

国际设计 2023-09-17

森之谷外观 Forest Valley ©夏至


项目背景 Background 


The site of this project is located in the valley of Rehe, the North of Chengde City in China, providing primitive forest environment. In ancient times, there were enormous volcanic eruptions, leaving the site natural and superior hot spring resources.

项目所在的山谷 The valley where the project is located ©夏至

基地原始照片 Original photos of site ©B.L.U.E.


Most of the hot springs in the valley used to serve the locals, Now, in order to provide a place for people in fast-paced urban life to slow down and relax, we want to create a unique hot spring experience by combining plants and hot springs. After walking through the entire valley and observing the surroundings, we chose the location of inflection point in the center of deep valley. Surrounded by mountains and facing tranquil water, the site is a natural place with serenity.

设计理念 Concept 


During our site reconnaissance, the atmosphere of nature changes frequently in the valley environment. Some places in the valley are bright, and some gets dark immediately; The temperature varies constantly in different locations in the rolling valley; Sometimes we hear the crystal sound of running water and sometimes we hear the sound of birds singing…… Our key design concept develops from the free and open spatial experience with natural elements in the forest. Thus, we intend to incorporate the unique experience into our design. 

外部环境 External environment of project ©夏至


The design attempts to simulate and correspond to the form of continuous mountain range through creating a form of spatial combination of soaring vertical solid towers and horizontal transparent glass boxes. Meanwhile, hot springs and plants, as the two major functional space, are interspersed with each other, presenting a diverse spatial variation like the form of the rolling valley. 

概念图 Concept drawing ©B.L.U.E.

顶视图 Top view ©夏至

实体塔楼和水平透明玻璃盒子的空间组合 Spatial combination of soaring vertical solid towers and horizontal transparent glass boxes ©夏至

空间特征 Spatial Features


There are eight towers in total with different height and angles. The first floor at the two of the towers provide hot spring pools, while at the rest of the towers provide service spaces. The second floors at the eight towers are 2 spas, 5 pools and a rest space. Outside the towers, we design large open plant landscape areas covered in glass boxes. 

一层泡池 Hot spring pool on the first floor ©夏至

大开敞植物景观区域 Large open plant landscape areas ©夏至


The eight towers are connected by walking trails on the first floor and by air corridors on the second floor. They are all closed loops with no end, leaving plenty of possibilities of circulation for guests, just like walking in the forest. Along the circulation paths, small-scale functional spaces such as coffee shops, rest areas, makeup space and retail are scattered around to enrich the walking experience.

空中连廊 Air corridors ©夏至


Inside the towers, guests can look outside at the thick layer of snow or green leaves outside while soaking in the hot springs through large windows. They can also see the planes flying across the sky or the glittering stars through skylights. It also will be a pleasant journey in the woods if you step out of the tower and walk on the corridor like wander through the trees.

天窗 Skylight ©夏至

材质细部 Materials and Details


Volcanic rocks and hot springs are both geologic formations after volcanic eruptions. In order to express the energy of nature, we select volcanic rock as the material for external walls of the towers. The volcanic rocks are hung up layer by layer, like the layering of vegetation on the mountain. 

外墙为一层层叠挂的火山岩材质 The volcanic rocks are hung up layer by layer ©夏至


The horizontal glass-box space reveals a sense of transparency and blur, contrasting with the solid tower buildings. 

虚与实的对比 The contrast between transparency and blur ©夏至


For the interior, we use three main materials: bamboo, timber and stone. By combining the lighting and the depth of the towers in four different layouts, we create a special sense of ritual for bathing in hot spring. 

原木材料 Timber material ©夏至

场所精神 Spirit of Space


In modern fast-paced urban life, functional spaces like hot springs are becoming increasingly important. When people appear in the space after taking off their clothes, the complexity from outside world, and their social identity, communication between human and nature and communication between people are both becoming more honest and true. Forest Valley Hot Spring Center is providing a place and an opportunity for modern city people to encounter and interact with nature.

夜晚的森之谷 Forest Valley at nignt ©夏至


总平图 Site plan ©B.L.U.E.

一层平面图 Ground Floor Plan ©B.L.U.E.

二层平面图 Second Floor plan ©B.L.U.E.

剖面图 Section ©B.L.U.E.


项目名称 森之谷温泉中心

项目地点 河北省承德市隆化县七家镇

项目类型 温泉Spa

项目客户 拾得大地幸福集团

建筑设计 B.L.U.E. 建筑设计事务所

建筑师 青山周平,藤井洋子,杨辉勇,李嘉习,陈百一,谷灵熙,吴卉仪(B.L.U.E. 建筑设计事务所)

建筑施工图设计 中国建筑标准设计研究院有限公司

幕墙施工图设计 中标建设集团股份有限公司

室内设计 B.L.U.E. 建筑设计事务所

室内景观设计 高古奇,杨浩

建筑面积 1560㎡

建筑层数 2层

结构形式 钢框架结构

主要材质 室外 火山岩,玻璃,黑钢板,锈钢板,竹钢  室内 竹钢,黑钢板,蒙古黑石材,芝麻白石材,灰色凹凸肌理涂料

设计周期 2017年6月——2017年12月

施工周期 2017年9月——2019年9月

摄影师 夏至

Project Name Forest Valley Hot spring Center

Project Location Qi Jia Village, Long Hua, Cheng De City, He Bei Province

Element Hot spring Spa

Client SD Harvest Land Group  Co, Ltd.

Architecture Design B.L.U.E. Architecture Studio

Architects ShuHei Aoyama, Yoko Fujii, Huiyong Yang, Jiaxi Li, Baiyi Chen, Lingxi Gu, Huiyi Wu(B.L.U.E. Architecture Studio)

Construction Drawing Design China Institute of Building Standard Design & Research Co, Ltd.

Architectural Curtain Wall Design BWCG

Interior Design B.L.U.E. Architecture Studio

Interior Landscape Guqi Gao, Hao Yang

Architecture Area 1560 ㎡

Architecture Storey 2

Structure Steel Frame Structure

Material Architecture Volcanic rock, Glass, Black steel, Rusty steel, Laminated Bamboo Interior Volcanic rock, Black steel, Laminated Bamboo, Black/White Granite, Texture paint 

Design Period June 2017 -  Dec 2017

Construction Period Sept 2017  -  Sept 2019

Photography Xia Zhi


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