


国际知名的基因治疗杂志Human Gene Therapy《人类基因治疗》春节期间发表了中国专刊,刘德培院士和魏于全院士受邀作为客座主编,该专辑发表了18篇中国科学家写的评论, 综述和原创研究文章,内容涉及基因与细胞治疗药物监管、病毒与非病毒载体、基因编辑、基因修饰的干细胞治疗等技术,以及基因治疗与细胞治疗在肿瘤、心血管疾病、遗传性疾病等方面的应用进展、反映了中国科学家在该领域取得的最新进展,论文目录详见该文最后,阅读全文见 http://online.liebertpub.com/toc/hum/29/2。 

Human Gene Therapy的主编Terence R. Flotte教授与美国基因与细胞治疗学会主席,Guangping Gao教授 (高光坪教授),用中英文同时发表了编者按 “Gene and Cell Therapy in China: Highlighting Excellence in the 21st Century” (中国的基因与细胞治疗:21世纪的飞跃发展和重要贡献)。他们指出:值此中国农历新年之际, 我们很荣幸能在《人类基因治疗》杂志上发表本期由刘德培教授和魏于全教授这两位中国基因和细胞治疗领域的领军人物客串主编的中国特刊。在本特刊中, 我们不仅收集了一系列的评论, 综述和原创研究文章, 同时, 我们还力求重点介绍这个世界上人口最多而科学和技术正在以前所未有的速度飞跃发展的国家在基因和细胞治疗转化研究领域里所取得的成就和重要贡献……..”。


Special Issue: Chinese Gene and Cell Therapy Research

Guest Editors: Yuquan Wei, MD, PhD, and De-Pei Liu, MD, PhD

Gene and Cell Therapy in China: Highlighting Excellence in the 21st Century 中国的基因与细胞治疗: 21世纪的飞跃发展和重要贡献

Terence R. Flotte, Guangping Gao (高光坪)

Human Gene Therapy. Feb 2018, 29(2): 97-97.

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Special Commentaries and Review Articles

Applications of Virus Vector–Mediated Gene Therapy in China  

Qiong Lin, Deng-Gao Wang, Zhu-Qin Zhang, De-Pei Liu

Human Gene Therapy. Feb 2018, 29(2): 98-109.

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Current Status of Nonviral Vectors for Gene Therapy in China  

Li Liu, Jingyun Yang, Ke Men, Zhiyao He, Min Luo, Zhiyong Qian, Xiawei Wei, Yuquan Wei

Human Gene Therapy. Feb 2018, 29(2): 110-120.

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Considerations for Clinical Review of Cellular Therapy Products: Perspectives of the China Food and Drug Administration Center for Drug Evaluation  

Yantong Liu, Chenyang Zhao, Liucun Gao, Huan Yang, Ruyi He, Chenyan Gao

Human Gene Therapy. Feb 2018, 29(2): 121-127.

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National Rare Diseases Registry System of China and Related Cohort Studies: Vision and Roadmap  

Shi Feng, Shuang Liu, Chong Zhu, Mengchun Gong, Yicheng Zhu, Shuyang Zhang

Human Gene Therapy. Feb 2018, 29(2): 128-135.

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Recent Advances in Therapeutic Genome Editing in China

Yang Yang, Qingnan Wang, Qian Li, Ke Men, Zhiyao He, Hongxin Deng, Weizhi Ji, Yuquan Wei

Human Gene Therapy. Feb 2018, 29(2): 136-145.

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Gene Therapy for Hemophilia and Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy in China

Xionghao Liu, Mujun Liu, Lingqian Wu, Desheng Liang

Human Gene Therapy. Feb 2018, 29(2): 146-150.

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Fighting Cancer with Viruses: Oncolytic Virus Therapy in China

Ding Wei, Jing Xu, Xin-Yuan Liu, Zhi-Nan Chen, Huijie Bian

Human Gene Therapy. Feb 2018, 29(2): 151-159.

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The First Approved Gene Therapy Product for Cancer Ad-p53 (Gendicine): 12 Years in the Clinic

Wei-Wei Zhang, Longjiang Li, Dinggang Li, Jiliang Liu, Xiuqin Li, Wei Li, Xiaolong Xu, Michael J. Zhang, Lois A. Chandler, Hong Lin, Aiguo Hu, Wei Xu, Dominic Man-Kit Lam

Human Gene Therapy. Feb 2018, 29(2): 160-179.

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Development of Gene Therapeutics for Head and Neck Cancer in China: From Bench to Bedside

Wei Guo, Hao Song

Human Gene Therapy. Feb 2018, 29(2): 180-187.

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Stem-Cell Therapy Advances in China

Lei Hu, Bin Zhao, Songlin Wang

Human Gene Therapy. Feb 2018, 29(2): 188-196.

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Recent Progress on Genetic Diagnosis and Therapy for β-Thalassemia in China and Around the World

Jingzhi Zhang, Jingbin Yan, Fanyi Zeng

Human Gene Therapy. Feb 2018, 29(2): 197-203.

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Oncolytic Viruses for Tumor Precision Imaging and Radiotherapy

Zi J. Wu, Feng R. Tang, Zhao-Wu Ma, Xiao-Chun Peng, Ying Xiang, Yanling Zhang, Jingbo Kang, Jiafu Ji, Xiao Q. Liu, Xian-Wang Wang, Hong-Wu Xin, Bo X. Ren

Human Gene Therapy. Feb 2018, 29(2): 204-222.

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Research Articles

In Vivo Ovarian Cancer Gene Therapy Using CRISPR-Cas9

Zhi-Yao He, Ya-Guang Zhang, Yu-Han Yang, Cui-Cui Ma, Ping Wang, Wei Du, Ling Li, Rong Xiang, Xiang-Rong Song, Xia Zhao, Shao-Hua Yao, Yu-Quan Wei

Human Gene Therapy. Feb 2018, 29(2): 223-233.

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Interleukin-35 Gene-Modified Mesenchymal Stem Cells Protect Concanavalin A–Induced Fulminant Hepatitis by Decreasing the Interferon Gamma Level

Wei Wang, Hao Guo, Hongyue Li, Yongjia Yan, Chao Wu, Xiaodong Wang, Xianghui He, Na Zhao

Human Gene Therapy. Feb 2018, 29(2): 234-241.

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Treatment of Uterine Sarcoma with rAd-p53 (Gendicine) Followed by Chemotherapy: Clinical Study of TP53 Gene Therapy

Yu Xia, Zhenhua Du, Xinyan Wang, Xiuqin Li

Human Gene Therapy. Feb 2018, 29(2): 242-250.

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Double-Dose Adenovirus-Mediated Adjuvant Gene Therapy Improves Liver Transplantation Outcomes in Patients with Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Ruidong Zhu, Danhui Weng, Shichun Lu, Dongdong Lin, Menglong Wang, Dongdong Chen, Jun Lv, Hongjun Li, Fudong Lv, Ling Xi, Jianfeng Zhou, Ding Ma, Ning Li

Human Gene Therapy. Feb 2018, 29(2): 251-258.

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MACF1 Overexpression by Transfecting the 21 kbp Large Plasmid PEGFP-C1A-ACF7 Promotes Osteoblast Differentiation and Bone Formation

Yan Zhang, Chong Yin, Lifang Hu, Zhihao Chen, Fan Zhao, Dijie Li, Jianhua Ma, Xiaoli Ma, Peihong Su, Wuxia Qiu, Chaofei Yang, Pai Wang, Siyu Li, Ge Zhang, Liping Wang, Airong Qian, Cory J. Xian

Human Gene Therapy. Feb 2018, 29(2): 259-270.

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Transplantation of Hepatocyte Growth Factor–Modified Dental Pulp Stem Cells Prevents Bone Loss in the Early Phase of Ovariectomy-Induced Osteoporosis  

Fanxuan Kong, Xuefeng Shi, Fengjun Xiao, Yuefeng Yang, Xiaoyan Zhang, Li-Sheng Wang, Chu-Tse Wu, Hua Wang

Human Gene Therapy. Feb 2018, 29(2): 271-282.

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