
Mino Caggiula Architects | Alice Trepp工作室

国际设计 2023-09-17

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工作室实景图© Paolo Volonté

厄瓜多尔女雕塑家 Alice Trepp 的工作室 The Atelier Alice Trepp,坐落在风景秀丽的 Origlio 小镇。场地位于天然斜坡上,可以看到牧场、Tamaro山与湖泊,感到阵阵凉爽。

The Atelier Alice Trepp, located in the small town of Origlio with its scenic beauty, is an atelier for the equadoregna sculptress Alice Trepp. The site is characterized by a natural slope with a view of pastures, Mount Tamaro and the perception of the coolness given by the presence of the lake.

环境俯视实景图© Paolo Volonté

Alice Trepp 的工作室既是一个工作的地方,也是一个家。艺术家 Alice Trepp 用她的双手塑造雕塑,让时间的瞬间不朽。Trepp 工作室的设计既满足了艺术家的诉求,又与环境相适应。长期以来,一代又一代的艺术家都渴望拥有反映自己思想和哲学的工作室。同时,这类项目也让建筑师非常感兴趣。
Alice Trepp’s Studio is both a place of work and a home.Artist Alice Trepp models sculptures with her hands, immortalizing moments in time. The Trepp Atelier was developed for a person but also for a place. Designing an Atelier to mirror the thought and philosophy of an artist has long fascinated generations of artists and the architects charged with the task.

Alice Trepp 和她的雕塑作品 © Paolo Volonté

Trepp 工作室与地表轮廓融合,主要部分在地下——设计灵感来源于那些与自然地势相适应的古希腊剧院。建筑嵌入山坡,与蜿蜒的土地完美契合。建筑体量像树叶一样从地面上升起,浑然天成。
Atelier Trepp is built to slot as naturally as possible into the contour lines forming the morphology of the site. Placed mainly underground, it takes its cue from ancient Greek theaters that were molded to fit into the natural morphology of their context. Wedged into the two highest upward-curving contour lines, the building fits seamlessly into the sinuous lie of the land. The volume takes shape rising like leaves out of the ground to make the architecture appear a natural landscape feature.

建筑实景图 © Paolo Volonté



An iconic touch has been added by pivoting the construction around a ‘cenote’, in acknowledgement of the artist’s Ecuadorian origins. Built around this core, the two stories intersect, creating a dynamic play of transparency and visual permeability. Interior and exterior spaces blend and re-form, constantly interacting with the light and the surrounding countryside.

天井与光线实景图 © Paolo Volonté

围绕天井的建筑实景图 © Paolo Volonté

Trepp 工作室的天井是个适合冥想、与自然交流的空间。光线在水面上的折射、反射,使人多重角度感知时间流逝。随着时间推移、光线的变化,墙面捕捉到了一天中稍纵即逝的瞬间,如同纪念碑一般记录下了时间的流逝。水面上的清新气息,微风轻拂着植物,同时有鸟儿啁啾,云朵飘过,让人联想到艺术家躺在浅水的砾石上的舒适体验和感受。这样的环境让艺术家灵感迸发,从而在日常生活中寻找崇高与美好,在创作艺术作品的整个过程中都有氛围去思索。
The cenote in Atelier Trepp is a space of contemplation and communion with nature. Reflected, refracted light playing on water is conducive to a multi-sensorial awareness of the passing of time. The cenote marks out the passing of time as the day proceeds and the light changes, capturing the fleeting moments of the day. The freshness coming off the water, the light breeze that gently sways the sweet-smelling overhanging vegetation, the twittering of birds, and the view of the passing clouds conjure up visions of the artist lying on the gravel of the shallow water immersed in a moment of sensory exploration - the search for the sublime in the everyday, a moment of contemplation for the artist before, during and after the creation of a work of art.

室内实景图 © © Paolo Volonté


The project represents a refined balance between the needs of the artist client and the place where the villa is located. The insertion in the ground and the sinuous movements resulting from the project's premises have led to harmonious shapes. In particular, the roof and the cenote required a considerable inventiveness between digital design and real construction.

室内实景图 © Paolo Volonté

The distinctive design allowed the embrace of the panorama and also increased the view towards it for the neighbour. This harmonious integration into nature blurred the boundary between inside and outside, allowing a connection between them and a stimulating environment for the artist.  


总平面图© Mino Caggiula Architects

平面、剖面图© Mino Caggiula Architects

项目名称:Atelier Alice Trepp
项目地点:Viale Cassarate 1, 6900 Lugano, Switzerland
业主姓名:Alice Trepp
建筑设计:Mino Caggiula Architects
设计团队:Laura Martinez, Maurizio Ciwelli
占地面积:1998 ㎡
建筑面积:454 ㎡



