
共益资讯|B Lab 与 CIIP (影响力投资与实践中心) 将合作建立B Lab & CIIP亚洲卓越中心

B Corps CN BCorpsCN共益企业

B Lab Global和影响力投资与实践中心(CIIP)在今天宣布了合作建立B Lab & CIIP亚洲卓越中心的意愿。

两个组织都认识到商业在推动全球经济体系转型和为所有人、社区和地球实现积极影响方面的核心作用。他们将共同致力于加速共益企业行动在亚洲各公司的发展,并推动将利益相关者模式 (stakeholder model) 纳入行业主流。

"亚洲经济体是全球经济发展的重要贡献者之一,它也正塑造着全球化在下一阶段的走势。我们希望利用这一势头,进一步催化商业向善的力量,"B Lab Global的首席执行官Eleanor Allen说道。
"很高兴地说,B Lab Global 将在与 CIIP 的合作中扩大全球性适用标准的范围,加强我们的经济系统变革工作,同时支持亚洲各地共益企业(B Corps)的发展,并为所有企业提供教育和培训。
"CIIP与B Lab的使命一致,即推动商业成为一种向好的力量。我们很高兴与B Lab合作,在亚洲推广共益企业行动,"CIIP的首席执行官 Dawn Chan说。
"CIIP 将努力确保B Lab的标准与亚洲市场的相关性,并将利用B Lab和CIIP在促进知识共享、培育互联社区和催化集体积极行动方面的综合专长。它将成为那些希望在经核实的社会和环境绩效、透明度和问责制方面达到高标准和严格要求的公司的首选。"


B Lab在91个国家拥有7000多个认证的共益企业,它带来了经济系统变革方面的专业知识,创造了改变资本主义行为、文化和结构基础的标准、政策、工具和计划。通过推动商业的力量向好,B Lab积极影响世界各地的公司,帮助他们平衡利润与使命,并动员共益企业社区采取集体行动,解决社会最关键的挑战。


CIIP设在新加坡,将重点支持亚洲目的驱动的、负责任的和有弹性的企业的发展,并采用B Lab Global的共益企业认证标准开展培训和专业认证项目,同时为亚洲公司开发研究并分享关于以利益相关者为中心的商业模式的见解,包括共益企业的商业实践。

作为第一步,B Lab Global的代表将驻扎在新加坡来协调B Lab & CIIP亚洲卓越中心的建立,通过研讨会和其他活动让该地区的公司参与进来,并收集公司的意见,为新的共益企业标准提供参考。

中心将落地采用B Lab标准的专业培训和认证项目

该中心将根据共益企业认证的标准制定新的项目和B Lab全球官方课程,以发展亚洲和其他地区的公司与个体的能力。这包括制定循序渐进的计划、与学术机构合作、支持企业的社会责任之旅。

此外,还将制定一项计划,对专业人员,即共益咨询师 (B Consultants)进行认证,以支持企业开始纳入负责任的商业实践,并沿着实现共益企业认证的途径前进。


利用全球现有的认证共益企业社区以及B Impact Assessment(共益影响力评估工具)评估用户(200,000多家公司)的数据,该中心将与B Lab Global的数据分析师合作,指导研究并分享关于利益相关者治理模式的知识,并提供利益相关者模式在建立目的驱动的、盈利的、负责任的和有弹性的企业制度中发挥积极作用的依据。



在促进更广泛的商业向善行动中,B Lab & CIIP亚洲卓越中心将与B Lab全球标准管理团队合作,确保标准与亚洲市场的现实状况密切相关。这将使B Lab Global的产品和服务能够推动商业世界的游戏规则的改进,并且提供具有启发性的见解,并对亚洲市场和全球环境具有包容性。该中心将在该地区发挥强有力的宣传作用,提高B Lab产品的知名度,并推动共益企业认证标准的采用。


通过与B Lab Global在亚洲的合作伙伴合作,该中心将共同支持B Corp行动的发展,让亚洲在多个司法管辖区运营的公司参与进来,推动B Lab Global标准的采用,并为公司获得共益企业认证的途径提供支持。


CIIP是SDG影响力的亚洲主要合作伙伴,SDG影响力是联合国开发计划署的倡议,其任务是开发资源,加速投资,以在2030年之前实现可持续发展目标("SDG")。通过这种合作关系,亚洲的投资者和企业可以获得清晰的认识和工具,支持他们为实现可持续发展目标做出贡献。淡马锡和ABC Impact是CIIP的战略合作伙伴。欲了解更多信息,请访问www.ciip.com.sg。

关于 B Lab Global:B Lab Global 正在改变全球经济的范式,以使所有的公民、社区和地球受益。作为经济系统变革的领导者,B Lab Global为企业创建了相关的标准、政策、工具和计划,也对那些引领经济系统变革的公司——被称为共益企业(B Corps),并对此进行认证。

迄今为止,全球共益企业的社区包括 91 个国家地区和 161 个行业的 7000 多个 B Corps 中的 63 万多名工作者,超过 20 万家公司通过 BIA(B Impact Assessment,共益影响力评估)和 SDG(Sustainable Development Goals,可持续发展目标)来评测和管理自己的影响力。

B Lab Global 已经在全球范围内创建并领导通过了 50 多条能够实现利益相关者治理的企业法规,并有超过 10,000 家公司使用该章程框架。

简报:B Lab Global和影响力投资与实践中心(CIIP)在今天宣布了合作建立B Lab & CIIP亚洲卓越中心的意向。



B Lab and Centre for Impacting Investing and Practices to establish Centre of Excellence for Asia 

SINGAPORE, 19 June 2023 — Non-profits B Lab Global and the Centre for Impact Investing and Practices (CIIP), today announced the intent to collaborate on establishing the B Lab & CIIP Centre of Excellence for Asia (the “Centre”).

Both organizations recognize the central role of businesses to transform the global economic system and achieve a positive impact for all people, communities, and the planet. Together, they will work to accelerate the growth of the B Corporation (B Corp) movement across companies in Asia, mainstreaming a stakeholder model of governance.

“The economy across Asia is a significant contributor to the global economy; it is shaping the next phase of globalization. We want to use this momentum to further catalyze the movement of business as a force for good,” said Eleanor Allen, Lead Executive at B Lab Global. “Working with our country partners in the region, B Lab Global is excited to begin this partnership with CIIP to expand the reach of our globally applicable standards, strengthen our economic systems change work whilst supporting the growth of B Corps across Asia, and provide education and training for all businesses.”

“CIIP is aligned with B Lab’s mission to spur businesses as a force for good, and we’re delighted to partner with B Lab to scale the B Corp movement in Asia,” said Dawn Chan, CEO, of CIIP. “The Centre will work to ensure the relevance of B Lab’s standards to Asian markets and will build on the combined expertise of B Lab and CIIP in fostering shared knowledge, nurturing a connected community, and catalyzing collective positive actions. It will be the go-to organization for companies that aspire to meet high and rigorous standards of verified social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability.” 

Shared ambition and expertise

With more than 6,900 Certified B Corps across 91 countries, B Lab brings expertise in economic systems change and creates standards, policies, tools, and programs that shift the behavior, culture, and structural underpinnings of capitalism. By harnessing the power of business, B Lab positively impacts companies around the world, helping them balance profit with purpose, and mobilizes the B Corp community towards collective action to address society’s most critical challenges.

CIIP was established as a non-profit entity by Temasek Trust, the philanthropic arm of Temasek, and advances impact investing and practices through building knowledge assets, convening stakeholders, and catalyzing collective positive actions. CIIP is the Asia anchor partner of SDG Impact, the United Nations Development Programme initiative tasked to develop resources that accelerate investments toward achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

Based in Singapore, the Centre will focus on supporting the growth of purpose-driven, responsible, and resilient businesses in Asia with training and professional accreditation programs using B Lab Global’s standards for B Corp Certification, as well as developing research and sharing insights on stakeholder-focused business models, including B Corp practices, for Asian companies. As a first step, representatives from B Lab Global will be stationed in Singapore to coordinate the Centre’s establishment, engage companies in the region through workshops and other events, and gather input from companies to inform the new B Corp Standards.

Training and professional accreditation programs using B Lab’s standards

The Centre will institute new programs and an official B Lab Global curriculum based on the standards for B Corp Certification to develop the capacity of companies and individuals in Asia and beyond. This includes developing gradated, step-by-step programs and collaborating with academic institutions to support enterprises on their impact journeys. A program will also be developed to accredit professionals, i.e. B Consultants, to support companies as they embark on incorporating responsible business practices and progress along the pathway to achieve B Corp Certification.

Thought and practice leadership in stakeholder governance and models of capitalism

Leveraging data from the existing Certified B Corp community globally, as well as B Impact Assessment users (200,000+ companies), the Centre will work in partnership with data analysts at B Lab Global to guide research and share knowledge on stakeholder models of governance, and evidence of the benefits of stakeholder governance in building purpose-driven, profitable, responsible, and resilient businesses. Such insights would be made accessible to interested companies to empower them in their journey for greater positive impact, as well as to the wider ecosystem of tri-sector organizations (public, private, and civil society) to foster dialogue and enable greater influence for economic systems change towards stakeholder governance. 

Accelerating the growth of the Certified B Corp community in Asia

In catalyzing a broader movement of using business as a force for good, the Centre will collaborate with the B Lab Global Standards Management team to ensure that the standards are relevant to Asian markets. This will enable B Lab Global’s products and services to be game-changing, inspiring, and inclusive to the Asian market and a global context. The Centre will play a strong advocacy role in the region to raise the profile of B Lab’s offerings and drive adoption of the standards for B Corp Certification.

Regional engagement and development

Working in partnership with B Lab Global’s partners in Asia, the Centre will collectively support the growth of the B Corp movement by engaging companies in Asia operating across multiple jurisdictions, driving adoption of B Lab Global’s standards, and providing support to companies on their pathways to B Corp Certification. 

About the Centre for Impact Investing and Practices (CIIP): The Centre for Impact Investing and Practices (“CIIP”) was established in 2022 as a non-profit entity by Temasek Trust to foster impact investing and practices in Asia and beyond. CIIP is the Asia anchor partner of SDG Impact, the United Nations Development Programme initiative tasked to develop resources that accelerate investments towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”) by 2030. Through this partnership, Asia investors and businesses are provided with clarity, insights, and tools that support their contributions toward achieving the SDGs. Temasek and ABC Impact are CIIP’s strategic partners. For more information, please visit www.ciip.com.sg.

About B Lab Global: B Lab is transforming the global economy to benefit all people, communities, and the planet. A leader in economic systems change, our global network creates standards, policies, tools, and programs for business, and we certify companies — known as B Corps — who are leading the way. To date, our community includes over 600,000 workers in over 7,000 B Corps across 91 countries and 161 industries, and more than 200,000 companies manage their impact with the B Impact Assessment and the SDG Action Manager. B Lab has created and led efforts to pass over 50 corporate statutes globally that enable stakeholder governance, with over 10,000 companies using the legal framework. To learn more and join the movement, visit www.bcorporation.net.

Media Contact: press@bcorporation.net

2017年,以共益企业中国团队(B Corps China)成立为标志的“利益相关方经济”理念中国之路的落地化进程开启,共益企业(B Corp)与共益社群的不断扩大,自2021年起,乐平将引领共益企业中国团队,以智识与系统构建赋能“共益经济”,加快脚步,促进中国以“商业向善”为核心价值的,以企业为主推动力的,未来可持续商业生态系统的建立。





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