


"The tax refund process was incredibly fast. I received my refund immediately. It was very convenient and efficient, and the overall experience was excellent," said Ms. Ma from Hong Kong. On December 22 at 11 a.m., she purchased a pair of shoes and a scarf at a brand store, totaling RMB 11,520. She proceeded to the designated tax refund counter within the mall, where the"Instant Tax Refund Upon Purchase" service was offered. In less than 10 minutes, she received a refund of approximately RMB 1,033. On the same day, the first pilot program of "Instant Tax Refund Upon Purchase" for overseas travelers in Jiangsu Province was launched at Deji Plaza, making Ms. Ma the first beneficiary of this policy service.


The "Instant Tax Refund Upon Purchase" policy refers to the policy of refunding value-added tax to foreign travelers when they depart from the customs port with tax-refundable items purchased from designated tax-refund stores. Unlike the traditional method of processing tax refunds upon departure, the "Instant Tax Refund Upon Purchase" allows foreign travelers to apply for tax refunds on the spot after shopping at designated tax-refund stores.



No need to go to the airport

Receive your tax refund right in the store


For consumers, the convenience of "Instant Tax Refund Upon Purchase" is a major attraction that enhances shopping experience. For shopping malls, it is an effective measure to attract consumers and promote repeat purchases. For government authorities, it represents a practical scenario for optimizing the consumption environment and improving consumer services.


According to the spokesperson of Deji Plaza, customers can participate in the "Instant Tax Refund Upon Purchase" policy by purchasing eligible goods within the refundable range and meeting the requirements for limits and departure. This policy applies to around four to five hundred brands within the plaza. The tax refund rates vary, with 11% and 8% for different applicable goods. After making purchases, foreign consumers can visit the customer service center on the 7th Floor of Deji Plaza Phase II, fill out the Tax Refund Application Form for Overseas Travelers, and submit the necessary documents such as passports through the WeChat mini-program. Once the application is approved, they can get a tax refund on the spot.


Establishing the first foreign-funded travel agency in Jiangsu Province, constructing China's first comprehensive Legal Services Industrial Park, and piloting the first "Instant Tax Refund Upon Purchase" program in Jiangsu Province. These are part of the pioneering actions Nanjing Xuanwu District has taken to adapt to the times and expand the openness of the service industry. These active practices have exemplified the district's initiative spirit.






