
Jakob+MacFarlane | 法国“能源插头”Odyssée Pleyel

不断前行的 国际设计 2023-09-17

远观Odyssée Pleyel(效果图) ©Jakob+MacFarlane

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Odyssée Pleyel“能源插头”项目涉及到一个废弃工业结构的“零碳改造更新和扩建”,该工业结构面积1400㎡、高24m,最初建于20世纪30年代。新项目位于法国巴黎郊区圣但尼镇,紧邻大巴黎快线新站及2024奥运村和残奥村。
Odyssée Pleyel – The Energy Plug project involves a “zero-carbon retrofit and extension” of a disused 1400-square meter, 24-meter high industrial structure originally built in the 1930s. Located in the suburban town of Saint-Denis, the new project will be located next to a new station of the Grand Paris Express and to the Olympic and Paralympic Village 2024.    


Odyssée Pleyel鸟瞰(效果图)©Jakob+MacFarlane


The Energy Plug was a winner of the C40 Reinventing Cities competition in which nineteen cities across the globe had identified a total of 49 underutilized sites aimed to be transformed into beacons of sustainable and resilient urban development. Reinventing Cities is a global call for innovative ideas launched by C40, a network of the world’s major cities that champion environmental responsibility.

Odyssée Pleyel正面(效果图) ©Jakob+MacFarlane

项目场地位于巴黎北部郊区,法国主要能源供应商——法国电力公司(EDF)曾在那里拥有一个巨大的存储和维修区,以维护附近一座高污染、燃煤发电站。项目所在的这片区域建于20世纪30年代,于60年代废弃, EDF使用了场地部分区域建造总部。当该建筑用于C40重塑城市竞赛时,另一部分则在2019年之前一直处于废弃状态。

The site of this project is in a northern suburb of Paris, where Electricité de France (EDF), the country’s major energy provider, used to have a vast storage and repair area for a nearby, highly polluting, coal-fired power station. Constructed in the 1930s, it was decommissioned in the ‘60s, with EDF using part of the site to build their headquarters. The other part remained derelict until 2019, when the building was made available for the C40 Reinventing Cities competition.

Odyssée Pleyel(模型) ©Nicolas Borel


Our winning project was based on achieving synergy between existing and new, sustainable architecture – a synergy imagined as plugging into the old to give it a new lease of life. Our intention was to preserve an “environmentally challenged” 20th-century building and adapt it to new uses while achieving zero-carbon performance.

Odyssée Pleyel功能分区 ©Jakob+MacFarlane


This was made possible through the Energy Plug system developed by our team. A world premiere with this project, the Energy Plug is an adaptable prototype that can be clipped onto any ex-industrial building.


Based on a prefabricated modular timber structure, its design defines interior comfort through allowing natural lighting and ventilation, limiting heat loss and controlling solar gain. A vertical greenhouse integrated in the south facade not only produces food, but also supports a pleasant indoor climate almost all year round and with no additional air conditioning. The building is protected from solar gain by the world’s first “solar canopy” that has a 4-fold utility: electricity and heat production; rainwater recovery and thermal protection. 

Odyssée Pleyel南立面(模型) ©Nicolas Borel

屋顶模块 ©Jakob+MacFarlane


Functionally, the project will act as a showcase of clean energy solutions and stimulate ecological innovation by hosting scientific workshops and clean energy start-ups, as well as facilitating educational programs for local schools. A restaurant backed by a social reintegration initiative will provide a welcoming meeting place.

项目内部(效果图) ©Jakob+MacFarlane


轴测图 ©Jakob+MacFarlane

平面图 ©Jakob+MacFarlane

项目名称 Odyssée Pleyel

项目位置 法国 圣但尼

项目类型 公共设施

建筑设计 Jakob+MacFarlane

主创设计 Dominique Jakob, Brendan MacFarlane

合作伙伴 Eckersley O’Callaghan (结构工程、木结构), EDF research team (环境创新), Les Fermes de Gally (垂直温室)

项目业主 RAIM

设计时间 2019-至今

建造时间 预计2024年完成



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