


演说者:Frank Warren



Hi, my name is Frank, and I collect secrets. It all started with a crazy idea in November of 2004. I printed up 3,000 self-addressed postcards, just like this. They were blank on one side, and on the other side I listed some simple instructions. I asked people to anonymously share an artful secret they'd never told anyone before. And I handed out these postcards randomly on the streets of Washington, D.C., not knowing what to expect.弗兰克·沃伦:大家好,我叫弗兰克,我收集秘密,2004年的11月,我有了一个疯狂的想法,我印制了3000张带返邮地址的明信片,就像这样,明信片的一侧是空白的,而在另外一侧,我加上了一些简单的说明,我让人们把他们从来没有告诉过任何人的秘密,与其他人分享,然后我在华盛顿特区的大街上,随机分发这些明信片,我不知道接下来会发生什么。 But soon the idea began spreading virally. People began to buy their own postcards and make their own postcards. I started receiving secrets in my home mailbox, not just with postmarks from Washington, D.C., but from Texas, California, Vancouver, New Zealand, Iraq. Soon my crazy idea didn't seem so crazy. PostSecret.com is the most visited advertisement-free blog in the world. And this is my postcard collection today. You can see my wife struggling to stack a brick of postcards on a pyramid of over a half-million secrets. 但是这个想法迅速传播开来了,人们开始自己买明信片,并且写上他们的秘密,我开始在我家里的邮箱里收到各种秘密,这些秘密不仅仅来自华盛顿特区,还有来自德克萨斯州和加利福尼亚的,甚至还有来自温哥华,新西兰,还有伊拉克的,很快我发现这个主意并没有我想象的那么疯狂,PostSecret.com,成为了世界上访问量最大的无广告博客,这些是我收藏的所有明信片,你可以看见我的妻子,正在努力地把一堆砖块厚的明信片,放在在由超过五十万个秘密构成的金字塔上。 What I'd like to do now is share with you a very special handful of secrets from that collection, starting with this one. "I found these stamps as a child, and I have been waiting all my life to have someone to send them to. I never did have someone." Secrets can take many forms. 我现在要做的,就是和你们分享一些我收藏中,相当特别的一些秘密,让我们从这个开始吧,“当我还是一个小孩的时候我就有了这些邮票,但是我一生都在等着一个人,好让我用这些邮票寄信给某人,但是我没有等到。”,秘密可以是多种多样的。

They can be shocking or silly or soulful. They can connect us to our deepest humanity or with people we'll never meet. (Laughter) Maybe one of you sent this one in. I don't know. This one does a great job of demonstrating the creativity that people have when they make and mail me a postcard. This one obviously was made out of half a Starbucks cup with a stamp and my home address written on the other side. 它们可以很震撼,很滑稽,或者饱含深情,分享秘密可以将我们带进人性的最深处,让我们和素不相识的人拥有某种联系,[遇到对我很粗鲁的顾客,我会给他们不含咖啡因的咖啡](笑),有一个人,把这个东西寄给了我,这一张很好地说明了,当人们在制作自己的明信片的时候,是多么的富有创造力,这一张很明显是半个星巴克纸杯做成的,他在另一侧贴上了邮票写上了我家地址。 "Dear Birthmother, I have great parents. I've found love. I'm happy." Secrets can remind us of the countless human dramas, of frailty and heroism, playing out silently in the lives of people all around us even now. "Everyone who knew me before 9/11 believes I'm dead." "I used to work with a bunch of uptight religious people, so sometimes I didn't wear panties, and just had a big smile and chuckled to myself." “亲爱的生母,我现在有了很棒的养父母,我找到了爱,我很开心。”,秘密可以让我们想起无数的人间悲喜剧,关乎脆弱与坚强,在我们周围的人身上,悄悄的发生,而也在不断重演,“所有在911之前认识我的人,都以为我死了。”,“我曾经和一群极其虔诚的信徒一起工作,所以在我没穿内裤的时候,尽管一直忍着,但是在心里头还总是坏笑。” This next one takes a little explanation before I share it with you. I love to speak on college campuses and share secrets and the stories with students. And sometimes afterwards I'll stick around and sign books and take photos with students. And this next postcard was made out of one of those photos. And I should also mention that, just like today, at that PostSecret event, I was using a wireless microphone. "Your mic wasn't off during sound check. We all heard you pee." (Laughter) This was really embarrassing when it happened, until I realized it could have been worse. Right. You know what I'm saying. 在我给你们看下一个之前,我要先说明一下,我喜欢在大学校园里演讲,并且与学生们分享秘密和故事,在这之后,我有时就会到处逛,签售一些书,和学生们合影,就这样,其中的一张合影,就出现在了这张明信片上,而且我必须说明,在那次会上,就像今天,我用了一只无线麦克风,“你在试音之后没有关掉麦克风,我们都听到了你尿尿的声音。”,(笑),这件事情一直都让我觉得很难为情,直到我想到,还好他们没有听到其他东西,对吧,大家都懂的。 "Inside this envelope is the ripped up remains of a suicide note I didn't use. I feel like the happiest person on Earth (now.)" "One of these men is the father of my son. He pays me a lot to keep it a secret." “在这个信封里,是我撕掉了的自杀遗书,还好我没有想要用它,现在,我觉得我是这个星球上最开心的人了。”,“这些人中的一个是我儿子的爸爸,他给了我一大笔封口费。” "That Saturday when you wondered where I was, well, I was getting your ring. It's in my pocket right now." I had this postcard posted on the PostSecret blog two years ago on Valentine's Day. It was the very bottom, the last secret in the long column. And it hadn't been up for more than a couple hours before I received this exuberant email from the guy who mailed me this postcard. “那个周六当你想着我在哪的时候,嗯,我在帮你买戒指呢,它现在就在我的口袋里。”,我在两年前的情人节,把这张明信片上的内容发在PostSecret的博客上,并且把它放在了一大串秘密的最后,短短的几个小时以后,我就收到了这封欢乐的邮件,是把那张明信片寄给我的那个家伙写来的。 And he said, "Frank, I've got to share with you this story that just played out in my life." He said, "My knees are still shaking." He said, "For three years, my girlfriend and I, we've made it this Sunday morning ritual to visit the PostSecret blog together and read the secrets out loud. I read some to her, she reads some to me." He says, "It's really brought us closer together through the years. 他说:“弗兰克,你知道吗,刚才发生了一件不可思议的事情。”,他说:“现在我的腿还颤抖着”,他说:“三年以来,我和我的女朋友,一直都把一起看PostSecret博客,视作每星期天早上的议程,我们一起大声地读出那些秘密,我给她读一些,她给我读一些。”,他说:“就这样,这些年来,我们也越来越亲近了。 And so when I discovered that you had posted my surprise proposal to my girlfriend at the very bottom, I was beside myself. And I tried to act calm, not to give anything away. And just like every Sunday, we started reading the secrets out loud to each other." He said, "But this time it seemed like it was taking her forever to get through each one." 而当我发现,你把我给我女朋友的求婚惊喜,藏在了这堆秘密的最后的时候,我高兴得快魂不附体了,于是我装作什么事也没发生,就像之前的每一个星期天,我们开始向对方读出这一个个秘密。”,“但是这一次,她读出每一个秘密用的时间,对于我来说都像是千万年。”

But she finally did. She got to that bottom secret, his proposal to her. And he said, "She read it once and then she read it again." And she turned to him and said, "Is that our cat?" (Laughter) And when she saw him, he was down on one knee, he had the ring out. He popped the question, she said yes. It was a very happy ending. 但是她最后终于看到了,在最底下的那个她男朋友向她求婚的秘密,“她读了一次,又读了一次”,她然后转身问我,“那只猫是我们的猫吗?”,(笑),而当她看到他的时候,她的男友正单膝跪地,把戒指递给她,他问出了那个问题,得到了肯定回复。多美好的结局。 So I emailed him back and I said, "Please share with me an image, something, that I can share with the whole PostSecret community and let everyone know your fairy tale ending." And he emailed me this picture. 于是我回复他,“发给我一张你们的照片吧,这样我就可以和整个PostSecret社区,还有所有的人分享你们童话般的结局。”,所以他就把这张照片传给了我。 "I found your camera at Lollapalooza this summer. I finally got the pictures developed and I'd love to give them to you." This picture never got returned back to the people who lost it, but this secret has impacted many lives, starting with a student up in Canada named Matty. Matty was inspired by that secret to start his own website, a website called IFoundYourCamera. Matty invites people to mail him digital cameras that they've found, memory sticks that have been lost with orphan photos. “夏天的时候我在洛拉帕罗扎Lollapalooza发现了你的相机,我最后把这些照片洗出来了,我很想把它们还给你。”,这张照片一直都没有,被失主认领,但是这个秘密影响了很多人,从一个叫马蒂的学生开始吧,他来自加拿大,马蒂受到这个秘密的触动,成立了自己的网站,叫做“我找到了你的相机”,马蒂邀请人们,把他们捡到的数码相机,或者丢失了的相片记忆卡,寄给他。

And Matty takes the pictures off these cameras and posts them on his website every week. And people come to visit to see if they can identify a picture they've lost or help somebody else get the photos back to them that they might be desperately searching for. This one's my favorite. 每周马蒂都会把这些相机里的照片取出来,然后发到网上,人们便可以在网站上,看他们能不能认出自己丢失了的照片,或者帮其他人找到,他们一直苦苦寻找的照片,这是我最喜欢的一张。 Matty has found this ingenious way to leverage the kindness of strangers. And it might seem like a simple idea, and it is, but the impact it can have on people's lives can be huge. Matty shared with me an emotional email he received from the mother in that picture. "That's me, my husband and son. The other pictures are of my very ill grandmother. Thank you for making your site. 马蒂独创了这个方法,来扩大善良陌生人的作用,这是一个简单的想法,但是它可以对一些人有巨大的影响,马蒂给我看过,一封给他的很深情邮件,是那幅照片里的妈妈寄给他的,“照片里的是我,还有我的丈夫,儿子,其他的照片是我重病中的奶奶,幸亏有了你这个网站。
These pictures mean more to me than you know. My son's birth is on this camera. He turns four tomorrow." Every picture that you see there and thousands of others have been returned back to the person who lost it -- sometimes crossing oceans, sometimes going through language barriers. 这些照片对于我比你能想象的要重要得多,这只相机见证了我儿子的出生,他明天就四岁了。”,大屏幕上的那几张照片,还有其它上千张,都已经还给了相应的失主--,有时这些照片跨越了各个大洋,有时突破了语言的障碍。 This is the last postcard I have to share with you today. "When people I love leave voicemails on my phone I always save them in case they die tomorrow and I have no other way of hearing their voice ever again." When I posted this secret, dozens of people sent voicemail messages from their phones, sometimes ones they'd been keeping for years, messages from family or friends who had died. They said that by preserving those voices and sharing them, it helped them keep the spirit of their loved ones alive. One young girl posted the last message she ever heard from her grandmother. 这是今天我想和你们分享的最后一张明信片,“当我爱的人,在我的电话语音邮箱里留言的时候,我总会保存下来,因为也许明天他们就会死去,要不然我就再也听不到,他们的声音了。”,当我在网上发布这个秘密的时候,许多人,发来了他们电话里保留着的语音信息,有些已经在里面好几年了,这些语音信息都是来自,他们死去了的家人或者朋友们的,他们说,他们留着这些声音,并且和别人分享,是为了让他们爱着的人永远活在自己心里,有一个女孩,发来了她从她奶奶听到的,最后的一条语音信息。 Secrets can take many forms. They can be shocking or silly or soulful. They can connect us with our deepest humanity or with people we'll never meet again. 秘密可以有很多种,可以是震撼,滑稽,或者饱含深情,分享秘密可以将我们融进人性的最深处,让我们和素不相识的人有了某种联系。 Voicemail recording: First saved voice message. Grandma: ♫ It's somebody's birthday today ♫ ♫ Somebody's birthday today ♫ ♫ The candles are lighted ♫ ♫ on somebody's cake ♫ ♫ And we're all invited ♫ ♫ for somebody's sake ♫ You're 21 years old today. Have a real happy birthday, and I love you. I'll say bye for now. 语音信箱记录:首条保存的语音信息,奶奶:♫今天是某人的生日♫,♫某人的生日♫,♫在她的蛋糕上♫,♫亮起了蜡烛♫,♫因为某人生日♫,♫我们都被邀请♫,♫今年你就21岁了♫,♫生日要很开心,我爱你♫,♫我要和你说再见了♫ FW: Thank you. 弗兰克·沃伦:谢谢。 June Cohen: Frank, that was beautiful, so touching. Have you ever sent yourself a postcard? Have you ever sent in a secret to PostSecret? 琼·科恩:弗兰克,那太美妙了,真的很感人,你自己给自己寄过明信片吗,你自己给PostSecret发送过秘密吗。 FW: I have one of my own secrets in every book. I think in some ways, the reason I started the project, even though I didn't know it at the time, was because I was struggling with my own secrets. And it was through crowd-sourcing, it was through the kindness that strangers were showing me, that I could uncover parts of my past that were haunting me. 弗兰克·沃伦:我在我自己的每本书里都有我自己的一个秘密,我觉得,某些程度上,我发起这个项目的原因,尽管我在那时并不清楚,是因为我在为自己的一些小秘密而纠结,而通过把所有秘密集合起来,我看到了与我素不相识的人展现出来的善良,也正是这样,我才能把困扰自己已久的秘密公之于世。 JC: And has anyone ever discovered which secret was yours in the book? Has anyone in your life been able to tell? 琼·科恩:那有没有人发现,你书里面的某个秘密是你的呢,有没有哪个人能够发现呢。 FW: Sometimes I share that information, yeah. 弗兰克·沃伦:我有的时候会告诉一些人哪些是我的秘密。













