
从这五段话中学点英文 -- How to Win Friends & Influence People

2017-07-06 我和女儿学英文

今天和大家分享的五个表达来自于How to Win Friends & Influence People,大家可以边听音频边看文章哦

1⃣️  To their amazement, the book became an overnight sensation, and edition after edition rolled off the presses to keep up with the increasing public demand.


2⃣️  Why, then, did I have the temerity to write another book? And, aftert I had written it, why should you bother to read it?


3⃣️  One can, for example, hire mere technical ability in engineering, accountancy, architecture or any other profession at nominal salaries. But the person who has technical knowledge plus the ability to express ideas, to assume leadership, and to arouse enthusiasm among people -- that person is headed for higher earning power.

assume除了“假设”的意思外,还可以用来表示“取得;承担”,后面常接responsibility, power.

4⃣️  In the heyday of his activity, John D. Rockefeller said that "the ability to deal with people is as purchasable a comodity as sugar or coffee. And I will pay more for that ability than for any other under the sun.

heyday是“全盛时期”; under the sun是“the the world”

5⃣️  He was a sophisticated, blasé dealer in art, very much the man about town, who spoke three languages fluently and was a graduate of two European universities.

blasé看长相可以知道是一个法语词,它的意思是having or showing a lack of excitement or interest in something especially because it is very familiar,也就是因为见多识广司空见惯后变得老于世故。


Education is the ability to meet life's situations.

From Dr. John G. Hibben

The great aim of education is not knowledege but action. 

From Herbert Spencer


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