
邀请函 || 视觉文化,新媒体与当代艺术研讨会

2018-04-22 批评理论研究


Dear Sir or Madam,

The “Workshop on Visual Culture, New Media, and Contemporary Arts”, co-sponsored by CIRCE, the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Communication at the University of Turin, Italy,the Critical Theory Research Center of Shanghai University,and the Chinese Language and Literature Plateau Studies of Shanghai University is to be held in room 225, the Shanghai University press conference room, on June 23, 2018, during the 2018 International Short Term of Shanghai University.

Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, the rapid development of digital technology has given birth to new media art practices that have been entirely absorbed and embedded in daily life and cultural behavior. With the new century, great changes in the form of media have also given rise to the “three pillars” of mutual influence, infiltration, and complementary pattern between traditional literature and the arts, the mechanical reproduction technology of film and television and the digital technology of new media. Through the description and analysis of the global landscape of visual culture in the era of digital technology and the role of China therein, the workshop will help us to better grasp the aesthetic style and the mental landscape of the twenty-first century.

We warmly invite you to visit this forum. In the case of your interest, please send a return receipt to the contacts below before June 10 so as to confirm you attendance. A booklet of summary and proceedings will be published thereafter.


Zeng, Jun        Tel: 13817549841  E-mail: zjuncyu@163.com

Hao, Liang       Tel: 18021018586  E-mail: 2294714645@qq.com

Xin, Mingshang   Tel: 18428363193  E-mail: 2569824184@qq.com

CIRCE, the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Communication at the University of Turin, Italy

The Critical Theory Research Center of Shanghai University

The Chinese Language and Literature Plateau Studies of Shanghai University

April 2018




由意大利都灵大学传播学跨学科研究中心(CIRCE)、上海大学批评理论研究中心、上海大学中国语言文学高原学科联合举办的“视觉文化,新媒体与当代艺术研讨会”将于2018年上海大学国际化小学期期间的2018 年6 月23 日在上海大学出版社会议室(225 室)召开。

进入21 世纪以来,数字技术获得迅猛发展,催生了全新的新媒体艺术实践、全面渗透并嵌入日常生活和文化行为;媒介形态的巨大变化也形成了新世纪以来,形成传统的文学艺术、机械复制技术的影视艺术以及数字技术的新媒体艺术“三足鼎立”的相互影响、渗透和互补的格局。通过描述和分析数字技术时代的视觉文化研究的全球景观和中国问题,将有助于我们更好地把握21 世纪的美学风格和精神状况。

我们诚挚地邀请您拨冗莅临本次论坛。如允莅临, 烦请于6月10日之前发送回执至会务联系人的指定邮箱,确定您是否参加。届时我们会编订制作论坛摘要集及论文集,希望您能在回执中将发言主题进行反馈。


曾  军 电话:13817549841 邮箱:zjuncyu@163.com

郝  靓 电话:18021018586 邮箱:2294714645@qq.com

辛明尚 电话:18428363193 邮箱:2569824184@qq.com






