
D2 South| Visiting Sustainable Companies that Inspire the World

Group Two South 绿色光年 2022-10-07

We departed to one of the most creative and innovative companies—Mobike (Shenzhen). When we just arrived, Mr. Chen, the government relations manager of Mobike, introduced the developing journey and the products of Mobike. Moreover, he emphasized the efforts that Mobike had made in sustainable development field.



Picture 1Founding Director of Green Light-Year, Ni Huan addressed at the event.




Mobike was founded in January, 2015. Its original intention is to make the city transportation better through its products. They redefined the word of 'bike'.

Picture 2 Mr. Chen Chao feom Mobike Shenzhen explained the development of the Mobike.

During our visit, Mr. Chen shared the latest bike  which had won the Red Dot Design Award. With the salmon-like pattern, Mobike had done some innovations in its bike-seat, bike-tire, etc. Those innovations ameliorate the shock-resistance system and improve the riding experience. Furthermore, Mr. Chen mentioned that Mobike had brought up a new type of hybrid-power e-bike in some cities. Users can adjust the seats, lights, battery in an easy way.  What's more, users can check the status of the e-bike all the time and more charging piles will be built in the future.


Mobike and Sustainable Development

Mobike contributes to building sustainable cities and healthy lifestyles.

According to Mr. Chen, Mobike has been working with United Nations Environment Programme(UNEP) and other organizations. ‘World Cycling Day’, for example, each September 17th calls us to join green travelling. Besides, Mobike had reduced 440 tons of carbon emission by supporting the cycling of 18.2 billion kilometers for 200 million people around the world. Through breakthroughs and changes in three years, Mobike won the "Guardian of the Earth" award, and had successfully combined green lifestyle and a bussiness model into a sustainable way.

On behalf of HSBC, Dora Li, the Director of Future Skills of HSBC Asia Pacific, delivered a very inspiring speech about career development and shared her past career path and her opinions about whether a job seeker should choose his or her first workplace in a new start-up or a big company. In addition, she emphasized that HSBC had offered enormous promotion opportunities to HSBC colleagues who are enabled to choose different fields in the company according to their interests, such as banking, marketing, skill development, competition initiative, and so on. Last but not least, she shared with the audience the initiatives that HSBC took to maintain the sustainable growth of the company and clients.

Ms. Dora Li, Director of Future Skills, HSBC Asia Pacific sharing her experience with campers


Q & A 

Q: It is said that the essence of "sharing economy" is to integrate offline idle goods. Does Mobike now move away from the idea of the sharing economy?

A: For the business community, it has its own logic -- standardlization, cost control, consumer satisfaction. In our eyes, sharing economy is a more general and inclusive concept, which widely serves the society and improves the society base on new technologies and business models. Mobike is now working on a sharing rental model and on making the world better in a sustainable way.

Q: A great number of efforts have been invested in providing public service by the Shenzhen government. Is it possible that Mobile can cooperate with Shenzhen government to supply better public service?

A: Every single establishment of a new regulation and any small change of the society take place in a relatively long process. Working with government has always been our goals. As for the management of bicycle-lifespan, we (Mobike) have already reached a strategic partnership with China Recycling Development Corporation Ltd. In Shenzhen, through our big data platform, we provide data for slowing down your life.

A camper is experiencing the latest mode of Mobike.

In the afternoon, we arrived at China Emissions Exchange Shenzhen.



Emissions Exchange:The Reformation and  Innovation about Carbon Emission of Enterprises in Shenzhen

Carbon Emission Permit belongs to Public Product Management. There are three methods to manage public products.

President Ge introduced the methods of managing public products. 

Three methods of 'Public Product Management'


 know the background of this Emission Exchange?


In 2010, 'China Emission Exchange' formally established. Considering the exchange is a fusion point of pollutant emission right and carbon emission, it is named "China Emission Exchange (Shenzhen) "

Based on the research on the global carbon emission exchange system, the Emission Exchange had brought up with a new way to persuade the central government to agree with the establishment of Shenzhen Exchange.


Let's see what kind of innovative design the Emission Exchange had made?

1. Absolute cap standard → Double cap standrad (Absolute total + relative total ) 

Within the traditional framework of absolute cap, the focus is that every corporate can only exhaust under the quota distributed by government - excess emission will be fined. China Emission Exchange has proposed a double cap standard, which includes both absolute and relative cap. Under the standard of relative cap, the quota of corporate carbon emission has a relative upper limit. While both of the standards have their own focuses, a combination of the two can make the management of carbon emission more scientific and resonable.

2.Key Industry, Direct emission source→Industry-wide coverage, Direct and indirect sources of emission

Corporates with an carbon emission scale of more than 3,000 tons will be included in the scope of regulation. The typical light industry structure which is donimated by maunufacturing decides the characteristics of Shenzhen's carbon emission is that the direct emission sources are fewer and more dispersed. However, in order to fully play the carbon emission's role to reduce the carbon emission at most, the carbon emission trading system need to objectively include the industrial corporates whose emission is higher into control. Therefore, carbon emission trading system in Shenzhen should include industrial corporates into control in the beginning and cover the direct and indirect emission from production end and consumption end.

The members of HSBC Winter Camp listened carefully.


The cap of carbon emission and carbon intensity had declined.

The regulated manufacturing corporates had reached its emission peak.

Economic growth and pollutants emission had discoupled.

Notice the concept— 'carbon decoupling'. Why can it be decoupled? How to achieve decoupling? We should pay more attention to it in the future.


Why should corporates take the initiative to reduce carbon emission?

Next, the founder of Carbonstop, Oxford University alumni—Luhui Yan introduced related knowledge about corporates' carbon emission management. Let's have a look.

The founder Luhui Yan shared the knowledge of enterprise carbon management. 

Carbon Trading Emission Reduction Principles

Analysis about the pressure of enterprises' carbon emission reduction

Let's focus on the following 'stresses': 

Cost Stress: When the company is under too much stress, they can reach the goal of saving costs as well as reducing the emission of carbon by saving energy and the use of coal .

Client Stress: Mainly for export-oriented enterprises, such as L'Oreal, Colgate, Apple, etc.,  Requirements of the carbon emission for suppliers are very strict, based on which, suppliers will strive to reduce their carbon emissions.

Consumer Stress: In developed countries, consumers have a high degree of recognition for low-carbon products. Even if the price is 20%-30% higher than ordinary products, most consumers will give priority to low-carbon products when purchasing goods. Under such pressure, companies will strive to transform theirselves. 

Here we also call on everyone to support low-carbon products and do their part for the development of low-carbon business!


Then, how to manage carbon emission for corporates?

The support from leaders.

The supply chain of carbon.

Carbon asset management.

Carbon verification.

Software support.

Emission action.

Methods of Enterprise Carbon Emission Reduction

Finally, we strongly recommend the program of Carbonstop—database for carbon emission factor.  It's convenient to check your carbon footprint by logging into their official website!

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Text | Litchi African Lion, Pink Palm Swan, Honeysuckle Shiba, Moso Bamboo Otter, Sunflower Cat, Rose Panda, Lily Scavenger, Vegetable Rabbit, Tomato Ground Chicken, Palm Dwarf Kangaroo

Photo | Sika Deer

Editor | Potato Milk Cat

Proofreader | Eucalyptus Koala

