

中国外文局 中国外文局 2021-03-17





Two Upholds

释义:“两个维护”,指维护习近平总书记党中央的核心、全党的核心地位,维护党中央权威和集中统一领导。译文:The Two Upholds refer to upholding General Secretary Xi Jinping’s core position on the CPC Central Committee and in the Party as a whole, and upholding the Central Committee’s authority and its centralized, unified leadership.例句:中央和国家机关是践行“两个维护”的第一方阵。如果党的理论和路线方针政策在这里失之毫厘,到了基层就可能谬以千里;如果贯彻落实的第一棒就掉了链子,“两个维护”在“最先一公里”就可能落空。(摘自习近平在中央和国家机关党的建设工作会议上的讲话,2019年7月9日)译文:Central Party and government departments are at the forefront of ensuring the Two Upholds. The slightest deviation from the theories, guidelines, principles and policies of our Party will lead to huge mistakes at the grassroots level. If the first baton of implementation is dropped, the race will be lost from the very beginning. (from the speech at the National Conference on Strengthening the Party in Central Party and Government Departments, July 9, 2019)


Four Principles of Deference

译文:The Four Principles of Deference mean that individual Party members defer to Party organizations, the minority defers to the majority, lower-level Party organizations defer to higher-level Party organizations, and all organizations and members of the Party defer to the National Congress and the Central Committee of the Party.例句:党章规定“四个服从”,最根本的是全党各个组织和全体党员服从党的全国代表大会和中央委员会;党中央强调“四个意识”,最根本的是坚决维护党中央权威和集中统一领导。(摘自习近平在中共十九届中央纪委二次全会上的讲话,2018年1月11日)
译文:In the Four Principles of Deference provided in the Party Constitution, what is most essential is that all organizations and members of the Party defer to the National Congress and the Central Committee. Among the Four Consciousnesses underlined by the Central Committee, upholding the authority of the Central Committee and its centralized, unified leadership is pivotal. (from the speech at the Second Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, January 11, 2018)


· to closely follow the Central Committee in terms of thinking, political orientation, and actions 

· to keep in line with the Central Committee in thinking, action and political orientation

译文:All Party members must continue to strengthen their commitment to the Four Consciousnesses, the Four-sphere Confidence, and the Two Upholds. It is essential to closely follow the Central Committee in terms of thinking, political orientation, and actions, conscientiously safeguard Party solidarity and unity, strictly abide by the Party’s political discipline and rules, and always maintain close ties with the people. (from the speech at the opening ceremony of a study session on worst-case scenario thinking to prevent and resolve major risks, which was attended by principal officials at the provincial and ministerial level, January 21, 2019)


· Marxist governing party

· Marxist ruling party

译文:Staying true to the original aspiration and founding mission is not easy. It requires us to have a strong sense of self-reform. We must fulfill this mission on the new journey and reform the Party further in the new era to build it into a vibrant Marxist governing party that is always at the forefront of the times, enjoys the wholehearted support of the people, has the courage to reform itself, and is able to withstand all tests. (from the speech at the 15th group study session of the Political Bureau of the 19th CPC Central Committee, June 24, 2019)


learning-oriented Marxist party


译文:We should quicken our pace in making our Party more of a learning-oriented Marxist party, and nurturing a love of learning in our people, with studying and putting into practice the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the top priority. In this process, we should combine theory with reality, comprehend the fundamentals, seek truth, and understand the reasons and logic behind things. Strengthening their commitment to the Four Consciousnesses, the Four-sphere Confidence, and the Two Upholds, all Party members and officials should improve themselves against the standards of being loyal, upright and responsible, foster a pioneering spirit, and increase their abilities, so that in terms of thinking, ability and action they can keep abreast of the times, our cause, and the requirements of the Central Committee. (from the preface to the reading materials for the fifth group of trainee officials, written on February 27, 2019)


· political activities within the Party

· intra-Party political activities


译文:Party members and officials must act in accordance with the Regulations for Political Activities Within the Party in the New Era, and have regular political “health checks” through intra-Party activities. We can thereby “sweep off the dust”, keep our souls wholesome, and boost our immune system in the political realm. (from the speech at the sixth group study session of the Political Bureau of the 19th CPC Central Committee, June 29, 2018)


1. 我们党有8900多万名党员和450多万个基层党组织,保持和发展马克思主义政党的政治属性不是一件容易的事,不能指望泛泛抓一抓或者集中火力打几个战役就能彻底解决问题。

With more than 89 million members and 4.5 million grassroots organizations, it is not easy for our Party to preserve and develop its nature as a Marxist political party. A broad-brush approach or a few targeted campaigns are not the solution.

2. 人民群众拥护和支持是我们党最可靠的力量源泉。

The support of the people is the unfailing source of our Party’s strength.

3. 各级领导干部特别是高级干部要炼就一双政治慧眼,不畏浮云遮望眼,切实担负起党和人民赋予的政治责任。

Officials, especially those in senior positions, should have good political judgment. We should let no fleeting phenomena cloud our vision, and shoulder the political responsibilities entrusted to us by the Party and the people.

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