

阿诺·施瓦辛格 Economoloch Systudy 2022-03-19

“I Have a Message for My Russian Friends”

By Arnold Schwarzenegger  

2022-03-17 (US.E.T.)



1964年我14岁的时候,有机会参加在维也纳举行的世界举重锦标赛。Yury Petrovich Vlasov赢得了世界锦标赛冠军,成为第一个将200公斤重物举过头顶的人。不知怎的,我的一个朋友把我带到了后台。就这样,一个14岁的男孩突然站在了世界上最强壮的人的面前。我简直不敢相信。他伸出手来和我握手,这个男人巨大的手掌“吞下了”我的手,他很亲切,对我笑。


几年后,我在莫斯科拍摄《Red Heat》,这是第一部允许在红场拍摄的美国电影。Yury和我在一起呆了整整一天。他是如此体贴,如此善良,如此聪明,而且非常乐于奉献。他送给我一个蓝色的咖啡杯,我现在每天早上还在用。












还有那些在街上抗议入侵乌克兰的俄罗斯人。世界已经看到了你们的勇敢。我们知道,你们已经遭受了这种勇气所带来的后果。你们被逮捕,被关进监狱,被殴打。你们是我的新英雄。你们有Yury Petrovich Vlasov那样的力量,你们才是真正的俄罗斯。



I have a message for my Russian friends,and for the Russian soldiers serving inUkraine: There are things going onin the world that have been kept from you, terrible things that you should knowabout. But before I tell you about the harsh realities, let me tell you aboutthe Russian who became my hero.


In 1964, when I was 14 years old, I had thechance to attend the World Weightlifting Championships in Vienna. Yury Petrovich Vlasov won theworld-championship title, becoming the first human being to lift 200 kilogramsover his head. Somehow, a friend of mine got me backstage. All of a sudden a14-year-old boy was standing in front of the strongest man in the world. Icouldn’t believe it. He reached out to shake my hand. I still had a boy’s hand.He had this powerful man’s hand that swallowed mine, but he was kind. And hesmiled at me.


I never forgot that day. I went home andput his photo above my bed. It inspired me when I started lifting weights, butit angered my father. He didn’t like Russians, because of his experience in theSecond World War, when he was injured in Leningrad.(The Nazi army that he was part of did vicious harm to that great city and toits brave people.) My father told me to take Petrovich’s picture down, and tofind a German or Austrian hero. But I did not take the photograph down, becauseit didn’t matter to me what flag he carried.


Years later, I was in Moscowto film Red Heat, the first American movie allowed to film in Red Square. Yuri and I spent the whole day together. Hewas so thoughtful, so kind, so smart, and very giving. He gave me a blue coffeecup that I still use every morning.


The reason I’m telling you all of this isthat ever since I was 14 years old, I’ve had nothing but affection and respectfor the people ofRussia.The strength and the heart of the Russian people have always inspired me. Thatis why I hope that you will let me tell you the truth about the war inUkraine. No onelikes to hear something critical of their government. I understand that. But asa longtime friend of the Russian people, I hope that you will hear what I haveto say.


I spoke to the American people this waylast year on January 6, when a wild crowd was storming the U.S. Capitol tryingto overthrow our government. There are moments that are so wrong that we haveto speak up.


I know that your government has told youthis is a war to de-Nazify Ukraine. This is not true. De-NazifyUkraine? It isa country with a Jewish president—a Jewish president, I might add, whosefather’s three brothers were all murdered by the Nazis.Ukrainedid notstart this war. Neither did nationalists or Nazis. Those in power in theKremlin started this civil war; this is not the Russian people’s war.


Let me tell you what you should know. Onehundred forty-one nations at the United Nations voted thatRussiawas theaggressor and called for it to remove its troops immediately. Only fourcountries in the entire world voted withRussia. That is a fact. The worldhas turned againstRussiabecause of its actions inUkraine.Whole city blocks have been flattened by Russian artillery and bombs, includinga children’s hospital and a maternity hospital. Three million Ukrainianrefugees, mainly women, children, and the elderly, have already fled thecountry, and many more now seek to get out. It is a humanitarian crisis.Russia, becauseof its brutality, is now isolated from the society of nations.


You’re also not being told the truth aboutthe consequences of this war forRussiaitself. I regret to tell youthat thousands of Russian soldiers have been killed. They’ve been caughtbetween Ukrainians fighting for their homeland and the Russian leadership fightingfor conquest. Massive amounts of Russian equipment have been destroyed orabandoned. The destruction that Russian bombs are raining down upon innocentcivilians has so outraged the world that the strongest global economicsanctions ever enacted have been imposed on the country. Those who don’tdeserve it on both sides of the war will suffer.


The Russian government has lied not only toits citizens, but also to its soldiers. Some of the soldiers were told theywere going to fight the Nazis. Some were told that the Ukrainian people wouldgreet them like heroes. Some were told that they was simply going onexercises—they didn’t even know that they were going into war. And some weretold that they were there to protect ethnic Russians inUkraine. Noneof this was true. Russian soldiers have faced fierce resistance from theUkrainians who want to protect their families.


When I see babies being pulled out ofruins, I feel like I’m watching a documentary about the horrors of the SecondWorld War, not the news of today. When my father arrived in Leningrad, he was all pumped up on the liesof his government. When he left Leningrad,he was broken physically and mentally. He spent the rest of his life in pain:pain from a broken back, pain from the shrapnel that always reminded him ofthose terrible years, pain from the guilt that he felt.


Russian soldiers already know much of thistruth. You’ve seen it with your own eyes. I don’t want you to be broken like myfather. This is not a war to defendRussialike your grandfathers andyour great-grandfathers fought. This is an illegal war. Your lives, your limbs,and your futures are being sacrificed for a senseless war, condemned by theentire world. Remember that 11 million Russians have family connections toUkraine. Withevery bullet that you shoot, you shoot a brother or a sister. Every bomb andevery shell that falls is falling not on an enemy, but on a school or ahospital or a home.


I don’t think the Russian people are awarethat such things are happening. So I urge the Russian people and the Russiansoldiers inUkraineto understand the propaganda and the disinformation that you are being told. Iask you to help me spread the truth so that your fellow Russians will know thehuman catastrophe that is happening inUkraine. To President Putin, I say:You started this war. You’re leading this war. You can stop this war now.


And to the Russians who have beenprotesting on the streets against the invasion ofUkraine: The world has seen yourbravery. We know that you have suffered the consequences of your courage. Youhave been arrested. You have been jailed and you’ve been beaten. You are my newheroes. You have the strength of Yury Petrovich Vlasov. You have the true heartofRussia.


