
园冶杯参赛作品 | Studio27 Architecture: 美国两河公立特许学校青年校区

国际设计 2023-09-17

项目外观 Exterior ©Hoaclander Davis Photography

感谢 Studio Twenty Seven Architecture 分享

两河公立特许学校是美国华盛顿特区优质的公立特许学校体系。这所新中学青年校区由Studio Twenty Seven Architecture设计,拥有一流设施,配备有大教室、专用公共空间、全尺寸体育馆、室外球场、标志性“坐式台阶”的门厅。它服务6至8年级学生,通过架空走廊与现有小学相连。特殊教学室包括艺术、戏剧、音乐、西班牙语、科学实验室和分组教学空间。
Two Rivers Public Charter School is a network of high-performing public charter schools in Washington DC. The new middle school at Young campus, designed by Studio Twenty Seven Architecture, is a state-of-the-art facility featuring large classrooms, dedicated common space, a full-sized gymnasium, outdoor courts and the signature ‘sitting steps’ in the foyer. This school serves 6th through 8th graders and is connected to the existing elementary school via an elevated bridge. Special instruction rooms include art, drama, music, Spanish, science lab, and breakout instructional spaces.

主入口 Main Entrance ©Hoachlander Davis Photography

“坐式台阶”的门厅 The signature ‘sitting steps’ in the foyer ©Hoaclander Davis Photography

通过架空走廊与现有小学相连 Connected to the existing elementary school via an elevated bridge ©Hoachlander Davis Photography

教室一角 A corner of the classroom ©Hoachlander Davis Photography

在项目范围内至关重要的是通过严格的工程经济学实践制定项目预算和进度计划。利用CPM关键路径法 (Critical path method) 有70天的完整设计期。

Crucial in the project scope included the project budget and schedule development through rigorous value engineering exercises. Utilization of a CPM method produced a 70-day complete design duration.


Expansion Ready: Due to the limited site, the school wanted to ensure any future vertical expansion was possible. This design accommodates load capacity to carry another story if more space is needed.

学校二层 Second story ©Hoachlander Davis Photography

主动线楼梯 Main circulation stair ©Hoachlander Davis Photography

曲线走廊 Curved corridor ©Hoachlander Davis Photography

项目位于指定的阿纳科斯蒂亚分水岭流域,需要采取额外的雨洪管理措施。为了满足场地的紧凑,Studio Twenty Seven Architecture通过以下措施最大化建筑的绿色屋顶:
Project is located in a designated Anacostia Watershed zone which requires additional stormwater management measures. In order to meet the requirements on the tight site, we maximized the green roof of the building by:

  • 悬臂倾斜屋顶一定角度,最大化二楼屋顶面,实现斜向光线的控制。

  • Implementing a cantilevered corner which maximizes the 2nd floor roof plane and thus also enabling the sloped light monitor. 

  • 提升机械设备,考虑到下方的绿色屋顶。

  • We also elevated the mechanical equipment to allow for green roof below.

  • 有课间休息计划,所有室外游乐区均设计为可渗水的,包括橡胶化游戏场表面和组合铺砖的篮球场。

  • All outdoor play areas are designed to be permeable including the rubberized play surface and a modular tiled basketball court while still allowing recess program.

篮球场 Basketball Court ©Hoachlander Davis Photography

  • 交通岛的生物滞留区处理来自建筑物周边和下车区的地面雨水。

  • A bioretention area at the traffic circle treats all surface storm water from the perimeter of the building and the drop-off drive. 

交通岛的生物滞留区 A bioretention area at the traffic circle ©Hoachlander Davis Photography

  • 所有人行走道表面均为透水铺装。

  • All walkway surfaces are permeable pavers.


Cost Saving Measures: Kept the existing gym floor and repaired and damaged areas, it has been beautifully restored and carries the history of the space. Utilized a portion of the existing building for elective classrooms to save cost and work with the program.


The Bridge: Physically connecting the two buildings was arrived at through investigation. It made the most sense for the school programmatically and with the running of infrastructure from the existing building. The schools share a kitchen and nurse’s suite, avoiding redundant program saved cost and gave more learning space to the students.


The corner cantilever of the building helped us achieve multiple objectives: Covered outdoor seating area for students waiting before school or for classes to gather during school, a larger green roof footprint, more play space behind the building because the building can cover a portion of the dropoff circle, and a more welcoming less intrusive face to the street.

有顶盖的室外座位区 Covered outdoor seating area ©Hoachlander Davis Photograph

建筑背后更多游乐空间 More play space behind the building ©Hoachlander Davis Photograph


理念意向 Concept diagram ©Studio Twenty Seven Architecture

一层平面图 First Floor Plan ©Studio Twenty Seven Architecture

二层平面图 Second Floor Plan ©Studio Twenty Seven Architecture

南北剖面 Building Section - North/South ©Studio Twenty Seven Architecture

东西剖面 Building Section - East/West ©Studio Twenty Seven Architecture


项目名称 Project Name: Two Rivers Public Charter School at Young Campus 

项目位置 Location: Washington, DC USA

场地面积 Site Area: 237,734 SF

建筑面积 Building Area: 28,414 GSF

容积率 Plot Ratio: 0.12

地上层数 Number of ground floors: 1 (2 stories total)

地下层数 Number of underground floors: 0 (stepped concrete footings)

项目业主 Client: Two Rivers Public Charter School

设计机构 Design Firm: Studio Twenty Seven Architecture

合作伙伴 Cooperative Partners: 

结构工程 Structural Engineering: Ehlert Bryan

机电工程 MEP Engineering: Engenium Group

土木工程 Civil Engineering: Christopher Consultants
绿色建筑顾问 LEED Consultant: Dan Triman
岩土及环境工程 Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering: ECS Mid-Atlantic
主创设计师 Chief Designer: Jacob Marzolf, AIA, Associate Principal
其他设计师 Other Designers: Natalie Mutchler, AIA, IIDA
建造公司 Construction Firm: MCN Build
设计周期 Design Period: 2019.4.12 - 2019.7.19
建造周期 Construction Period: 2020.6 - 2020.12


三上建筑事务所 | 日本日立市立日高小学校
园冶杯参赛作品 | 欧博迈亚:长沙马栏山视频文创园



