adj. occurring on computers or the internetfaculty - n. the group of teachers in a collegestaff - n. a group of people who work for an organization or businesscampus - n. the area and buildings around a universitypriority - n. something that is more important than other thingstrace - v. to find out where something came fromvibrant - adj. having or showing great life, activity and energyproximity - n. the state of being near






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